SEVEN ~ Where Is My Mind

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~ 5 weeks later ~
With Eddie back in California for a label meeting, I was home alone with the kids again. Arwen and Ronnie immediately took to Eddie being around the house more often with ease, Arwen understood that we were just seeing how things went despite her demands to be flower girl again. Ronnie just loved having somebody he could play trucks with and loved going to the auto shop with Eddie and Wayne. JJ became far less clingy with me and I was able to leave him with Eddie or at Wayne's whenever I had work without having a total meltdown. Since Eddie landed in California he has called at every opportunity and made sure to ask about me and the kids with each call, really, the model father and boyfriend. He was reluctant to leave at first, mostly because he'd miss us all but partly because I'd come down with some kind of stomach flu. I was violently sick everyday, exhausted and aching constantly. Wayne was such a help and took the kids whenever I needed to rest, but work felt like I was dying - I could barely stand at the cash register most shifts and sitting in the back wasn't an option as Steve was still avoiding me.

"You're looking a little green, Carver!" Robin watched me slumped over the counter most of the shift, until I was sitting cross legged on the floor by the horror section organising the tapes on the bottom shelf.
"I just haven't felt right since this flu thing, I'm okay though." I lied as I swallowed the knot in my throat, my stomach spinning and swirling like waves in the sea. She tried repeatedly to offer me snacks and sodas but the only thing I could stomach right now was water, just the smell of food was enough to make me gag. "Just talk to me, it'll distract me from my nauseous misery." I chuckled as I pulled up the stool behind the counter and took a seat, she laughed lightly and proceeded to talk about Vicky and ask about the kids going back to school soon and Eddie.
"So how's the whole Munson thing going? We gonna be hearing wedding bells again soon?" I laughed at her enthusiasm, I'd told her before about Eddie's impromptu proposal and she told me I was nuts not to accept it right away.

"Ugh, amazing! No wedding bells yet, just busy enjoying the constant sex! 5 endless weeks of dumping the kids on Wayne and acting like teenagers again. It's just like when we first met-" I stopped dead, frozen in my seat with wide eyes and my jaw dropped to the floor. 5 weeks? 5 uninterrupted weeks... oh, balls.
"Earth to Carver. You still with me?" Robin stared at me in confusion until her face eventually mirrored mine, she knew exactly what I was thinking. I pulled my diary from my purse and started frantically whipping through the pages as I repeatedly groaned and mumbled disbelief under my breath.
"8 weeks... it's been 8 weeks?!" I flipped rapidly between the page marked in red ink and the page containing todays date. "No no no no! Not again!" My heart started to pound in my chest as the panic ripped through me,
"Wait. Didn't you hook up with Steve like, 7 weeks ago..." Oh god, she was right. Almost 7 weeks to the day was the first night Steve and I... well, the first night of the week I don't talk about anymore.
"I need to go!" I snapped as I grabbed my bag and jacket and ran out the door to my car as fast as my exhausted legs could carry me, slamming the door and driving to the mall a few miles away.

Right on cue and as promised, Eddie called that evening to see how my day was and to check in on me and the kids but I couldn't focus on his voice, my mind was racing since I got home from the mall this afternoon. "Hey princess, you okay? You seem a little off tonight." Eddie could tell I was distant and distracted, I felt awful as we were working hard to reduced the distance. Neither of us wanted to repeat the way we were before.
"Hmm? Y-Yeah. Sorry. Just not feeling well again today. Exhausted actually." I'd had another run in with that stupid pink plus sign and my mind just ran away. Wayne was trying to tell me about the kids day while I was at work, but I couldn't focus. Now Eddie was trying his best to comfort me and cheer me up and I still couldn't stay focused on him.

I wanted to tell him the news but I didn't know what to do, I had no idea if this was his baby... or Steves. "Oh, princess. I'm flying home tomorrow so I'll be there to look after you, okay? Just rest tonight and I'll bring you home some snacks." I gagged silently at his offer of food, it was sweet but I couldn't think about eating a thing right now. For now, we said our good nights and shared our excitement for a reunion tomorrow before we both settled in for the night.

"Still Just A Screw Up, Carver" - Eddie Munson & Y/N SequelWhere stories live. Discover now