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You spend the afternoon with the Ghouls in the bar room, they're excited for your ritual.
"Do you lot ever stop drinking?" You ask amused at them all.
"No!" They all say in unison, stopping momentarily from playing billiards, dancing and chatting, raising their glasses/bottles at each other and having a drink.
You shake your head. You're sitting at the table with Cirrus chatting about what to expect "and make sure you bring something gorgeous to change into" she mentions. "Ok" you laugh.

Papa enters the bar and spots you, Cirrus gets up and joins Sunshine and Cumulus dancing around distracting Mountain and Sodo from their game.

"Not drinking?" Papa asks smiling.
"Absolutely not, I'm still traumatized" you laugh. You tap your glass "water".
Swiss comes over with a glass full of amber liquid "Ah Grazie" he says raising his glass as Swiss joins Rain on the sofa.

You rest your elbow on the table and your head in your hand.
"Would you rather it just be a few of us on Sunday or are you ok joining the other four in the ritual?" Papa asks suddenly.
"I can do it with the rest, I don't want to make a big deal over it" you shrug.
"Ah, but it is a big deal!" He smiles genuinly.

"Come ooon" the Ghoulettes come dancing past and pull you off your seat. You hadnt noticed the rest of the Ghouls had left.
"Where are we going?" You ask looking at them and back at Papa.
"To play music!" They laugh
"You can play while you're this drunk?" You ask confused and impressed.
Papa laughs.

Youre half dragged and half made to dance your way to the practise room and then shoved onto the couch. Papa sits with you.
Sodo, Aether and Rain grab some guitars.
Cumulus dumps some papers on you "Pick a song".
"Oh uhm" you look through. "Can i have a guitar pick please?".
Sodo is the first to throw you one.
You line the papers up on the floor and lean forward and flick the pick like youre tossing a coin.

"Did you do that on purpose?" Cirrus looks up from where the pick landed.
"How would I have done that on purpose?" You laugh
"Youre a witch!" Sodo adds
"What are you talking about?" Youre confused now you can't read the papers from where you're sitting.
Papa leans further out, "Ah! Tis the night of the witch!" He gleams.
"Stand by him!" Sunshine smiles "nice".

Mountain moves a wooden box closer to where everyone is sitting and sits ontop of it, he starts hitting it creating a beat. Ghouls kick in with the guitars and then Papa starts singing;

"The Devil's power is the greatest one
When his' and hers' holiest shun the sun
A temptress smitten by the blackest force
A vicar bitten blind in intercourse
The witch hammer struck her down
On our Sabbath she's unbound"

The Ghoulettes join in singing and Papa looks over at you,

"Tis the night of the witch, 'tis the night of the witch tonight
And the vengeance is hers for as long as she stands by him".

It was a very enjoyable afternoon that had preoccupied you enough that you'd stopped thinking about the upcoming ritual and you'd forgotten about your mothers text.

After dinner on the way back to your rooms Papa says goodnight, you both turn to enter your rooms, your phone dings a few times as soon as youre in the door way.

"Fuck" you mutter under your breath knowing exactly what's happened.
You look at your phone and sure enough there are more texts from her.

"Y/n?" Papa puts his hand on your shoulder gently but you jump anyway.
"Sorry tesoro". You turn around to face him.
"Are you ok?" He asks.
You sigh "what does she want from me?" You ask him handing him your phone.
He frowns reading the texts and hands the phone back. "I'm not sure mia cara".
You notice there are voice mails aswell and you press play.
"Y/N where are you? Why arnt you home? I need to talk to you this is ridiculous. You're acting like a child!"

"Are you with that devil man? He's corrupt you, youre brainwashed! Please call me!"

"I can't believe this, you've done this to yourself Y/N, you've brought this damnnation onto yourself!"

"Cara?" Papa says looking up at the flickering light.
"I'm breathing, I'm fine" you lie. "Goodnight" and you close the door rudely in his face.
You get changed then walk to the balcony to call your mother.

"Finally!" She answers
"What exactly is it that you want from me?" You ask angrily
"Where are you?" She asks
"WHY do you want to know?" You try to take a deep breath
"Your father is sick" she says sadly.
"Why would I care?! I hope he's in pain!" You notice the wind picking up Fuck.
"Y/N, he's still your father! We still love you" she gasps
"You still?? What..?? You're saying that like IVE done something? HE took advantage of me and so many others, YOU didn't do anything and you both still love me? Make that make sense?!" Youre blind with a burning rage in your chest.
"Y/n what are you talking about?" Shes very good at manipulating but you know her tricks.
"I don't know what you want and why you had me followed, Leave me alone or I'll get the police involved" you threaten.

You hear her sigh "I just want you back at our church your following a very dark path"
"What in the world makes you think I'd ever step back in that church again, after everything you put me through?!"
"Eveyone goes through it, it's normal!" She says exasperated
"No it's not! It's not normal, it's abuse! It's religious abuse! Something I've been in therapy for! As for my dark path Mother, these devil people I've found, are more like family to me then any blood family I've ever had, you are not my family, you never have been".
You end the call and block the number.

You groan angrily, you want to throw something. You turn to walk back inside walking straight into Papa and scream for a second.
"Can you stop doing that!" You glare at him.
He doesn't say anything he just brings you into a tight hug.
Your breathing settles as does the wind.

"Youre supposed to knock before you enter someone's room" you say muffled into his chest.
"Door was unlocked" he mumbles into your hair kissing the top of your head.
"Will you be ok?" He asks lessening the tightness of the hug looking down at you.

"I don't know" you mumble.
"Come" he pushes you into your bedroom.
"Um excuse me?!" You say shocked, heat rising to your face.
"Tesoro, get your mind out of the gutter" he smirks pulling the blankets back "In".
You get in "Are you tucking me in? Youre not my m-" you stop yourself.
He pulls the blankets back to cover you.
"No, I'm not" he hops up, lays ontop of the blankets and holds his arm out for you.
You wiggle closer and lean on him, he wraps his arm around you. Lucy jumps up and makes herself comfy on Papa.
I could get used to this.

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