1v1 matches round 1

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Before I start thank you for over 1 thousand views like I've said before I didn't expect this to go the way it is I expected it to go as good as my personal story witch is sitting at only 19 views and I'm getting some of you recommending me story ideas witch I will do don't worry but anyway enjoy the action

Its been 2 hours and we see hitoshi and izuku getting ready to go fight

Izuku POV

As me and toshi are walking to the stadium I get exited because this will be our first sparring match in a while

Toshi: so quirks or no quirks

Me: no quirks just raw strength

Midnight: are the two contestants ready

Both: yeah

Midnight: begin!

We both run towards each other and we start the fight. We fight for several minutes with me getting the upper hand and getting toshi near the edge and run up and roundhouse kick him off the edge

Midnight: izuku is the winner

Shinsou: that was a good fight next time lets use quirks and see what that new power of yours can really do

Me: yeah

I outstretched my hand towards toshi and he gladly takes it. We walk out and go to the viewing stand with the rest of our class

Mina:*runs up and hugs me from behind* you did great izuku

Me:*blushes* t-thanks mina

Uraraka:*thoughts* grrrr she's winning his heart

Sero: welp its our turn todoroki lets go

We look and todoroki is already gone

Me: good luck sero

Sero: thanks izubro

I see sero and todoroki walk out on the field

Mina: who do you think is gonna win

Me: its gonna be todoroki

Mina: then why dis you wish sero good luck

Me: so hopefully it lasts longer then a few seconds

As midnight said go todoroki froze sero

Midnight: todoroki wins

Iida: well its my turn

Me: good luck prez

We watch the fight well it was more of a Billboard show for hatsumei I think it was she then just walks out of the ring

Midnight:*still confused* iida is the winner

Me: well that was.... Interesting to say the least

Mina: yeah

As iida came back kaminari left.

Mina: so izuku who do you think is gonna win this one

Me: its gonna be shiozaki

Mina: how come

Me: kaminari relies too much on his quirk and shiozaki has a quirk that involves vines and vines are able to nullify electricity

Mina: yeah that makes sense

As midnight said go kaminari immediately went and shot electricity at ibarbra and she immediately covered herself. After he stopped shooting electricity ibarbra immediately grabbed kaminari and threw him out the ring

Midnight: and shiozaki is the winner

Mina: welp its mine and aoyama's turn

Me: good luck you two

Aoyama: ill make it super sparkling

Mina and Aoyama get down to the ring and wait for midnight to start the fight. As midnight says go mina goes and slides up to Aoyama while he's firing lasers off. Mina gets close enough and one good uppercut to the jaw and it was all over for Aoyama.

Midnight: ashido is the winner

Uraraka: welp its my go *thoughts* maybe if I beat bakugo he'll like me more then that pink bitch

Me: good luck

Kirishima: hey izubro who do you think will win this

Me: its gonna be bakugo much to my distaste

Kirishima: how come

Me: bakugo not only has a strong quirk but also has physical combat experience so no matter what strategy she uses it won't work

Kirishima: ahhhh

We hear midnight say go and Uraraka goes on the offensive and goes to attack bakugo but he just kept blowing her back. She kept trying multiple times till she was bruised badly and about to fall off the edge. It seems as a stroke of genius she had floated a bunch of debris and then released it. Bakugo seen this and with a big explosion destroyed all of it. After he did that he ran up to Uraraka and punched her out of the ring.

Midnight: bakugo wins

Me: like I said no chance of winning

Mina: well momo and tokoyami are next who do you think will win this one

Me: probably tokoyami

Mina: but isn't his quirk weaker in the sun

Me: that is true but momo lacks the confidence for herself to truly excel

The match between momo and tokoyami finished as fast as it started because all tokoyami did was hit dark shadow off a shield momo made knocking her out of the ring

Midnight: tokoyami wins. That's it for the first round you will now get a break for lunch

T. B. C.

Thanks for reading as always and if you were wondering where the manly man competition was I left it out due to it just being a tie

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