Everything Sucks Except You

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"Child! What are you doing sitting here?"
You just look up at Sister Umbra without saying anything.
"Oh dear Satan what have they given you?" She sighs. "Come on, up, up!"
"What are you doing here?" You mumble trying to stand as she pulls you up.
"I live here!" She tuts.
"Oh, yeah".
"What have you had?" She asks again, "It was only one drink", you slur.
"Y/n to them, one drink is about ten bottles of Vodka, come on" she starts shoving you up the stairs and you mumble incoherently at her.

She half carries you down a hall, "Papa! For the love of Satan, help me!" Sister Umbra cries.
You hear a quick shuffling of feet and are lifted up by Papa with pure ease, he puts your arm around his neck and holds onto that hand, he wraps his other arm around your waist while you try to walk.
"What happened?" He asks concern ringing in his voice.
"Your Ghouls are what happend, she only had one drink but you know what they're like, you need to speak with them, she may be a witch but she is Not A Ghoul!" She scolds.
"Yes, of course Sister".

You get to where ever they are taking you and Papa sits you in a chair at a table, you slump forward and hit your head on the table. "Oh, shit!" He mumbles sitting you back upright.
"I'm good" you give him a wobbly thumbs up.
Sister Umbra chuckles "I better feed her".
You realize youre in the kitchen, you watch a blurry Sister Umbra race around making dinner. Papa hands you a glass, you sniff it. Amused, he laughs "it's just water, drink".

You have a drink and lower your head, slowly, back onto the table, half face up, facing, you hope, Papa, who has reached over and tucked some hair behind your ear.
"Guess what?" You mumble into the cold table.
"What?" He asks smiling.
"Everything sucks" you groan "except you" you poke Papas arm "and you" you point at Sister Umbra, at least you hope you are, there are three of her. "And Mitch and my cat" you continue.

Papa leans on the table with his elbow and covers his mouth with one hand, stifling laughter.
"Well, that's kind of you child" Sister Umbra walks over and whacks Papa on the arm.
Papa takes a deep breath in, "Why does everything...Ah.. "Suck"?" He sits you up as Sister Umbra puts food down infront of you.

You pull out your phone, it takes a good couple of minutes to try and focus your eyes to find the right emails. "Here" you slide your phone to him "swipe over to the next one". Sister Umbra reads over his shoulder too.

He slides it over to the next email, they both sigh at the same time. Papa puts his hand ontop of yours and slides your phone back.
"I have to go feed the Ghouls they'll be ravashing, will you...." Sister Umbra trails off at Papa nodding his head. She puts a plate of food infront of him too.

"Right now, you need food, we can talk about it later." Papa slides your plate infront of you.
"I don't know" you mumble. "I might vomit".
"You will if you don't eat" he says.

You only manage a few mouthfuls before your eyeslids get very heavy.

You wake up in your bed, at home, Lucy purring next to you.
What the actual fuck?.
Your head feels like it might implode from pain, you get up and groan, you find where you store your pain meds, grab a glass of water and take a couple.
You lean against the counter massaging your head "I am insane".

"No you are not tesoro", and there he is, Papa walks into the kitchen from your living room.
Mitch then bounds in grinning like a maniac "Y/N!! It's Papa!!"
You groan, "shhh" you hold onto your head like it's going to fall off and slide down onto the floor.

When you hit the floor you immediately become a sobbing mess, from fear, confusion... relief? You're not sure, maybe youre just hung over or all of the above.

Papa sits next to you and puts an arm around you, "You passed out, I thought you might need your friend and your cat...." he pauses
"I didn't want to leave you" he whispers.
"It's not safe at home anyway, Sister Umbra almost screamed the Ghouls back to hell" he pretends to shudder, it makes you giggle.

You poke his arm. "What was that for?" He chuckles. "Making sure you're not a delusion" you say pulling him down into a hug which he gladly reciprocates.

Mitch kneels infront of you, Lucy has joined and jumped on you.
"Can we get off the floor? You can still cry in the living room" Mitch says grabbing your hands to stand you up much to Lucys annoyance.
Laughing you bring him into a hug. "Don't get snot on me please".

Mitch explains once you are all comfortable, "Firstly, and I've already appologised for the way I answered the phone, I did think it was you and it was 4am"
Your eyes widen "oh no, how did you answer?"
Papa raises an eyebrow "he asked me "What do you want Bitch?""
You burst out laughing.
"I already appologised" Mitch says waving his hands infront of him. "He called me with your phone, I've only ever had phone calls from you, from your phone!"

Papa smirks at his defensiveness. "I explained a few things to Mitch, i dont think he believed me at first, but he knew i had you and was taking you home so he met me here, he is a great friend".

"I'm also very gay, so whatever is going on here" he gestures between you and Papa "is not the same thing going on here" he gestures between you and himself.
You turn and glare at him. "What the fuck Mitch?" You whisper feeling your face burn.
Mitch shrugs, "Anyway" he continues, you brave a glance at Papa in the arm chair, Lucy has jumped on him and he smiles warmly at you petting Lucy.

"I opened the door and Papa put you to bed, we talked for a while, he told me what happend with work and you getting plastered! Rude, by the way, next time I want to join. And then I had a nap and then you got up and here we are".

"Here we are" you repeat sighing.

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