running away

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For izuku the past 6 years were the roughest of all his life. His dad left to go get some milk, his mom started to physically abuse him and worst of all his childhood friend katsuki bakugo turned on him calling him names like "deku" or "villain".

Izuku POV

I wake up and its 5:30 am and my stomach and arms are in pain. I quietly get out of bed and make my way to the bathroom to bandage my wounds.


Izuku: y-yes m-ma'am

Inko: get out here and cook breakfast

Izuku: y-y-yes m-m-ma'am

I walked out of the bathroom in his school uniform and goes straight to the kitchen. I quickly make food for inko and attempt to go to the door and leave until...

Inko: where do you think you're going

Izuku: I-I-I'm going to school ma'am

Inko: fine whatever but don't bother coming home today I'm having guests and I don't need them seeing you around

Izuku: yes ma'am

I walk out the door and head off to school. When I get to school I'm cornered by kacchan and his lackeys and they proceeded to beat the ever living snot outta me.

Bakugo: that's what you get for ever thinking you can be a hero you damn villain

Izuku:*thoughts* stupid kacchan you can't just call someone a villain because of their quirk

The day goes by normally and I get up to leave but of course...

Bakugo: hey deku what's this *picks up his hero analysis journal*

Lackey number 1: what's that his diary or something

Bakugo: hero analysis for the future *proceeds to blow it up and throw it out the window*

Izuku: AHH

Kacchan and his friends proceed to leave but kacchan stops and says

Bakugo: you know there is one way to become a hero

I just look at him waiting for his response

Bakugo: just take a sawn dive off the roof of the building and pray for a heroic quirk in your next life

At that point I snapped. I picked up the chair right next to me and threw it at him

Bakugo: *gets hit* ow what the hell dek-

I proceed to run up and wail on kacchan till he was knocked out. After I did I just ran away and didn't look back.

Izuku: my mom hates me my dad left and my ex best friend is an asshole to me all because of my quirk. Ill show them ill be a hero with this power and then ill rub it straight in their face.


Thanks for reading I probably won't be updating as fast as I am because for the most part I update when an idea pops up in my head but the ship has been chosen by my irl best friend and its gonna be drum roll please 🥁 🥁 🥁 izumina!!!! Yes our favorite alien queen has been chosen as our lucky lady sorry to all those who were hoping for someone else ill be coming out with other stories with other ships ranging from gay to straight to even harem stories so stay tuned

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