Sober (Addison)

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No one knew other than Addison and Derek that Mark had a younger brother. Mark was embarrassed by him because of his addiction. Y/N Sloan became an addict after he lost the love of his life. He was best friends with Addison. The two were always inseparable until she moved to Seattle to follow Derek. Trying to fix a marriage that is long over thanks to Mark.

She was walking the halls beside Meredith, talking amicably when Mark walked up to her in distress. She stopped him by resting an arm on his. 

"Y/N is here." Was all he said before he walked away. Addison watched him before she excused herself from Meredith to run to the ER. Only one person in mind. 

"Y/N?" She gasped when she saw the cuts and scrapes on his face and arms. "What happened?"

"I don't remember." He mumbled. "I just needed my best friend and she wasn't there so I drove here."

"From New York?" She asked him as he looked around dazed. "Are you high?"

"Nope." He said as he tried to move. "I have been sober for 6 months. I wanted to make you proud of me."

"I'll always be proud of you." She said as she held his hand. 

"My car?" He gasped. "My car."

"Don't worry Y/N/N, I'll check on everything ok. You just heal for me yeah."

"I need to get him up for a CT and a tox screen." Derek spoke as he approached. 

"Do you not see this?" Y/N asked him as he took his chip from his pocket. "6 months. I've been clean for 6 months. So I am not high or drunk."

"Well I need to cover all bases Y/N. The police need reports and I can't risk anything." He told him. Y/N sighed and nodded, allowing Derek to take some of his blood before being wheeled up to the lab.

"Please tell me when you get the scans back as soon as please." Addison asked Derek who nodded. Derek walked with Y/N to radiology in silence. Neither wanting to break the silence or make conversation. 

"I'm sorry about what Mark and Addy done to you." Y/N told him with a sad look on his face. "You don't deserve that."

"I have already forgiven them Y/N." He told him as he made sure he was settled before leaving him in the machine. He made his way into the other room and started the CT. Getting a clear picture of Y/N's head. "Fuck. Page Sloan and Montgomery now." 

Derek was looking at the scans, running his hands through his hair as both Mark and Addison walked in. Derek gave them both a sad look.

"What is it?" Mark asked him. 

"Do you see that mass there?" He pointed to the screen. 

"Is that?" Addison asked him.

"It is one hell of a tumour." Mark spoke. 

"It's inoperable. It doesn't matter what way I go in, it will either kill him or turn him into a vegetable." Derek spoke as Mark had an unreadable look on his face. "There isn't anything that I can do other than monitor it. It has already grown so much so there is no real way of telling how long it had been growing."

"Fuck." Addison walked out of the room before running to the nearest supply closet. She closed the door behind her before she sank to the floor. Her back against the wall. The tears just flowing. She hasn't seen him in a couple of years since she moved out to Seattle to follow Derek, and now she is losing him. Her best friend from child hood is dying.

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