I Can't Lose Them (Carina)

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Requested by bellaanderssonx

Y/N was usually a careful person. Always triple checking everything. Except today. Today they had multiple interviews so they were in a rush to get from one to the next. So they decided to take the country route. No traffic lights, but they didn't anticipate their being a couple of teen drivers racing in the opposite direction.

So they tried to swerve to get out of the way, which ended in the back wheel of their car being clipped and they lost control. The car went skidding before it started to roll. Y/N closed their eyes because they were starting to feel dizzy before they finally came to a halt.

"Argh." They groaned as they opened their eyes. Seeing the world upside down. A lot of people were talking at once and multiple pairs of feet surrounded them.

"An ambulance is on it's way." Someone told them as they knelt down to peer inside the car. Y/N nodded their head slowly before they groaned with the movement.

They blacked out moments before the ambulance and Fire and Rescue had gotten there. They had all rushed as fast and safely as they could to get them out and straight to Grey-Sloan.

"So, how is Y/N?" Jo asked as she walked towards the Maternity department with Carina.

"They're great. They have a few interviews today." Carina told her. "They wanted a change of pace from their old office job. Wanting to be more on the productive side of things."

"That's amazing." Jo smiled as they watched a lot of doctors and interns run towards the ER. "Looks big." Jo mentioned as Carina nodded.

"We may need one of you guys." Hunt said as he approached the two. "It's a 6 Vehicle collision and there is a few of them unconscious. Just a precaution if one of the women are pregnant."

"Ok." Carina nodded she sent Jo with Hunt. Carina then headed up to do her rounds and soon found herself in the delivery room for hours.

"Is that?" Jo questioned as she recognised Y/N's bracelet. The one that Carina got them for Valentines day.

"It is." Hunt whispered as he started to work.

"Someone needs to tell Carina." Jo stated as Bailey shook her head no.

"She is in a delivery right now. She is needed up there more." She told her sternly as she got to work on checking them for internal bleeding. "We have a ruptured spleen." Bailey stated as Hunt nodded.

"Let's get her to the OR and then Link can reset her shoulder." He stated as they rushed her towards to operating rooms.

"Ok mom, you are now 10cm dilated and ready to push." Carina smiled as sat on the stool at the edge of the bed. "So just keep your knees apart and hold your legs."

"Scalpal." Bailey spoke as she held her hand out.

"Did you even check for a head injury?" Meredith questioned as she rushed into the room. Flashbacks of Derek's accident flashing through her mind.

"There was no time." Hunt stated.

"There is always time." Meredith told them.

"Besides, Amelia is already in surgery." He told her.

"You seem to forget that I also studied under Derek." She stated.

"It's too late now." Bailey called out as the two bickered. "They are open on the table and the longer you two keep bickering the more at risk of infection they are. So either get out of my OR or scrub in and help save them." Meredith quickly went to scrub in to help them as Link remained on the side lines.

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