choosing hero names and hosu incident

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Hey y'all I had asked if you guys wanted a name change for izuku's hero name and by the lack of responses I'm guessing you want to keep it his vigilante name so enjoy the new part

Izuku POV

Its been 3 days and were finally back at school and today dad is standing at the front of the classroom and he looks like he has something important to tell us

Dadzawa: ok today we have something important to do something that will change the course of your career forever

1-A: *thought* is it another test

Dadzawa: you have to pick your hero name

1-A: *exited*

Dadzawa: bit I won't be the one to help you with this

Uraraka: then who sir

Midnight: *comes through the door* that would be me

1-A: MS midnight!?

Time skip to izuku and hitoshi choosing their names

Hitoshi: the mind hero: brain hacker

Midnight: that's a good one

I walks up with my whiteboard in hand and show it to the class

me: the in the dark hero: shadow

Midnight: using your vigilante name kinda on the nose but don't you think people are gonna get scared when they hear the name

Me: at first they might but I'm gonna show that the vigilante shadow is now a full fledged hero

Everyone but a select 3 people get real excited because I've come to terms and accepted who I was

Time skip again

Its been a few weeks and I started to do my work study with gran torino the person who trained all might himself. The first few days he wanted to know what I could do with the quirk. He was surprised with how much I could do. The days after he had me training with weights and weighted clothes to get more muscle mass. Today he tells me were going to hosu to do patrol

GT: now remember kid I know you can still do your work but just remember if things get too much for you there are pros in the area so ask for help

Me: yes sir

We walk to the train station and get on. 15 minutes later danger sense goes off and  I look to see a grey looking nomu coming towards the train


As I say that the nomu bursts through the side of the train and tries to grab me but gran torino kicks him away

GT: lets go kid

Me: right

We go through the hole and go to fight the nomus

Meanwhile on a rooftop

Shiggy POV

Ahh such chaos I hope it gets his attention so we can get Intel so it will be easier to capture him during their summer camp

Back to izuku

Izuku POV

Why are there so many nomu here I've taken down like 4 of these things already and I noticed todoroki was here as well helping me

Me: why is there so many nomu

Todoroki: I don't know but lets keep pushing through hopefully it will end soon enough

Me: yeah we ca-

I suddenly get picked up by a flying nomu


Todoroki tries to set the nomu on fire but he couldn't. Suddenly someone jumped at the nomu and stabbed it straight in its brain. It was found out to be stain who apparently saved me due to me being a true hero and wanted to make sure no true hero died that day


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