quirk doctor

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Before I start I'm gonna give a shout out to Fuck_Endeavor for the idea for this story

We see a young child waking up in his room filled with his favorite hero merch. This boy's name is izuku midoryia and he's really excited because today is his 4th birthday. He rushed to his parents bedroom to go wake them up.


Inko and hisashi slowly wake up and rub their eyes.

Hisashi: ok ok were up.

Inko: lets go eat breakfast then we'll head out.

Izuku rushes down the stairs and sits at the table while his mom goes to the kitchen and makes breakfast for everyone.

Time skip to in the doctors office

Doctor: so we have good news your son has a quirk

Inko: that's good

Doctor: the bad news is its really dangerous

Hisashi:*thinking* great the bitch birthed a villain

Doctor: his quirk is called shadow manipulation its a powerful quirk where he can hide within shadows and can paralyze people by connecting his shadow to theirs but what makes the quirk dangerous is if he loses control of his emotions in this state the person he has trapped could die

Both parents look disgusted at izuku at the news of his quirk

Inko:*thinking* I would have rather raised a quirkless son at least I could use them as a slave

Hisashi:*thinking* I'm not gonna deal with this monster

Doctor: well that's all have a great day

Inko: thank you doctor

As they left the doctors office inko and hisashi ignored izuku entirely he even had to buckle himself into his carseat.

Time skip to the midoryia household
Izuku pov

Me:*thinking* after we found out about my quirk mom and dad have been avoiding me and cancelled my birthday party

Inko: go to your room I don't want to see you for the rest of the day

Me: ok mo-

Inko: don't call me that you brat

Me: O-ok

I went upstairs as mom told me and would stay there for the rest of they day not even eating lunch or dinner but I would only find out this is just the beginning


Hey this is my first time writing a story so don't hate on it too hard if you guys wanna see a specific ship or ships in this story you can say it right here because I still don't have the main ship just yet because I wanted to leave it up to you guys

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