NINE ~ Should I Stay Or Should I Go

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~ Eddie POV ~
Three of the longest days of my life has passed since Y/N got taken to the hospital, three days of her being sedated for the sake of her blood pressure, it feels wrong but the doctors assured me it was what was best for her and the baby... my baby. Harrington keeps stopping by with flowers and magazines to read to her, the guy looks like crap each time he comes and I'm almost certain he hasn't slept since she was admitted. I can't say I'm still particularly thrilled to be seeing him, I still haven't gotten over what went down between the two of the and I don't just meet their week together. She told me about everything that was said at the store a few weeks back and how Harrington professed his forbidden love for her, even told me that he didn't really treasure our friendship and only hung out with me because of her - that fucking hurt. Something inside me can't help but blame him for her being in here, she said she was stressed and I could tell she was working too hard, but I tried my best to play nice with him and I guess I owed him for getting her to the hospital safely.

"H-how's she doing, Munson?" I looked up from my previously fixed gaze on her sleeping face to see him shuffling to the seat on the other side of her bed, flowers and magazines in hand.
"Same as yesterday and the day before that, Harrington. Sleeping." I just wanted to be alone with her in case she wakes up but every single minute of the day Harrington was here, like a bad smell on a hot day. He took his usual spot beside her and I felt my skin crawl as he held her hand, stroking her knuckles with his fingers. I don't like feeling so possessive but after everything that went on between them and after everything she'd told me I couldn't help myself. I pulled my chair closer to her bedside, lifting her hand to my lips and peppering her knuckles with kisses and whispered how much I loved her and missed her as though it was just the two of us in the room. I watched in the corner of my eye as Harrington let go of her hand, sitting back in his chair and started flicking through the magazines he brought - I felt smugly triumphant, like a dog that just pissed up his favourite fire hydrant.

"You know, Munson... I get the feeling that you don't want me here?" Wow, he's handsome and observant! No wonder she couldn't resist his charms, who wouldn't?! I chuckled to myself which, as I intended, he noticed.
"Why wouldn't I want you; the guy who professed his love for my wife just a few weeks ago while shitting on a decade long friendship, here while I'm trying to comfort the love of my life in her time of need." Steve scoffed under his breath,
"Ex-wife, you mean? Yeah, the ex-wife you abandoned for groupies and wold fame." The fuck did he just say to me? Granted, she is my 'ex-wife' but that's only temporary. As for the abandonment thing, if he was a real friend he'd know that the divorce was mutual and I was doing everything I could to give her and the kids the best life possible.
"Even as an ex-wife, she's still more to me than she'll ever be to you, Harrington. And vice versa." I couldn't stop myself from getting shitty with him, I'd hate for her to wake up now and see this ugly side of me but I just couldn't stand him being here anymore.
"That's what you think, Munson." he mumbled as he got up and stormed out of her room, finally leaving us in the peace that I wanted, that she deserved.

I stayed by her side in that chair all night, waking up every time the nurse came in to check her numbers or change her drip. They were hoping to let her wake up tomorrow so that morning I headed home to wash up and stop by Wayne's to check on the kids. They all had pictures and cards they'd made for her so I promised to take all their artwork with me for her to see when she woke up before I raced back over to the hospital. I'm stopped outside her room to speak to the nurse who was looking after her today, asking her about whether they'd decided to stop sedating her today but my eyes were drawn to the window of her room. Harrington was back and sitting in my seat by her bed, he was holding her hand to his lips while his other was resting on her stomach - does this ass know she's pregnant? Why would she tell him and not me?! I thanked the nurse for talking to me, although I didn't actually hear anything she'd said before I walked into the room to break up Steve's pathetic tender moment with my girl.

"Still Just A Screw Up, Carver" - Eddie Munson & Y/N SequelWhere stories live. Discover now