Can You Hold Me? (Jo)

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Requested by Joewatt111

Jo was in a relationship. Not long after she and Alex broke up, she moved on. She thought he was sweet and kind during the first few months of being together. But he suddenly changed. Something within him snapped.

Jo soon found herself talking to a patient. Only when they met, Y/N came in with lacerations, needing stitches after getting in a fight. Defending a woman from a sex predator.

"You're like a knight in shining armor." Jo joked as she dressed his wounds. He chuckled lightly.

"It's nothing." He winced slightly. "I just hate men who think they can get what they want. It pisses me off."

"So, did he end up in here? Make his recovery extra painful." She smirked making him laugh.

"I'm afraid he had more friends with him so I got the worst of it." He smirked as she chuckled.

"Well they're just waiting on your x-rays, then you can be free." She smiled as she packed away the equipment.

"But then I would never see you again." He smiled at her.

"Well maybe I will have the next damsel in distress to thank for you coming back here." She smirked at him as he just smiled at her.

And that was the first encounter between the two. Y/N kept coming back in with different injuries.

"I hear my favourite patient is back again." Jo said as she came up to Y/N's bed.

"You know, just keeping my favourite hospital open so I can see my favorite doctor." They sent a flirtatious smirk. All she could do was smile before she turned serious to assess their injuries.

"You know, you're going to be full of scars or possibly dead at this rate." She said as she cleaned one of his wounds.

"Well if I didn't defend women in need, who would?" They shrugged as she just smiled. She hadn't met many people who were like that.

"What is your job?" She asked them. "You always come here looking smart like you've just come from work?"

"I'm a bouncer." They told her honestly. "It's part of my job. It pays well."

"You need to be careful Y/N. The wrong guy could have a knife or a gun and this could be so much worse." She scolded them. They just smiled at her.

"You're worried about me." They teased as she blushed profusely.

"I want you to be safe." She spoke after she tried to gather herself. "I want to keep my favourite patient alive."

"But if I am too careful, I would never see your pretty face." They told her honestly.

"Well then maybe hust visit me uninjured." She told them softly

"I will need a name." They smiled at her.

"Jo Wilson." She told them.

"Jo." They repeated with a giddy smile on their face.


That was the last time they came in with injuries. They have visited her on numerous occasions bringing her flowers. She didn't have the heart to tell them she was in a relationship.

It wasn't until both Y/N and her current boyfriend came to visit her on the same day. When she saw the two stood side by side, her heart stopped.

"What is he doing here?" She asked one of the nurses.

"He said he is here to see you." The nurse informed. "He never said much else."

Jo walked to the two of them, sending a small smile to Y/N as they stood there with the flowers.

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