summer camp incident

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Wow it really has been a while since I wrote for this story and I'm exited to write again for this now no messing around lets get to this

Izuku POV

After the final exams some kids failed like sero and Mina and a lot of us passed like me shinso and sadly bakugo a week before we were going to head out

Dad comes into the room and looks towards the class

Dadzawa: alright class settle down

We all stay quiet and wait to see what he was going to say

Dadzawa: so we know that some of you failed your physical part of the exam but everyone passed the written test barely

Dad looked at denki when saying that

Dadzawa: but your all going to the the summer camp

Everyone who knew they failed started cheering

Dadzawa: quiet

They all quieted down

Dadzawa: now you're all going but everyone who failed will be doing remedial classes

They groaned

Dad left the room as mina came up with an idea

Mina: why don't we go to the mall and get items that we need for the trip

we all agree to go and get up to go to the mall

Time skip to the mall

We all decided to split up and me and mina were going the same way so we go together so she can get bug spray and I can get some new weights

Mina: I've gotta go to the bathroom can you wait right here for me

Me: yeah sure mina

Mina: thank you izuku

I nod as mina walks away

???: is that the vigilante shadow turned hero in training

Before I could turn around the stranger who sounded familiar put his arm around me

???: hey man I'm a huge fan

I then recognize the voice

Me: what are you doing here shigaraki

Shigaraki: let's go somewhere more secluded to talk

He puts his hand around around my neck but leaves one finger off as we walk to a bench

Shigaraki: how does it feel ridiculed about your quirk

Izuku: it sucked but I have friends now

Shigaraki: I bet you do but you're still around your main tormentor

Izuku: no my main tormentor was my own mother

Shigaraki looks shocked for a second and then composed himself

Shigaraki: it seems you've had a pretty bad life

Izuku: yeah but I never gave up on my dream

As I say that Mina walks up to me and shigaraki

Mina: izuku who is he

Me: i-it's just a friend

Shigaraki let's me go and stands up

Shigaraki: it was nice catching up but I've gotta get going

Shigaraki starts to walk away then stops

Shigaraki: I'll be seeing you real soon izuku

He then walks away

Me: call the police

Mina: why?

Me: that was shigaraki

Mina then calls the cops and they take me in to get questioned. After that dad and papa came to pick me up

Dadzawa: are you ok he didn't hurt you did he?

Me: no he didn't I'm fine

After that they took me home.

Time skip to the summer camp

The summer camp was not what we were expecting instead of a normal summer camp it was more of a training camp where we trained our quirks. While us who passed had fairly easy but still difficult training. For example tokoyami had to be in a dark cave to try and control dark shadow. There was also this boy who has a hate for heroes. When I first met him he tried to cheap shot me but I dodged it. Today is the second to last day and we got a test of courage and something feels wrong so I walk up to dad

Me: dad somethings going to happen I can feel it

Dadzawa: alright I'll tell the other pros

I nod just as we see a wall of blue flames off in the distance. I noticed kota wasn't here so I ran to search for him. When I find him I see the villain muscular about to kill him so I jumped in to save him

Me: you ok kota

Kota: Y-yeah

Muscular: oh look our target shows his face to me how bout this you come with me and the boy doesn't get hurt

I just power up OFA 80% and knock out muscular

Me: kota get on my back I'll get you to your aunt

Kota complies and I hop back to the camp where I see two other villains fighting tiger and pixie-bob

Me: Mandalay

Mandalay: what

Me: tell everyone there here for me

Mandalay's eyes widen as she heard this but does so as I hand her kota

Me: take him back to camp

Mandalay: what about you your their target

Me: I'm going to protect everyone

Mandalay nods and takes kota as I run into the forest but suddenly I feel like I'm floating for a while and I noticed I was.... In a marble? After a while I'm let out as I see mina trying to grab me

Me: just stand back I'll be fine!

Mina just stops moving tearing up as Im pulled  through a portal


Wow this part took a while to finish because I lost motivation while writing but I hope you enjoyed

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