Our Father Who Art In Hell

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Papa walks infront and you stop Sister Umbra by touching her wrist briefly. She turns and looks around at you.
You watch Papa walk up the stairs and into the building.
You look at Sister Umbra "why did you tell him?" you ask quietly feeling I bit betrayed.

"Oh my dear child, I didn't." She grabs a hold of both of your hands.
"He was here that day, he told me you were in the cemetary crying your eyes out, I told him i thought it best to let you get it out and then bring you in for a warm drink."
She pauses studying your face.
"He heard our conversation from the office, I am so sorry, he was supposed to be busy" she smiles warmly and your anger disappears.
She let's go and you both continue to walk "It was hard to convince him to let Mountain take you home, he forgets he is a busy man sometimes".
He wanted to take me home?

You look up at the building and see a crow perched above the doorway, "Are you following me?" You blurt forgetting you're not at home. Sister Umbra looks at you.
The crow caws loudly and swoops flying low enough it clips its wings on your hair.
The Sister chuckles "You have a friend!".

You walk inside and Sister Umbra ushers you to a pew in the front row "Oh I'd rather be back there" you point at the closest pew near the exit.
"Nonsense dear, you wont want to miss this" she pushes you down by your shoulders. Strong for an old woman geez.

You look up and see stained glass windows where the sheet was covering them last time you were in here.

You look up and see stained glass windows where the sheet was covering them last time you were in here

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You study the details for a little bit before noticing how much louder it's getting. You turn your head to see that most seats are taken, a couple people walk up to sit next to you. Most people look pretty "normal" for a satanist church.
Was I expecting demons?

It's 12:00.
Papa bounds to front waving where everyone can see him, he is decked out in his clerical robes. Black and gold shining in the light coming through the windows.
He steps backwards up onto the edge of the stage and balances there.

"Hello my sisters and brothers?! How are you?" he shouts loudly into the microphone hes holding in one hand, the other arm out in welcome that lifts his robes up a bit and you see his pointed shoes underneath.
There is a muttering of answers mixed with loud applause.
"Good, good" he nods. "It is good to see you again, old faces, and new!".
He doesn't need to look around he spots you immediately.
Does he ever take that facepaint off?

"Now, before we get to the fun, I'd like to have a quick talk with you all".

"It has been dark times, sì?" He says solemnly, there's a wave of nodding around you.
"For a lot of you it hasn't been easy, but the Morning Star shines brightest in the darkness.
We are damned by most, but all it is we seek is wisdom, truth and freedom! You can find strength in our community, lean on us and we will support you." He looks at you for a moment.

"Now", he walks over to the podium and stands behind it flipping over some pages of a book.
"For our new visitors, The light barer is the morning star or Lucifer." He pauses looking around.
"Lucifer is no profane title" he reassures.
"It is latin, Luciferus, the light bringer, Moring Star, equivalent to the Greek Phosphorus, the name of the pure, pale, herald of the daylight.
Thus, Lucifer, the spirit of Intellectual enlightenment and freedom of thought, is the guiding becon which helps us find our way through life's adversaries".
He closes the book, he wasn't even looking at anyway.
"He is light and truth, the one who liberates us from Gods slavery.
The left hand path is mostly a solitary one. This is the cost of not being part of the herd"
A wave of nodding and applause surrounds you.

He continues "being at peace in one's own company without the validation from others is what seperates the wolves from the sheep" he walks back to the middle of the stage that he started at.
"Perhaps Lucifer loved humanity so much, he rebelled when God abandoned us, so he left heaven to join us. The serpant is not our enemy but he who made GODS of our race, knowing good and evil; he bade "know thyself" and taught initiation." He pauses "But WHAT is the meaning of initiation?" He booms.
"It is the path to the realization of your Self as the sole, the supreme, the absolute of all Truth, Beauty, Purity and Perfection".
There is a roar of "hail satan" and applause all around you.
He waits for everyone to settle.
"Let's pray" he raises his hands and bows his head, the words echo all around you.

"Our father, who art in Hell
Unhallowed, be thy name
Cursed be thy sons and daughters
Of our nemesis who are to blame
Thy kingdom come, Nema"

He draws an inverted cross in the air and everyone claps.

"Now, who's ready for some music, hey?!"
You watch the nameless ghouls walk onto the stage to their various instruments, you can't tell them apart except for Mountain who's practically a damn giant, he spots you, smiles and waves, all you see are the whites of his teeth.
You smile weakly back and raise a couple fingers without your hands leaving your lap and wave them slightly.

The guitar starts and then the druming picks up.
Definitely not traditional church music.
You tap your fingers along, you think youve heard this one.

Papa sings-
"Call out in the middle of the night
For when else would I hear you?

Fall out in the cold starlight
I can save you if you do".

He walks forward a little, you notice people around you get up and move to the music.
Papa looks directly at you, there is no second guessing it.
"You will never walk alone
You can always reach me
You will never ever walk alone".

He walks back and continues, you see the people next to you look at you out of the corner of your eye.

"Call me Little Sunshine
Call me, call me Mephistopheles
Call me when you feel all alone
Just call me Little Sunshine".

You spend the rest of the song watching your fingers as you tap along.

[Quotes from Aleister Crowley, and "Lucifer a theosophical magazine" are used in this chapter]

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