Surprise Me

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Papa turns to the ghouls "last set for today is Faith, alright, Let's Go!"
They start playing immediately.
Papa is facing mountain and punching the air along with his drumming, he leans forward and a low guttural growl rumbles around you sending shivers down your body.

You sing along until Papa growls while staring at you,
"I am all eyes
I am all ears
I am the wall
And I'm watching you fall". The throaty fierceness of it sends heart-stirring goosebumps all over you. You cover your cheeks incase they've turned red which you suspect they have.
They finish but you're too in awe to clap.
"Did you not like that one y/n" Papa smiles.
"No! It wasn't... I just.... it was...." you can't find the right words to put in any coherent order. Papa tilts his head slightly at you and chuckles as he helps the ghouls pack up.

You watch them all move about for a bit, you can tell the Ghoulettes apart from the Ghouls but you're still not sure who is who. From the interactions here you already know who Mountain is, the tall one, Aether has broad shoulders, Sodo is small and stomps a lot, the one theyve been calling Rain keeps to himself and Swiss was singing back up.

You watch the Ghoulettes for a little bit, you look at the one who was just called Sunshine by one of the Ghouls, she's tall, youre desperatly trying to keep everyones names and details locked in your brain.
You glance at Papa, he watching you watch the Ghouls. You raise an eye brow at him and he turns and contines packing up.
You're left with figuring out the last 2 Ghoulettes one of which has to be Cumulus, they're chatting together and notice you watching them.

They walk over, "Did you enjoy the songs?" The one you don't recognise asks. "Absolutely incredible, all of you!" You smile.
"Cirrus" she holds out her hand.
Oh, that's right. You put your hand out to shake but she brings you in for hug instead.
That leaves Cumulus, you turn to her and smile awkwardly.
"Listen" she starts, "about the other day".
"No" you put your hand up to stop her, "I was really overwhelmed and reacted badly, I'm very sorry".

"You don't need to be sorry" she says "I was just really excited, no one blames you for how you reacted to my big mouth" she giggles.
Cumulus and Cirrus, walk either side of you and link arms, they breathe in deeply.
"Ok, can everyone stop sniffing me already?! I know what youre doing!"
The Ghoulettes laugh so hard they double over.

"Ok, ok, ok" Cumulus trying hard to breathe to stop herself from laughing, "It's just ahh" Cirrus adds smelling the air around you. "Are you ok there?" You ask eyebrow raised. Cirrus nods keeping her mouth shut, looking like she's holing her breath so she doesn't laugh anymore.
"Come on sunshine!" Cumulus yells over her shoulder. You glance over at Papa and your eyes meet, seemingly reading your mind he nods and tells you that it's safe to go by shooing you away with his hands.
Sunshine walks up behind the three of you and breathes in "Ooh he was right".
"He who?" You ask shaking your head.
They laugh, "Come on, were going to our favourite room".

You all walk back up the stairs you came down. You notice this time the door is very thick, Cirrus notices you looking at the door, "See?" She opens it to show you, "soundproof".
"Not to mention all the pading in the room" Sunshine adds.
They all nod in unison. "Can't hear a thing from out here and that's saying something from us" Cumulus laughs as she steps out back into the corridor.

You follow the Ghoulettes through a darkly lit hallway with a door at the end, "back in the 60s this was called the servant quarters,  Papa fixed it up for us" Cirrus hops down the narrow stairwell.
"You say that like you were there" you mumble.
You manage to get down without breaking anything. Now that's a magical feat. You might be witchy but youre clumsy as hell.

The opening leads to a bright corridor with many doors several meters apart. "These are our rooms" Sunshine says as she squeezes past. Cumulus grabs your hand, "come on".
There's an archway between rooms that leads into, "Ah our favourite room" Cirrus jumps on a sofa and pops her feet up.

You look around "this only has a bar" you laugh.
"Exactly" Sunshine says walking behind the bar to make some drinks.
Cumulus pushes you into an armchair, "Get the good seats before the others come! What do you drink?".
"Surprise me" you smile, "ohh we have a brave one here" she winks.
"Cumulus?" You watch her look over at you turning on the bar stool, "yeah?" She tilts her head slightly.
"You said before at the stairway "That's saying something for one of us", what did you mean by that?"

She gets up and walks over handing Cirrus her drink. "Papa told us he told you?" She asks.
"I mean, he told me something, that's for sure" you pause. "You can't possibly be creatures under there?"
"Oh, creatures is a bit harsh" Sunshine says bringing a drink over for you "Surprise" she laughs handing a very large glass to you.
You sniff it nervously and take a sip. You smile up at sunshine who is awaiting a verdict, "delicious" you say, "thank you".
Sunshine happily pops herself down on another sofa and pops a bottle of wine and starts drinking like its a beer.
All the chairs surrounding a massive fire place, a billiard table to one side, the bar behind you and on the other side is shelves full of alcohol with a couple tables and chairs.

"So" you continue, "you're telling me, right now, I, a mere boring human, is sitting with a bunch of, grave digging, blood drinking, not creature-y creatures, who came up from hell, pledged their loyalty to Papa...Ni-something, however many years ago and have been here ever since serving all the Papas after him?"
Youre getting more drunk by the minute.
"Not quite" Cirrus laughs, "yeah, you're not boring" Cumulus chimes in.
The three them burst into laughter.

"Seriously though?" You reach over to Sunshine who's the closest "What's under there?".
She moves just out of your reach "dont" she says simply. "Sorry, I think I'm already tipsy".

"Y/n, it's ok. Listen, Papa told you the truth, arnt witches all about believing the unseen? You're sure having a hard time with it" Shunshine sighs.

"As i told Papa-" you remember what you told him and finish off your drink, "nevermind".
You stand up. "Speaking of, I should probably find him to talk about leaving and then go to bed".

"But we just started" Cirrus says pouting.
"You havent had dinner" Cumulus points out.
You mention that you're just not hungry.
"Good one Sunshine" Cirrus says as you walk out saying goodnight.

You manage to find yourself infront some stairs that lead somewhere you can't remember because your brain is covered in an alcoholic fog.
So you sit on the lower step and rest your head on the banister.

You look at your phone 6.35pm, 2 emails.
You open up the first one, it's from work, the business manager.

This is a letter to inform you of your current suspension without pay until further notice....

You close not able to bring yourself to finish it. You open the second one, it's from your boss.

I have tried to explain eveything to my boss but theres only so much i can do, even with your doctor stepping in they thought it was best to suspend you. It means you are not fired and can come back when you're ready, but unfortunately means your payments stop. I'm so sorry.

You close that one too.
"Fuck", you rest your head in your hands.

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