TWO ~ Love Is A Battlefield *

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The living room table was littered in snack wrappers and takeout containers, the previously uncorked bottle of wine is now bled dry and discarded on the floor and Steve sits in the couch with his feed occupying the remaining space on the coffee table while I rest into the crook of his shoulder, flicking through the TV as we grew tired of the movies. I couldn't help but notice how melancholy Steve seemed tonight, sure, he was his usually bubbly self when we talked but whenever we'd sit in silence and watch the TV he just seemed so down... and I had a feeling I knew why. "Did, uh, did you get the invite to Nancys engagement party?" I knew he had, I helped her put them together,
"Yup!" he sighed, popping the last letter.
"Are you gonna go?" I felt his chest move against my head as he chuckled,
"Nope." he popped again.

He'd never quite been himself since he and Nancy broke up, when her and Jonathan moved in together he was miserable and their engagement really broke his heart, like he knew at that moment he'd lost her forever. "Are you going?" he asked, peering down at my face,
"I kinda have to, Steve... I'm her bridesmaid, it's my job!" I knew my continued friendship with Nancy was a struggle for him and normally I wouldn't mention her around him. I knew Steve long before I knew Nancy, his basketball background meant he would usually hang out with Jason from time-to-time and we'd get talking at parties whenever I was home from boarding school, I only met Nancy once I started at Hawkins and even then it was through Steve.
"Right, yeah, that's true... I guess I'm just destined to die alone!" he chuckled as he grasped his chest and threw his head back dramatically, I slapped his stomach playfully which apparently winded him a little, causing him to groan.
"You're not gonna die alone, Steven... you're a catch!" this only made him roll his eyes in response.

As I returned to flicking through the channels I stumble across the music channel, the music video for Pat Benatar's Love Is A Battlefield started playing... what a fucking apt song for how both of us were feeling right now. Steve looked at me quizzically as I pounded my finger on the volume button, cracking the sound as loud as the neighbours would let me get away with. I shot up from the couch, grabbing him by the wrist and dragged him to his feet towards the middle of the living room. "What're you doing, Carver?" he chuckled, but I said nothing in response, instead I began dancing around him and twirling myself with his arm to the sound of the music.
"Dance with me, Steven! Dance with me to the fucking song that perfectly sums up what absolute fuck ups we both are when it comes to love!" I giggled as I pulled his body around with the music. He finally gave in, taking my hands and joining me in a chaotic, drunken boogie in the middle of the living room as we screamed the lyrics at the top of our lungs.

"We are young!
Heartache to heartache; We stand!
No promises. No demands.
Love is a battlefield!"

As we danced and sang I felt my head start to spin from the movement and the wine, collapsing into Steve's chest as I stumbled over my own clumsy feet, "Woahh! Steady on, Carver..." he chuckled as he caught me by my torso, helping to keep me on my feet. I giggled profusely as I stumbled around my own feet, eventually infecting Steve with my giggles although neither of us knew what was so funny in that moment. My arms wrapped around Steve's neck as I found my balance and I felt his hands grasp tightly onto my waist, they were warm and strong, I felt safe and secure in his hold... something I hadn't felt in a very long time. Faces flush with giggles and minds swimming with a very good wine supplied by Steve, in perfect synchronisation we looked up at each other, locking eyes immediately. Steve's eyes reminded me so much of Eddie's, they were warm and soft, a comforting sight to be captivated by - the colour wasn't the same, Steve's were a softer brown, almost hazel, but still deep enough to get lost in. I watched his eyes flicker between my lips and back up to my eyes, feeling mine do the same to him as the air grew thicker around us, palpable with expectation.

"Still Just A Screw Up, Carver" - Eddie Munson & Y/N SequelWhere stories live. Discover now