You Are Set Free

520 19 7

"Ave Satanas. Let us begin.
Oh Satan,
Beneficial one,
Seat of knowledge and power,
Indulger of Desires,
And great rebel of old.
Let us become as you are,
Radiant as the sun,
Yet black as a moonless night.
We walk the left hand path together".
Papa walks from left to right infront of you all sprinkling dirt on your feet.

He walks back to the table and takes thruible that a ghoul had just put insence in.
"Oh mighty Lucifer,
Vapous of mellinnia which you have shared with your chosen flock are rekindled now to fill this chamber with your presence".
Papa swings the thruible infront of each of you a couple of times.
"Breathe his breath".

You are each handed a candle by a Ghoul. Papa walks from left to right lighting each until he stands infront of you and yours burst into flame on its own, hearing a few gasps from those that noticed, looking up, amusement showing on Papas face very briefly.
"Your new path is tonight set forth in all the brilliance of lucifers flame. May he guide your steps into the ultimate power which knowledge brings. Follow the black flame, a pact of devotion learning the ways of Belial."
You all each separately one after the other place your candle in a candelabra.

"Do you reject God?"
"Yes" the five of you chant together.
"Do renounce the faith of your past to be free of its bonds?"

"Raise your right hand in the sign of the horns" Papa instructs. "And recieve this oath"
You all raise your hand.
"You who rejects the divine mindlessness, testify your unyeilding loyalty to the wonderous order of His creation and the majesty of your own being amongst the marvels of the universe.
Accept the pleasure and pain from a unique existence. Lord Lucifer of light who is exalted as Satan, receives you,
Hail Satan!". "Hail Satan" the entire church repeats.

Papa walks to the steps of the pool facing everyone lifting his robes slightly. He beckons the first person, he mumbles things you can't quite hear to each of them as he let's them crash into the water and brings them back up, not carelessly but not carefully either. When they come back up you can see everything, like the gown wasnt even there.
Once they are out he dips his thumb in a bowl a Ghoul holds out for him, again saying something softly you can't hear while making an inverted cross on their forehead.

Papa looks at you and beckons you over, you get to the steps and he moves so his back is towards the crowd.
"Im right here" he wispers. Looking directly into your eyes
"You are returned from death to life", he places one hand behind your neck and one just above your navel as he lowers you into the water, you take a breath and time stops as he pushes you gently under.
Eyes still open underwater you see Papa still staring at you but you see a bright light behind him and then Lucifers wings just as Papa brings you back crashing through the waters surface he immediately turns you towards him, "you are set free" he whiserps into your ear holding you close.

You realize you've started crying, your tears hot, you cannot control the sobbing, a life long weight feels as if its been lifted.
Papa reaches over to the sacred ash in a way that still keeps you covered from everyone's eyes, he slowly makes an inverted cross on your forehead and wipes some tears with his fingers.
He is handed a towl and drapes it over you. Sister Umbra ushers you to the back room.

You see the others already starting to change infront of each other staring at your red blotchy face like you're insane. Sister Umbra takes you through the arch way and into a big bathroom. "Here dear, take your time". She closes the door behind her. You sit on the floor and sob for a good few minutes releasing a lot of pent up emotions.
You get dry and dressed into the outfit the Ghoullettes chose for you and towel dry your hair as best you can.

You finally open the door and leave.
Everyone's back in the church. You look out the window longing to escape to the cemetary.
"Y/n", you turn, they've let Mitch in, "Oh thank God" you say running towards him. "Didn't you just renounce him?" He says looking at the cross on your forehead scooping you up into a hug "shut the fuck up" you mumble laughing.
"Are you ok?" He says looking at you concerned
"Yes, i think so" you smile.
"Well, what the hell are we doing in here? We're missing the show!" He grabs your arm and takes you back to the church.

The stage has been made to what it was before the ritual, the Ghoulettes already playing the keyboard.
Papa spots you, a glow in his eyes as he watches you enter.
When did he change?!

"It's the same old song that I always sing each year
But just because it's perennial doesn't make it less real
And I believe that you could be what I need to believe
I believe
Oh it just keeps coming 'round again
To just keeps coming 'round again"
His eyes do not leave yours as you move forward into room.

"The conclusion I need is easily reached with you
You have given me all and there's nothing left to do
And I believe that you could be what I need to believe
I believe"

You force yourself to look away from fear of turning into a tomato.
You see Sister Imperator walking towards you. Great. You force a smile.
The song comes to an end.
She holds her hand out.
"Well done y/n, you did very well" she smiles taking a sip of wine.
"Oh, thank you" you bow your head slightly. "You have made an impression" she nods towards the stage, smiles at you and walks off.
Mitch laughs and nudges you.

You look back up and Papa is still watching you.

The choir starts this time
"Belial, Behemoth, Beelzebub, Asmodeus, Satanas, Lucifer"
"Oh I love this one!" Mitch starts rocking up and down when the music starts.
When Papa starts singing "Hell Satan, Archangelo" the entire church joins in, including you.

[I mixed passages from the church of Satan unbaptism and the satanist baptism created by Anton S. Lavey to creat my own "perging of god"]

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