They Know (Maya)

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Requested by MayaBishop_is_myWife

Maya Bishop and Y/N Y/L/N were both in a new relationship of six months, hiding their relationship from everyone at the firehouse. Especially since Carina still helps out at the free clinic from time to time. Not wanting to rub it in her face.

"I hate this." Y/N whispered as the two cooked together in the beanary as everyone did their chores.

"I know." Maya replied. "But."

"I know, you're not ready to face Carina with us just yet." They stated as Maya looked around and kissed them briefly when she thought no one was looking. Not realising that Andy was just about to enter. "Fuck, I hate being respectful sometimes."

Before Maya could answer, there was an emergency call, Y/N went to get their gear on as Maya joined Andy in the Aid car.

"So, do you have anything you want to share?" Andy questioned as Maya looked at her confused.

"No." Maya chuckled nervously. "Why?"

"No reason." Andy shrugged. "Besides you and Y/N making out."

"When?" She questioned as they arrived at the location, Sullivan ordering everyone.

"Just before the call came through." Andy stated as Maya sighed.

"Please don't tell anyone." Maya begged her. "It's just, we're trying to be respectful to Carina and well it's easier when there isn't anyone butting in in your relationship."

"I won't tell anyone." Andy smiled before they heard a huge bang. The two headed towards Sullivan.

"Y/L/N, Gibson!" He called through the radio. "Do you read me."

"What's going on?" Maya questioned as her heart pounded in her chest.

"We've lost contact with Y/L/N and Gibson." Sullivan told her. "Hughes, Miller, you go inside and find them."

Both Maya and Andy stood there, waiting impatiently for any sign of the two. They watched as Vic and Miller brought out Jack. Sitting him on the engine.

"Do you hear that?" Maya questioned as they could hear Y/N's PASS device. Watching as Vic and Dean went back in. Maya and Andy went to check on Jack. "What happened in there?" She asked him as she handed him an oxygen mask.

"The floor gave in beneath us and Y/N fell through." He told her. "I tried to get to them but they're stuck." Maya's chest tightened as they heard Vic through the radio.

"We need Montgomery and Warren. Y/L/N's stuck. Tell them to bring tools." Vic told him.

"How bad is it?" Sullivan questioned as Maya watched him.

"It's bad." She told him. "They have a broken beam of wood in their side."

"Oh god." Maya gasped as she ran her hands over her face. Jack watched her curiously as Andy held her shoulders.

"They're going to get them out ok. Y/N will be fine." She reassured her as Maya nodded. Taking deep breaths. Watching the house as Warren came out, holding the resident up.

"Maya! You got this one." Maya just nodded as she ran to check the owner. It felt like forever until Miller and Montgomery carried Y/N out. The broken piece of wood still sticking out. Andy was quick enough to get them on the gurny. Vic taking over Maya as she ran to the Aid car.
Driving as fast as she could to Grey-Sloan.

As soon as they arrived, they were met with Bailey and Hunt. The two rushed them to the trauma room as both Andy and Maya stood outside. Watching as they all worked tirelessly.

"I'm going to take the aid car back." Andy told her as Maya just nodded. Watching as they cut their clothes away to get to the wound.

"Maya?" She heard Carina's voice. It sort of soothed her as she tore her eyes away from her partner. "Who?"

"Y/N." She whispered as Carina pulled her in for a hug. Holding her as she let her tears out.

"They'll be ok." She whispered as Maya just held on for dear life. Watching as they were rushed to surgery. Carina led her to the gallery as they watched the doctors work tirelessly to save their life. "I know that the two of you are together." Carina stated, breaking the silence.

"What?" Maya chuckled.

"Don't hide it Maya." Carina told her softly. "I'm happy for you. Both of you."

"I." Maya started as Carina shook her head with a smile.

"It's ok. We have been over for over a year. You're allowed to move on." She told her. Not realising that the team was there.

"I love them so much." Maya whispered as she wiped her eyes. "So much and I haven't told them yet."

"Tell them when they wake up." Carina told her. "Don't wait, just tell them."

"Thank you." She whispered before Sullivan made their presence clear.

"You and Y/N are together?" He questioned as Maya looked at them all with wide eyes.

"Yes." Maya answered unsurely of their reaction. Everyone else smiled as Sullivan remained stoic.

"How long?" He questioned.

"Six months." Maya told him. "And we aren't ending it so you can shove that up your ass."

"I'm not saying that. Although we will have to put rules in place." He told her with a gentle smile. "As long as the two of you are happy."

"We are." Maya whispered as she looked back to see them closing up Y/N. "They make me very happy."

As the hours passed by, Maya remained by Y/N's side. Waiting for them to wake up so she could declare her love for them. Kicking herself for waiting so long.

"Maya." Y/N whispered as Maya sat up straight. Leaning over to cup their face.

"Oh my god. You're ok." She whispered as she looked in their eyes.

"I love you." They told her softly.

"No. I wanted to say it first." Maya whined as Y/N smiled.

"Do you want me to pretend to still be unconcious?" They teased her.

"No. I never want to see that again." She told them softly as she gazed in their eyes. "I love you Y/N." She kissed them softly before resting her head on theirs. "Also, they know about us. Everyone does."

"I don't care." They whispered. Kissing her once more.


Here is another Maya one shot. I hope you guys enjoyed this one. Please let me know what you think

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