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~ 26th June 2004 ~
As always, Hawkins is blessed with another beautiful bright sunny day in June as our family prepares to say goodbye to our beloved Arwen, graduating with top grades and heading on to California to study music already makes her significantly more successful than her parents. I've had 18 wonderful years with my baby girl, but she's always had that same itch Eddie and I once had for something more than Hawkins and I knew of all my children, she would be the one to never give up until she had fulfilled her dreams. She's always been Eddie's protégé, leading the still successful Hellfire Club as one of the best dungeon masters I'd ever seen, taking an internship with the great Corroded Coffin and working tirelessly on her guitar until she'd mastered every single song Eddie knew with even more flare and precision than her father. She was always going to be something special, I just wish she didn't need to be in California to achieve it.

I sit in the garden armchair of our family home as I watch our newest albeit now 8-year-old family member play contently with 7-year-old Tommy Harrington, a young boy who seems to have made quite the impression on my little Beth despite him being younger than her. "Could you imagine if they're half as much trouble as you and I were?" Steve takes a seat on the chair beside mine as he watches his other son, Theo, toddle off towards the other children.
"Oh, god. I hope not! At least we can guarantee no awkward love triangles, even in Hawkins that would be too weird!" I chuckle as Steve rolls his eyes at my comment. Steve and Becky became inseparable after the christening, getting married only a year later when she was pregnant with Tommy - not because of the pregnancy of course, but because I'd never seen a better matched pair since Eddie and I. Becky was the 2nd pregnant bride in the Carver family as Eddie and I decided to tie the knot in a quiet ceremony at Lovers Lake, it wasn't fancy or as grand as our first wedding but it was special to us and that's all we wanted.
"Arwen all packed up yet?" Becky asks, her and Steve watch the hurt in my eyes at the thought of her leaving,
"Unfortunately, yes. I've never seen her do anything on time or early, but she seems to have wasted no time in getting ready to leave us!" My heart aches for the impending departure of my daughter, my head reminding me daily that it's not forever and it's what she wants to be happy but my hearts agonising cries drown out the logic.

"Henderson called me yesterday, he said you guys are heading out to join them on the road for the summer?" Steve couldn't believe it when Dustin joined Corroded Coffins team, but with the Information Age taking over they needed someone with computer savvy and a passion for the band to help them out.
"Yeah! Boston, New York, Vegas, Los Angeles, Chicago - you name it!" Eddie had been working tirelessly to get this tour ready, he and Gareth were both taking their families along for the ride and this was going to be our last time in the road as a family for a while, "Arwens band is even opening for them in Chicago!" I couldn't wait to see my baby on a big stage, I'd normally criticise nepotism and people who didn't earn their fame - but this was my baby!
"Maybe we should get a sitter? I'd love to see that!" Steve was one of Arwens biggest fans, always cheered her on and took care of her like a real uncle would.
"Why not?! I'm getting everyone tickets!" I'd already secured spots for Robins dragging Nancy and Jonathan along while Joyce watches little Caroline, Wayne, who is now retired, is coming along for the summer as crew support and childcare - even Jason and Chrissy are coming with Benjamin.
"Grubs up, guys!" I turn to the patio doors and see Eddie signalling the kids for lunch, since Beth was born he's been a real domesticated husband when he's not on the road.

As the stampede of children crowd into chairs around the dining tables followed closely by the adults, Eddie grabs my hand as I walk into the house and pulls my lips to his, "What was that for?" I ask "I'm not complaining obviously!"
"I just can't wait to have my family on the road with me one more time before our baby leaves, even more excited to see her do her thing on stage!" a dimple laden smile creeps from ear-to-ear across his gorgeous face as he stares into my eyes. "Maybe we can talk Wayne into watching the kids and I can treat my wife to a nice night out, as she deserves." He places a kiss on my hand as he keeps his grip on my dainty fingers.
"That sounds perfect. But I was thinking, since my parents have the kids tonight we could have an old fashioned day off? Arcade, then maybe a movie at the mall? Watch the stars from Lovers Lake?" he wraps his arm around my waist as he contemplates my offer.
"Okay... but only if we can make a pit stop at Benny's, I hear there's a nice bathroom near the kitchens!" he grins widely as he kisses my neck, nibbling lightly on the skin which makes me melt.
"I still can't believe you bought that fucking diner!" I giggle as I stifle a moan from his sweet nibbles on my neck,
"Didn't want anyone else buying and bulldozing our special place, and after all... I am a hopeless romantic, sweetheart." Yes. Yes he is. And the best part; he is my hopeless romantic.

"Still Just A Screw Up, Carver" - Eddie Munson & Y/N SequelWhere stories live. Discover now