I Am Not A Child

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Papas mis-matched eyes study you, you stare at each other for what feels like an eternity.
"I have to tell the Clergy" he says quietly getting up.
"The Clergy?" You ask.
"Ah the ordained members of the church" he explains holding his hand out.
You take his hand but don't get up "look, much better." You smile.
He looks at his hands,
"la mia strega oscura, grazie" he grins "Come".

"What will they do?" You still haven't stood up.
"Nothing, mia cara," he says sitting back down. "No one will do anything to you." He takes your hand "It is  important information, you must trust me".

You want to argue back that lots of people have the same birthday but you know it won't do any good.
Papa buttons the top of his shirt back up you try not to stare and puts on a vest.
He decides you both need to eat first before you go to the church.

Sister Umbra is serving breakfast at the dining table, Papa reaches out and touches her arm "Would you please get the Clergy gathered in the church today Sister", she glances at you and then back at Papa "of course".
The Ghouls all stop eating to watch the interaction, "What's happening?" Cirrus asks. "You will find out" he says simply.
Cirrus nudges your arm, but you continue to just stare at your plate while you eat.

While you're all finishing up Sister Umbra comes back, "they should all be there within 40 minutes".
"Grazie, Sister".
You can feel some of the ghouls watching you.

"Alright my friends, let's go" Papa says getting out of his chair. He holds out his hand, you take it and stand up. He puts your arm around his, sensing your unease he whispers "It's ok cara, you are safe".

When you get to the church it's just the Ghouls, Sister Umbra, yourself and Papa. You find the furthest pew at the back from eveyone and sit down, you rest your arms on the back of the pew infront and then your head on your arms.
You feel someone sit next to you, "What's going on?" They whisper, it sounds like Cumulus but you don't look up you just shrug. You feel like you're at school and have been sent to detention.
She pats your back and gets up.

You sit back and stare at the staind glass imagery.
The Clergy members soon start coming in at different times. You rest your head on the wall next to you not daring to look at any of them.

You see Papa walking towards you from the corner of your eye, he's holding the book. He sits close enough to you that your bodies are touching.
"Are you ok?" He asks looking at the staind glass with you.
"I feel like I'm in trouble".
"Why?" He looks at you.
"I'm... not sure" you shrug.
He takes your hand "It'll be ok mia cara" he quickly kisses you hand and gets up.

"Sit, sit everyone!" Papa calls out.
They all gather in the front row pews leaving you alone.

"Thank you for getting here so quickly" he bows his head at them all.
"As we all know, the ancient texts of Beelzebub that we are all familiar with" he holds the book up, "tells us of many things that have been and things that are to come" he opens the book to a familiar spot.
"The text on the one delivered by the power of darkness" he looks up as the Clergy nods back at him,
"I have found her" he points at you.

Your eyes widen, youre not sure how you thought this was going to go but that wasnt it. There are loud gasps as heads turn your way, you look down at at your hands.

"C" a voice sighs, you look up, "Sister imperator" Papa nods, she's standing "what you Do in your own time, is no concern of ours" she gestures to you. "But you can not possibly think that we can believe this."
What is her problem?
"We are going to need proof" comes another voice with a murmuring wave of agreement.
By the look on his face you don't think Papa thought that far.
"Well" he starts "for one it's her birthday at the bottom here" he points to the Roman numerals and you hear the audible eye rolls.
"Sister Umbra has witnessed her passage through to the church and I have witnessed her power, the Ghouls sense her power" he states. You see Sister Umbra and the Ghouls nodding and it gives you a sense of relief.

Sister Imperator stands again, "C, you are making a mockery of us all".
Another stands "maybe she can proove her powers, give her the benefit of the doubt?" He says to Sister Imperator.

You scoot to the end of the pew, you figure if you escape now they can't humiliate you.
They all turn as you stand to leave, Fuck.

You stand there like a deer caught in headlights.
"Well, child?" Sister Imperator demands crossing her arms.
You look at Papa who looks incredibly apologetic and worried.
"I'm not a child" you mumble
"Excuse me?" She half yells at you.
"Sister, this is unnecessary, ive gone about this the wrong way, there are things you don't know that need to be discussed in-"

"I. (A light starts swinging above you) AM. (A sudden gale starts rattling the windows)
NOT. (Lights start flickering on and off)
A. (All the candles wicks burst into flames)
CHILD!" You scream and the swinging light above you bursts, there is a shower of glass over you.
Instinct kicks in and you crouch over putting your hands over your head.
Papa is at your side in an instant but you are unharmed.
Angry, you push him away, you notice Sister Imperator is smiling as you speed walk out of the church.

You open the doors and you hear a familiar caw.
You run to the cemetary, the crow flying above you.
You find a patch of grass obscured by large tombstones incase anyone comes looking for you and lay down, they won't be able to spot you easily here.

The crow lands on one of tombstones and looks down at you.
"Ever been humiliated by the Matriarch of a bunch of religious assholes?" You ask it.
"Yeah, i didn't think so" you mumble.

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