semi finals and finals

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Sorry about the slow updates I have things going on irl and I'm losing more and more motivation by the day but I'm gonna keep doing these because you guys are enjoying them

Izuku POV

It's time for the semi final matches and me and iida are standing in the arena

Midnight: are you two boys ready

Both: yes

Midnight: BEGIN

Me and iida start to go at each other with him using his engines and me using 20% of OFA. We both look to be an even matchup until his engines start to overheat and I take advantage of this and toss him out of the ring.

Midnight: Izuku wins

I go and help iida up

Me: you did good iida but you gotta work on control during your recipro burst

Iida: thank you for the tip izuku

Me: its not a problem

Me and iida go back up to the stands and go to watch tokoyami and bakugo fight

Mina: sooo izuku who do you think is gonna win against the two

Me: its obvious that its gonna be bakugo

Mina: why's that

Iida: I can answer that one. You see tokoyami's dark shadow is weakened by light and bakugo's explosions emit light so Dark shadow is basically rendered useless and from what we see tokoyami uses dark shadow as their main form of attack

Me: that's right iida good job

We see the two enter the ring. Midnight starts the fight and as iida said dark shadow was rendered useless as bakugo used explosion after explosion to keep pushing dark shadow back until tokoyami was pushed out of the ring

Me: welp I gotta go get this Pomeranian off his high horse

Mina: good luck izuku

Me: thanks mina *thousand watt smile*

Mina:*blushes* yeah no problem

I walk away to get ready to fight and beat bakugo

Mina POV

As I see izuku walk away Uraraka approaches me

Uraraka: hey can I talk to you for a minute

Me: sure

Uraraka: lets go somewhere more private

Me: alright

I get up and we go somewhere else

Uraraka: *pins me to the wall* now you listen here you alien bitch izuku is mine and not yours

Me: why do you think you can claim him

Uraraka: I dunno why do you think he'd love a pink freak

I was shocked by her words but before I could respond someone put a hand on her shoulder

Izuku: Uraraka get off of her

Uraraka: oh izuku *lets me go* how long have you been standing there

Izuku: long enough to hear you call her a pink freak

Uraraka: t-that was j-just a joke

Izuku: it didn't sound like one

Me: because it wasn't she attacked me because you asked me out

Uraraka: its because you can do so much better then this freak

Izuku: I think I can make assumptions for my own and I think you're not the right girl

Uraraka: *shocked* w-what

Izuku: now if you excuse me I've got a sports festival to win

Izuku POV

After seeing the whole fiasco go down against mina and Uraraka I just wanted this to get done faster

Midnight: are you two boys ready

Me: yeah

Bakugo: whatever

Midnight: BEGIN

As we start the fight bakugo goes for a right hook and I just grab his arm and charge up 10% of OFA and slam him into the ground. Bakugo gets back up and tries again me not wanting to dead with him or anyone else just decides to end the fight now by charging OFA to 45% and flinging bakugo out of the ring

Midnight: izuku wins

Skip to the awards ceremony

As we stand on the podium all might comes from the sky medals in hand. He hands one out to each of us but he was hesitant to hand mine over.

In an undisclosed location

???: master why did you take so much interest in that brat who killed nomu

AFO: well tomura he is my son

Shigaraki: so you want to recruit him

AFO: yes


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