FOUR ~ Love Will Tear Us Apart

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It's been two weeks since the colossal fuck up with Eddie and Steve, I've not heard a word from Eddie who now only communicates through Wayne, I've tried calling him but had no answer each time. When it came to handovers of the kids, Eddie insisted it was better if we did it at Wayne's, thought it would be "easier for everyone" if I dropped them at Wayne's and left before he picked them up. Work was awkward a fuck, Steve switched the roster so we wouldn't be working together unless Robin was there and he'd stay in the office or back room while I was out front. He'd told Robin what happened and she felt so conflicted, she understood why Steve was mad at me but also understood that Eddie and I were meant to be together and it was just my dumb loneliness that caused this fuck up. She did scold me pretty hard for pretty much using Steve, until I broke down and told her I just didn't know how I felt about Steve in relation to Eddie. She told me to "leave it with her" and she'd try to talk to Steve on my behalf but I knew he probably wouldn't listen, especially since I couldn't tell her what was going on with Eddie and I as I didn't know. I came clean to Nancy about me and Steve too, but thankfully she was engulfed in her engagement to Jonathan and gave me her blessing if that's what I wanted, but ultimately she reminded me how I felt about Eddie.

I needed to get out of the house so I took the kids to Wayne's, I might have just broken his nephews heart but thankfully he still loved me and was always good at hearing both sides of a situation before casting judgment. "I totally fucked up, Wayne..." Wayne and I were sitting at the table in his kitchen while the kids played in the living room, I don't know what I expected Wayne to do about it but I knew he was the only person Eddie would listen to, even if he was really mad. "I've made some pretty bad decisions before, but this was a new kind of crappy!" I could feel my eyes welling with warm tears as I spoke, but Wayne only chuckled at my misery.
"Darling', I don't think this is any worse than your decision to hide a pregnancy for almost 8 months!" I couldn't believe he just said that, my jaw dropped at his blunt honesty, it wasn't totally unexpected but his timing could have been better - I guess I know where Eddie and Arwen get it from now.
"That was totally different! I was scared and desperate and all alone-" I stopped dead in my tracks as Wayne just raised an eyebrow at my words, he knew exactly what he was doing by bringing up my pregnancy with Arwen. The situations weren't entirely different; I was alone and scared about being alone forever and of course, I was desperate but this time I guess I was desperate for something else. Ultimately both situations ended with Eddie getting hurt... by me.

"I don't think this is gonna be quite as easy to fix though, Wayne." the tears that previously clouded my vision started to trickle down my cheeks, I wasn't sure how long I could keep back the sobs anymore.
"Maybe not. But trust me, he's still crazy about you - even after all a'this... why do you think he doesn't wanna see you?" I know Eddie tells Wayne everything, literally everything and Wayne's not one to lie or build up false hope so I know he's being real with me right now. It felt comforting to know that the reason Eddie won't see me or talk to me was because he still loved me and it was hurting him that he still loved me despite what I'd done.
"Could you tell him something for me? Could you just tell him how sorry I am? A-and tell him I'd really like to talk to him, please?" I felt pathetic pleading to Wayne but I knew it was the inky way to get through to Eddie. Wayne nodded as he sipped his coffee, I could see how torn apart he was by all of this. Wayne was the biggest cheerleader when it came to Eddie and I getting back together, although the never pushed us or forced his opinions on the situation. "I'm working tomorrow afternoon, do you wanna have the kids or should I take 'em to my parents?" Wayne was never gonna say no to having the kids, the only person who loved them more than me and Eddie was him,
"Nah, I'll watch 'em. We'll have a nice afternoon with Pop-pops, right kiddos?" Watching Wayne with the kids made it feel like everything was back the normal, back to when Eddie and I were married and happy and there was no dramas or hurt... god, I hope I can make this right.

"Still Just A Screw Up, Carver" - Eddie Munson & Y/N SequelWhere stories live. Discover now