A new home

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Its been 10 months since izuku saved Mina. during these months izuku under the vigilante name of shadow has protected the people of Mustafa from villains and corrupt heroes now we open with 2 people having a meeting

Dadzawa POV

Nezu wanted me to go to his office after the entrance exams. I wonder what he could need. Was it about the vigilante the only way to find out was behind the closed doors of Nezu's office

Me:*knocks on the door*

Rat satan: come in

I walk on to see Nezu with his usual expression as always

Me: what did you need sir

Rat Satan: ill just cut to the chase I need you to track down the vigilante named shadow

Me: alright let me call Mic so I can tell him and toshi that ill be home late

Rat Satan: go right on ahead

Me:*calls mic*


me: Mic tone it down a bit

Loud blonde: sorry, so what did Nezu need

Me: that's what I'm calling you for he wants me to track down that new vigilante so I won't be home till late

Loud blonde: alright ill tell toshi when he gets up from his nap

Me: alright love ya

Loud blonde: love you too

Me:*hangs up*

A few hours later

I'm running across rooftop after rooftop looking for someone who matches the description that we have for shadow

Shadow: you know erasurehead if you wanted an audience you could have just asked I mean you are a true hero after all

Me: I'm only looking for you because Nezu requests a little talk with you so come quietly and maybe you'll stay out of handcuffs

Shadow: alright if the rat god wants to see me there's no turning that offer down

Me: ok ill escort you there

We proceed to head to UA shadow was surprisingly able to keep up with me

Time skip to Nezu's office

Rat Satan: hello shadow or should I say izuku midor-

Shadow: shadow or izuku is just fine

Rat Satan: ok izuku would you mind taking the mask off

Izuku:*hesitant* s-sure

Izuku:*hesitant* s-sure

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izawa:*thoughts* this kid is the one that's taken down multiple high class heroes and villains

Rat Satan: my offer is you join UA and we'll let you continue to do your work till you get your hero license

Izuku: what's the catch

Rat Satan: you are as smart as they say well the only catch is you gotta say with one of the teachers

Izuku: can I stay with erasurehead

Rat Satan: well its up to Aizawa

Me: I have no problems with that toshi has wanted someone his age around

Just then the door burst open to reveal a loud blonde banana muscle head

AM: hey Nezu I'm done with th- *noticed izuku* great job Aizawa you apprehended the dangerous vigilante. Why isn't he in cuffs

Rat Satan: well because he's still young so I gave him an offer witch we were about to get his answer


I was pissed he called both this kid and toshi a villain because of their quirks

Rat Satan: now that was just uncalled for toshinori! How many times do both me and the hero commissioner have to tell you the quirk doesn't make a person a hero or a villain its how they use it

All might just stormed out in anger

Rat Satan: so what's your answer izuku

Izuku: yeah ill do it

Rat Satan: great Aizawa go take him to get his stuff and you can take him home

Izuku: actually I don't have anything aside from what's on my back

Me: how did you survive then

Izuku: people I saved just gave me enough for food and water

I take him to my car and take him home

Time skip to Aizawa and mic's house

We walk into the house and are immediately bombarded by mic's yelling

Loud blonde: SHOTA YOUR BAck

Me: shut up!

I feel izuku clinging onto me

Loud blonde: shota who's that

Me: his name is izuku also known as the vigilante shadow

Loud blonde: so you found him

Me: yes and Nezu Gabe him an offer

Loud blonde: what was it

Me: he has to join the hero course and he will be able to be a vigilante until he gets his hero license the only catch is he's gonna be staying with us the whole time

Loud blonde: well toshi has wanted a friend

Me: well lets wait till tomorrow and we'll tell toshi then

Loud blonde: sure lets take him to the guest bedroom

We take him to the guest bedroom and we see as he hits the bed and instantly passes out as if he hasn't slept in a while. We walk across the hallway to our room and go to bed


Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this part I will be coming out with another story soon but I will put it to a vote on what you want to see:

A harem

A bakudeku

Or an izumomo story

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