Are You Going To Join?

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"That's all we can hope for tesoro, we'd be lucky for you to join us" he smiles squeezing your knee.

You swirl the last bits of your hot chocolate that you're not going to drink in your cup and watch it move.
"What's ticking in your mind?" Papa asks.

You bite your lip thinking back on the day and sigh. "I'm really sorry for acting like a child after telling everyone I'm not and putting everyone in danger".
He takes your cup and puts it on the coffee table with his.
Papa takes both of your hands, "You were hurting by no fault of your own tesoro" he says gently.

"Why didn't you run with the rest of them? Even the Ghouls moved back, you could have been hurt". You mumble the last part.

"I told you, one of the things that Ghouls are suseptible to is magick." He says
"Why didn't you leave as well then?" You ask looking up at him.
"I believe I have told you that too" he smiles
You look away as you think back and remember when you were on the floor sobbing when Papa told you he didn't want to leave you. Your eyes reach his again.
The thought gives you a warm feeling in your chest, it must have shown on your face.
Papa puts an arm around you "Come here".

As soon as your head hits his chest, not realising how tired you were, you fall asleep.

You wake up to some movement, opening your eyes slightly you realize Papa is halfway to standing up.
"Wait" you mumble, You stretch your arm out and it reaches his wrist.
"I should go" he whispers taking your hand and kissing it.
"No" you groan sleepily.
Papa watches you amused for a moment but sits back down and puts his feet up on the coffee table. He puts his arm on the back of the sofa gesturing for you to come back, you place your head back where it was, he wraps his arm around you and you drift back off to sleep to the beat of his heart.

You wake up feeling a vibrating heavyness on your side, you open your eyes, Lucy has decided you are her bed. You see a hand thats not yours scratching her head and realize you've fallen onto Papa's lap, you sit up immediately "im so sorry!", Lucy jumps off you as you move.
"It is ok tesoro" he smiles "but I really must go now".
You nod "thank you for staying"
"qualsiasi cosa per te, see you at breakfast, sì?" He smiles from the doorway.
"Um yes".
I wish hed stop doing that.

You walk to your balcony, the only place you can find reception inside your room and text Mitch;
[Are you up?]
[Ok I'm going to call you]

You call Mitch he answers with a sassy "What!".
You laugh "That's not how you address the most powerfull witch of ALL time" Your sass competing with his.
"What?" He repeats with confusion this time.
You fill him in on eveything.
"So are you going to join?" He asks
"That's your first question? Shit, you're more accepting then me". You sigh
"Well, as your bestfriend it's my duty to come along and i need to plan my outfit." You can hear the smirk in his voice.
"Should I?" You ask seriously
"Yep" he states quickly.
"What, just like that?" You ask confused.
"I need something to do on the weekdend" he sighs
You laugh "You're the Worst bestfriend!"

You chat for a while and then towards the end of the conversation he asks "Are you going to join, seriously though?"
There's a silence "I think.. I might" you pause again. "Papa said "I'm right where I'm meant to be" and I heard that when I was in a dream state right before shit went down and I feel like that has to mean something".
You hear Mitch sigh on the other end "I don't understand much of what you say these days but I love ya!"
"Love you too, I need to get dressed and head down to breakfast"
"What?! You don't even have to make your own breakfast?!" He gasps "excuse me while I go pack!"
You laugh and tell him you'll text him Sundays details and say your goodbyes.

You find a simple but cute black dress to put on with some tights and boots. You quickly brush your hair adding a hidden braid in a half up half down do. Quickly add a small amount of make up and leave to go to the dining area.

You open the door at the exact same time Papa opens his, you look at each other for a moment. Your phone dings which is weird since it only ever works at the balcony. You look at your phone and notice you have one flickering bar of reception.
You click to see what it says and choke on the air, hand to your throat, panic rising.
[Y/n, it's your mother, please call me, i want to talk]
I bet You do.

You don't realize Papa is standing directly infront of you. "Are you ok tesoro?"
Startled, you jump. "Yes, I am so super ok, really totally fine".
"You are a terrible liar" he smirks.
You sigh "so, I've been told".
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to" he says holding his arm out "breakfast?"

You take his arm and walk together.
Once you're in the dining area eating the Ghouls waste no time, they all stare at you, your mid chew when you look up and notice.
"What?" You ask covering your mouth.
"Well?" Cirrus starts
"Are you going to join?" Cumulus finishes

"Oh" you try to finish chewing quickly.
"Um.." you pause
"You don't need to answer, they are just impatient" Papa says putting his coffee down.
"You want to know as badly as we do!" Sodo pipes up
"It's Friday" Sunshine says
"She has to make her mind up by tomorrow" Cirrus adds.

"I think, I probably will, actually" you say nodding
"Really?" Sunshine asks leaning forward to see you past Cumulus.

"Sì" you say copying Papas accent.
The Ghouls all burst into laughter with you.
Papa is looking at you eyebrows raised tutting at you shaking his head, chuckling.

qualsiasi cosa per te - anything for you

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