dating start

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Its the moment y'all have been waiting for mina and izuku's date

Izuku POV

After the sports festival we had a 2 day break And now it Saturday and I'm in my room getting ready

Dadzawa: well someone looks a little bit dressed up for a Saturday

Me: gah oh dad its just you

Dadzawa: so who's the one who snagged you

Me: *blushes* m-mina

Dadzawa: well you don't wanna keep the lucky lady waiting do ya

Me: nope bye dad *runs off*

Dadzawa: see ya

Izuku sprints to the location to make sure he's there on time. As I make it to the ice cream shop I see mina waiting out front

Me: hey mina sorry if I made you wait

Mina: oh no I just got here

Me: soo umm wanna head inside

Mina: yeah lets go

We go to order our ice cream I gets rocky road and Mina gets a sundae. Mina attempts to pay for our ice cream but I stop her

Me: no ill pay for it

Mina: but I don't think its fair I wanted the more expensive one and you only got  a cone

Me: well I was taught to never let the lady pay for anything on a date

Mina not being able to argue with his logic gives up

Mina: fine

I pay for the ice cream with some cash that dad gave me and we go and sit down

Me: so do you come here often

Mina: yeah me and my parents love the ice cream here

Me: That's nice that you have a good relationship with your family

Mina: speaking of I wasn't gonna ask about this but are you ok after the incident at the mall

Me: how do you know about that

Mina: I was there with some of the other girls at school. We knew you were staying at aizawa sensei's house and then we seen you in the mall a couple of times that day with midnight sensei

Me: oh ok

Mina: wait I wasn't finished explaining

Me: oh go on

Mina: so me and the others were going to leave when we seen you getting attacked by a woman who looked like you so us girls went and looked for midnight sensei. I found her coming out of the bathroom and told her the situation

Me: so you saved me

Mina: yeah I guess I did

After that the date was fairly normal they went to the arcade in the mall. He let mina go shopping and they all around just had fun


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