Everyone But Y/N Knows (Lexie)

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Requested by Tati3001

My first request for this book

Fem Reader

Y/N Y/L/N was your average Peds Attending. She worked alongside Arizona. The two had a history. It was only brief but they ended it mutually. Not wanting it to affect their work.

Lexie on the other hand became a bumbling mess whenever she was around Y/N. Everyone was aware of her crush on Y/N except Y/N. Y/N was never the best to know when people flirted with her. She was clueless when it came to that, which only made people think she was even cuter.

"Hey, can you help me with this surgery." Arizona asked Y/N.

"Sure, what is it?" Y/N replied before Arizona gave her the chart.

"He's already on dialysis." Arizona said. "But we have tried to push UNOS for a kidney as soon as."

"He won't last long on dialysis." Y/N stated quietly as they bit their lip. "What about his parents? Are they willing to be a donor."

"He's adopted." Arizona told her. Lexie stood beside Alex as the two watched Y/N and Arizona get a plan together.

"Alex, I want you to get onto UNOS and get me a kidney for Kyle. Do not take no for an answer." Y/N ordered him. "Lexie, I need you to cover my post ops." Y/N said before walking behind Arizona. Lexie just watched as she left.

"You should tell her." Alex said from behind the nurses station.

"What?" She spoke shocked.

"Everyone knows that you are head over heels for her." He told her like it  was nothing.

"Does everyone know?" She asked him.

"Oh yeah we do." Christina popped up from behind her.

"Everyone but Y/N knows." Meredith said.

"Do you two just lurk in the hallways?" She asked the two.

"We just know where to get the good gossip." Christina told her getting a laugh from both Alex and Meredith.

"Don't overthink it. Unless you tell her yourself, she is completely oblivious." Meredith told her. "So just ask her out."


Y/N and Arizona were both triple checking Kyle's labs and scans.

"So how is it going with Callie?" Y/N asked her as she sat back in her chair.

"It is going great. She is amazing." Arizona started to ramble on about the brunette before looking at her best friend. "What about you? Anyone caught your eye?" She asked Y/N with a smirk.

"No." Y/N sighed. "I just. Well. I have tried to put myself out there but nothing."

"You will find someone for you Y/N. She is probably right in front of you all along." She told her softly. Knowing about Lexie's obvious crush on her best friend.

"Yeah right." She shook her head. "I have a surgery right now if you want to scrub in with me."

"I would never say no to a surgery." Arizona smirked as the two went to prep.


"Still no luck?" Lexie asked Alex.

"Nothing yet." He sighed. "What about you?"

"What do you mean?" She asked him confused.

"Y/N." He smirked.

"Let's scrub in Little Grey." Y/N said as she approached the two. "Anything on UNOS?" She asked Alex.

"Nothing yet." He told her.

"Keep tab on his stats. Any changes let me know." She told him as he nodded before she walked down the hall. "Let's go Liitle Grey."

Lexie then sped walked after Y/N to the operating room. Her heart pounding in her chest like always whenever she is around Y/N. Lexie always stutters whenever she is around her. Y/N doesn't think anything of it. She just thinks that Lexie is just nervous and anxious all the time.

It only starts to affect Y/N when Lexie's hands aren't as steady as they should be. Once the surgery is over, Y/N has a blank expression on her face.

"Can I have a word with you." She tells Lexie. Leaving no roomfor an option. Lexie just nods and follows Y/N to a private room.

"Why is it that everyone who has had you on their service, tell me 'Little Grey is amazing. Steady hands.' But when you're in there with me, your hands are shaky." She told her. "I am a very observant person. So please talk to me."

"You're obviously not very observing." Lexie blurted out. Y/N stood there waiting for her to elaborate. "I like you ok. Like really like you. Being around you makes me nervous because I will never be worthy of someone like you."

"What makes you think you aren't worthy of me?" Y/N asked her softly.

"I uh I am just an intern and you're well you. You're amazing and everyone wants to be on your service." She spoke nervously.

"You are amazing Lexie." Y/N stepped towards her. "Honestly. I can see you becoming a much better surgeon than me. You will be amazing because you already are amazing. In whatever field you choose." Y/N reached up to cup her face. "I am an oblivious fool when it comes to people liking me. But I am even more oboivious when the feelings are reciprocated."

"I." Lexie started before Y/N cut her off. Looking at her lips.

"I like you a lot Little Grey. You have no idea how much I do." Y/N told her. Lexie didn't answer her. She just pressed her lips to Y/N's in a needy kiss. Y/N pushing her against the nearest wall. Lexie gasping allowing Y/N to push her tongue passed Lexie's parted lips.

The two moaned as their tongues danced together. Hands roaming the other's body. Only stopping due to the sound of Y/N's pager.

"I want to take you on a date." Y/N spoke breathlessly. "Just the two of us. A restaurant and a night time walk."

"I would love that." Lexie smiled as Y/N pressed another kiss to her lips before walking out of the room leaving a smiling Y/N.


My first Lexie request dudes. Please let me know what you think

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