Another Grey Part 1 (Andy)

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Part One

Y/N Grey, Lexie's older sister returned home from her final tour earlier than expected. She was medically discharged due to injuries.

Y/N was ashamed of it so she never told anyone. She just joined the FD Academy, still wanting to save lives. She worked at Station 19 under Captain Maya Bishop. She was amazing at her job.

It wasn't until during a trauma call that Y/N was on the Aid Car with Andy during a storm.

"Fuck. I can't see where we're going." Andy said as she squinted her eyes. Trying to see through the storm.

"We have to hurry. BP is low." Y/N informed her. "If we take any longer we are going to lose her."

"Who the fuck drives in these conditions?" Andy asked.

"Apparently her and us." Y/N spoke seriously as they made sure they kept the patient alive.

"You know, we don't really know much about you Grey. Are you related to Meredith?" She asked Y/N.

"Can we please just concentrate on heading to Seattle Grace please." She told her sternly. She hates living in the shadow of the surname she shares with Meredith. Everyone always associates her with her. Even though they had the same parents. When her parents divorced, her father took her with him when he left. Splitting the two up, so Y/N and Meredith hadn't had any contact growing up.

"We're almost there." Andy informed Y/N who sighed in relief. It only took a few moments for them to pull up outside of the ER drop off point. Andy opened the doors as Y/N gave them the stats of the patient. Not realising that Lexie was stood amongst them.

"Y/N?" She called her sister's name. Not believing that she is here and alive since no one has heard from her in over a year. "Is it really you?"

"I uh I have to go." Y/N stuttered out. She tried to move away as fast as she could.

"Why didn't you tell us you were back?" She asked Y/N who looked at her with sad eyes.

"I have a call. Sorry." Y/N said before she walked away as fast as she could to the aid car. Lexie was stood there just watching Y/N's retreating form.

"Who was that?" Meredith asked as she stood beside Lexie.

"Y/N. My sister." She said sadly as she walked away, leaving Meredith to her memories. The day that Y/N and their father left her. Memories of the two screaming for each other flashing through her mind.

"So. You're Lexie's sister?" Andy asked as they drove back to the station.

"Yes." Y/N answered shortly. Not looking at her.

"So, you're Meredith's sister." She stated. Y/N just sighed and looked away. She hasn't seen Meredith since she left with their dad.

Once they were at the station, everyone went to the beanery besides Y/N, who went to the gym.

She loves her sisters, but she is afraid. She was the child that Ellis hated. She hated Y/N because of her condition. Meredith was sheltered from that hate. Ellis Grey hated being a mother. She never planned it. So she didn't fight to keep Y/N when Thatcher took her with him to start their own life.

It was a little past midnight, the thunder was roaring into the night. Lexie woke up petrified. She had tears running down her cheeks.

"Hey. It's ok." Y/N said as she climbed in the bed with her. Lexie immediately latched onto her older sister. Feeling safe with het big sister.

"I'm scared." Lexie whimpered as she held onto Y/N tighter.

"As long as I am here, I won't let anything happen to you." Y/N told her. She started to hum one of her favourite songs to soothe her to sleep. Not making any movement to try and get out of Lexie's grip.

"You should talk to her." Andy spoke as she stood in the doorway.

"And say what?" Y/N asked her.

"You know, I never noticed it before but you and Meredith have similar features." Andy observed as Y/N just sighed. She knew Andy was right. She has the chance to reconcile with both of her sisters. "Just talk to them."

Y/N took Andy's advice and drove to the hospital in hopes to catch either Meredith or Lexie. When the got to the main desk she asked for them both.

"Y/N." Lexie spoke as she soon threw herself into Y/N's arms. Holding her tight, afraid she would disappear.

"I'm here." Y/N whispered as she kissed the top of her head.

"Why didn't you tell me you were home?" She asked her.

"I was ashamed." Y/N spoke shamefully. "I uh I got gravely injured and they discharged me."

"That's nothing to be ashamed of." Lexie told her.

"I should have been better. Stronger. But I wasn't." Y/N told her, leaving out a few details. "So I joined the academy and joined 19."

"Mum and dad miss you." She told Y/N. "You should tell them."

Meredith watched the two with tears in her eyes. She recognised Y/N in an instant. Her younger sister who she hasn't seen in decades. She still has the picture of the two of them when they were toddlers. Wishing every year that they would be reunited again.

It wasn't until Y/N found the person staring at her. When Y/N turned to fully face Meredith, she gasped. Recognising the small birth mark on Y/N's eyebrow. Y/N and Lexie watched as she ran off with tears falling down her face.

"And talk to Mer. She deserves to know the truth too." Lexie told Y/N, who just nodded. She was nervous about seeing Meredith but she missed her more.

Over the course of the week, Y/N had worked up the nerve to speak with Meredith. So here she was, stood in the waiting room, waiting for Meredith.

Meredith took one look at Y/N before her tears started to fall. She walked towards her and slammed her body into Y/N's. Y/N just held her as Meredith cried. Letting a few of her own slip.

"I missed you so much Y/N." She whispered.

"I missed you too Mer." Y/N told her. Not letting go of her older sister.

"So there's another Grey." Bailey stated as she stood beside Richard. Watching the whole interaction.

Meredith led Y/N to the attendings lounge, wanting to know more about her sister.

"So I joined the army after high school." Y/N told her. The two sat with a coffee in hand. Catching up on everything they had missed out on in each others lives.

"This is Zola." Meredith shown Y/N a picture of her adopted daughter.

"So I am an aunty." Y/N smirked as Meredith smiled with a nod of confirmation. "That's awesome."

"She is awesome." Meredith said as she put the phone away before turning to Y/N. "So why are you now at Station 19?"

"Nothing really. The military kind of closed its doors for me so I have to find another job and I loved what I did. So this is the closest I will get to that." Y/N told her. The two conversed for what seemed like forever. Y/N making a mental note to thank Andy for pushing her.


This is gonna be a mini series. So multiple parts guys. Please let me know what you think.

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