This Stupid Town

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Walking along a familiar footpath crackling under your feet you come to a stop and push the door open to your favourite little shop in this stupid town.
"Hey y/n, how's it going?", the woman pops up behind the register having re arranged some jewellery in the glass shelving under it, you are one of her regulars.
You know this store is disguised well with all its trinkets at the front for tourists and what you actually need way in the back.
"Hey Tina, still stuck in this stupid ass town.. so... you know" you shrug.
"Ah its not all bad, shout out if you need a hand", you nod as you walk away.

You find the back corner with its worn out shelving, you don't really need anything you just want some retail therapy after having to discuss trauma in your actual therapy session today. Scowling at your psychologists words "hexing someone isn't really the way to work through this though, is it".
You chuckle to yourself i mean.. I thought it was funny.

You pick up some black candles, a small black obsidian crystal just becuase it looked extra shiny, stock up on sage smelling it briefly.
Scanning the shelves you spot the incense, smelling one by one, frankincense and wicca smelt the nicest. You move to the occult jewellery section and spot a pendant, that's got to be some kind of sigil you think spinning it around in your hand not having seen one like that before.

 You move to the occult jewellery section and spot a pendant, that's got to be some kind of sigil you think spinning it around in your hand not having seen one like that before

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You take a photo of it so you can look it up later and place it gently back.
Before heading to the register you pick up what looks to be a small bird skull, I'll take you home.
You've never taken bones home before but for some reason you feel sad for it.

You dump your things on the counter dropping the frankincense, you bend to pick it up and there neatly next to it is a large black feather on the floor, you pick up both and put the incense on the counter while twirling the feather in your fingers.
"Where'd that come from?" Tina asks peering over the counter.
"It was just on the floor" you shrug.
"I just swept" she looks confused. "Guess it was meant for you then" she smiles.

She looks down at everything you've piled on the counter "listen, I don't know as much about the craft as you but.." she moves her pointer finger around in a circle above all your things, "this.. doesn't look too great, you know?".
You look down, Oh it does look a bit ominus you think moving the objects around like it'll make it look better. "Just some retail therapy, honestly didn't even think about what I was picking".
Tina raises an eyebrow at you "mhmm ok then" not entirely happy with your answer she bags it all up for and as your paying she pops a hand ontop of yours "I'm always here to chat if you need Y/N".
You nod and thank her, she walks with you to the door and waves you out.

"Oh wait!" You fish your phone out of your pocket, Tina pops her head through the almost closed door, "What's this?" You ask showing her the picture of the pendant.
She looks back towards the shelving even though you can't see it from the door and looks back at you more concerned then before.
"I'm not sure y/n, I didn't even know we had that here". She looks back at the shelving.
"Ok, well, see you next time".
She nods at you still looking confused and walks back in the shop.

On the walk home you spot some deep red roses and stop to smell them, they smell so good, forgetting that roses have thorns you pick one "shhhiit" you hiss quietly.
Sucking the blood off your finger thinking God damn it.
You see something crawling out if the corner of your eye...crawling? No.. slithering, fucking hell a snake? It's not the right time of year for those and with that you quicken your pace home.

You get to your overgrown, falling apart little house and unlock your door that the landlord let you paint purple. The only reason youre in this town was becuse the rent was cheap and you had to get away from your toxic family. You love your little house though, there is a kind of magic about it.

You are greeted by your very fat but apparently starving cat, "would you let me get through the door before you start howling at me for food please?!" you try to get through without letting her escape, this town is full of assholes who don't like ...

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You are greeted by your very fat but apparently starving cat, "would you let me get through the door before you start howling at me for food please?!" you try to get through without letting her escape, this town is full of assholes who don't like wandering cats and who knows what would happen to her if she got out.

You bend to pick her up, "like you need more food Lucy" you huff and walk through plopping her on the table with your bag.
Lucy is short for Lucifer as she has 2 markings above her eyes that remind you of horns, Satan shortened is sata which sounds rediculous and Devil shortened is devi which is a Hindu goddess so Lucy fit her the best and made sense to you.

You fix her up some wet food and she purrs at you like the little maniac she is. You connect your phone to your cheap blu tooth speaker and pop on Spotify "daily mix made for you" while you change for work.
You start rocking out to Katatonia, Disturbed and Sleep Token, you twirl a braid into a bun then start putting mascarra on when a song you've not heard before starts to play, it's slow, you walk back to the table to skip but you pause as the singing starts.
Lucifer whispering silently into your mind, who walks behind, who walks behind.
The singing mesmerises you.
Standing tall, invincible, but do not forget your knives, to save your lives
To save your lives.
You check the band name, Ghost and you press follow. Seeing the time you pause the music.
"Shit, gotta go, be good Lucy!", she responds with a soft mew happily fed, tail in the air.

You jog to work, the good thing about a small town and no drivers license is eveything is close by. You haven't been able to even try for your license since your friend died in a car crash 10 years earlier.
You slow down as you reach your favourte little shortcut of overgrown trees and dirt path as the sun starts to set.
You notice a turn in the path you've never noticed before. What the..? but there's no time to explore, it's getting darker and you're going to be late if you don't get a move on.

You arrive at work right on time, you're a waitress at the local restaurant, it's a nice set up but nothing fancy like in the city.

"Hey! y/n, you're here, finally" your bestfriend and co worker Mitch greets you with a sly grin, you raise an eyebrow at him and walk into the kitchens together.
"Table 5, hottest man everrrr" he groans. "Well, off you go" you giggle patting his back "go get him!".
You put your bag in your little locker and grab a pen and pad to write on.
Work is generally slow and uninteresting, but it was amusing watching Mitch trying to catch this man's attention.

You both walk in the kitchens to grab plates to serve as soon as the door shuts he jumps up and down and shows you that he got this guys number "his name is Luke" he places the paper to his heart and closes his eyes for a moment and you burst out laughing, "What?!? I'm in LOVE y/n!". "You sure are" you chuckle as you walk back out with the food.

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