A Bewitching Sight

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After the performance, which was more theatrical then you'd imagined it would be, a few sisters put out cakes, coffee and tea for anyone who wanted to stay and chat.

It wasn't a small church but it it was so full there was barely any room to move, you notice Papa and Ghouls are being ambushed by a bunch of screaming people.
Your eyes meet momentarily with Papas and you turn away to navigate your way out with lots of "excuse me" and "oh sorry". Manouvering carefully so you don't step on anyone or trip over.

You find the front door and push it open and breathe in relief as the door shuts behind you.
You go around the back and find the little seat in the cemetary and hop up cross legged and rest.
The breeze calms all your senses and you can feel whisps of your hair billowing around in the wind. You sit there like that, eyes closed with eveything running through your mind for a little bit.

You jump, eyes wide open "fucking hell bird, I was having a moment" you say annoyed to the crow sitting on the headstone infront of you.
It stares intently at you. "What?!"  There's no way that's the same bird.
"Leave me alone" you glare at it.
The crow hops to the edge of the headstone, spreads its wings and glides to the seat your on.
You put your hand out to see what happens.
It jumps on your hand and you slowly bring it up to your face. "Are you someone's pet that got lost?"
It let's you pet it with your other hand.
The crow leans over and pokes your nose with its beak "Did you just boop me?" It caws softly at you and you burst into laughter.

"Now That is a bewitching sight".
You jump again which scares the crow who caws again and flies off.
"I am sorry for startling you cara". Papa stands a few feet from you, he's changed out of his robes to the vest and shirt he was wearing before.
"How long were you standing there for?".
"Long enough" He smiles and gestures to the seat "may I join you?".
You answer by un crossing your legs and moving over a bit.

You look towards the church "your fangirl group not following?". 
He chuckles, "the ghouls are keeping them occupied, I wanted to see what you thought of our church, you ran out very quickly" he says sitting down. It's a small seat, youre very aware of his leg touching yours.

"It became very crowded and I like sitting here" you say looking anywhere but him becuse you can feel his eyes on you and that white eye seems to see right through you.
You glance at him though because he won't stop staring.
He smiles "what did you think? Are we a cult?".
You look at your lap, "mm it was a little bit culty" you look at him and hold up your thumb and pointer fingers together to show a small amount just between them. "Just a bit".
He laughs "How so?".
You raise your eyebrows at him "There was a woman crying behind me at one point, I mean.... I don't know" you shrug and laugh.
You look back down "It was different that's for sure... Lots of food for thought".

"Do you believe in Lucifer?" he's still watching you.
"I think so" you nod thinking of your meditative contact with him and your dreams.
"I think your friend is a sign from him, hes watching over you" he waves his arm to the trees.
You look up and there perched is that damn crow watching you.

"I must go back inside tesoro" you watch him take your hand in his,
"I hope you don't mind waiting until more people leave to talk some more?"
You nod. "Not like I can go anywhere anyway" you laugh awkwardly.
Papa smiles at you "Please don't stay out here for too long, you can wait in the back room if you need to".
"Thank you"
He kisses your hand gently, watches you as your face turns into a tomato and laughs softly as he turns and walks back to the church.

You cross your legs again and sit enjoying the peace for a good while until the wind picks up and begins to cool down some more.
You get up and walk to the church noticing there are still a lot of cars but a lot less than before.

You reach to open the door but someone else beat you to it.
"Aha there you are child, hiding in the cemetary were you? Come in, you look like youre about to fly away!".
You smile, and walks inside or rather pushed inside by the wind.

Sister Umbra ushers you around and introduces you to a few Sisters and members who have been part of the church for a while, they seem genuinly nice.
That's how they all usually present themselves.
You dont know how to trust your instincts anymore.
Sister Umbra watches your brain ticking over for a moment. "Tea?" She asks knowingly. You sigh with relief, "yes please".
You follow her to the back room, she opens the door, but it's loud in here too. The chatting stops as soon as you walk in.

"Y/n, nice to see you, how did you enjoy the Ritual?" Sister Imperator asks turning to you, she's standing next to several nameless ghouls, some standing some sitting, you spot Mountain purely from his size but the rest all look the same.
"I ..uh.. it was...good ... I guess?" You stumble mostly from shock of walking into a room full of strangely dressed people...or Ghouls... whatever they are. That and Sister Imperator is incredibly intimidating.

"Good, you guess?" She repeats as she raises an eyebrow at you.
Sister Umbra chuckles and makes her way over to make tea, you follow not wanting to be stuck to the spot.

Sister Umbra hands you your tea as the Matriarch looks you over she turns to Sister Umbra.
"Tell C he has a lot of things that need reading over and signing on his desk" she glances at you "I can't find the man" she rolls her eyes.
"Of course Sister" Sister Umbra chuckles softly.
Sister Imperator says goodbye to eveyone and walks out.

"Come, I'll introduce you to our Ghouls dear". They all turn to stare at you in unison.
Beyond creepy.
"Mountain, you already know" she gestures to him, he's sitting down but he looks like he could poke his eyes out with his knees. He waves and smiles. You nod back.
From left to right she keeps going, next to Mountain is "Aether, Swiss, Cirrus, Sodo, Cumulus, Sunshine and Rain" she points as she goes and each bring a hand up in greeting.

You try to find different features to identify them each but, "I'm not going to remember any of that" you look at Sister Umbra, the Ghouls all laugh along with Sister Umbra.
"They are all vastly different, it's easier then you think" she reassures you.

"I must find Papa, are you going to be ok?", youre about to ask if you can just go with her but Mountain gets up and gestures for you to sit where he was.
"She will be ok" he smiles.

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