kamino ward

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Let's just get into this

After the training camp incident some of the students and pros were injured so they were in the hospital trying to recover one of them being Mina. When she woke up she seen a few of her classmates standing around her

Kirishima: hey you feeling alright?

Mina: yeah but....

Kirishima: I know izubro was taken

Mina just couldn't take it, why did the villains want izuku anyway? Did they want to try to recruit him, but how? Izuku had a heart of gold and wouldn't ever join the villains

Kirishima: some of us are going to try to get him back

Mina: who's coming?

Kirishima: me, todobro, iidabro and yaomomo


kirishima: but I thought you hate izubro?

Bakugo just looks away, he doesn't want to admit it but he's worried for izuku because he really was an asshole to him up until now

Bakugo: I have my own reasons

Mina: I say let him come the more hands on board to look for him gives us a better chance to find him

Kirishima: I guess you're right

Iida: We'll be leaving tonight so everyone be ready

In the next room over shinso had just gotten off the phone with his dads and just found out what happened to his adopted brother just as kirishima walked in

Kirishima: oh good shinbro you're awake

Shinso: Yeah.... I'm awake

Kirishima: so shinbro I wanted to ask you something

Shinso: yeah?

Kirishima: well me and a few other classmates are making our own search party for izubro do you-

Shinso: yeah I'll help

Kirishima: alright we're gathering out front tonight so be ready

Shinso just nodded as kirishima walked out

That night

Kirishima and the rest of the group gathered outside of the hospital and shinso is glaring at bakugo

Shinso: what's he doing here?

Kirishima: calm down shinbro, bakugo said he wanted to help

Shinso: whatever he just better help find my brother

Meanwhile across the city izuku was just waking up in the league hideout

???: shh he's waking up

???: I see that you dumbass

Izuku opens his eyes and stiffened seeing shigaraki and kurogiri in front of him as well as a few others

Shigaraki: your finally awake

???: shiggy he's so cute can I take his blood

Shigaraki: toga we talked about this, we need him alive

Toga: your no fun shiggy

Izuku looks at the blonde hair girl that he now knows as toga and recognized her as one of the villains that escaped when he tried to capture them

???: yeah crazy we need him alive

Izuku then looked at the man with the burnt skin and know he's touya todoroki but he goes by dabi now

???: sorry about them, they aren't always like this

Izuku then sees a girl with long purple hair and red eyes sporting a band hoodie and sweatpants and had never seen her before so he keeps his guard up

Author here, this character is an OC of mine so here's a quick character brief, her name is Jessie she's 20 years old and her quirk is called demon. Her quirk basically gives her a demon form and for the most part she can control it unless she loses control of her emotions. Thanks for staying with me in this long winded explanation back to the story

Jessie: I'm jessie, I'm a new member of the league

Shigaraki: don't give him your real name demon Queen!

Jessie: I don't see the problem with it

???: he could turn you into the proper authorities if he says no to our offer demon queen remember that

Izuku then turned to the TV, of course the big boss only called through audio. At this point he knew just about everyone even who that big boss was just by observing but then there was a knock on the door

???: hey I got your pizza

Shigaraki: but none of us ord-

Just then all might burst through the wall


The villains immediately got into a defensive stance all except jessie who just stood there. Izuku then broke out of the restraints

Izuku: didn't expect you to show up, all might

AM: wait you didn't side with the villains

Shigaraki: we didn't even get to ask him asshole

Izuku: I still would have said no

Shigaraki: understandable

Just then edgeshot came through the wall going into the necks of all the villains and knocking them out and kamui woods grabbed all of them

Izuku: for once you did something right you damn baboon

AM: don't call me a baboon you damn villain!

Edgeshot: um all might isn't that the kid we were sent to save?

AM: um yes sorry I guess I just thought-

Just then izuku and the villains spit out this grey goo and got teleported away

In an undisclosed location in the kamino ward

The 1-A students who were looking for izuku had arrived at a factory and had bakugo look inside with a pair of night vision goggles and he sees so many nomus and then something that chills him to his core

Bakugo: there's someone in there

Kirishima: who?

Bakugo tries to say something as the heroes bust in. After that chaos insued as the heroes tried to fight all for one as all might arrived to fight him and the students used an elaborate plan to save izuku. After the fight the League of villains escaped, all for one went to jail and all might can no longer use one for all as he used the last spark he had in that fight


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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