Another Grey 2 (Andy)

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Part Two

After Y/N had reconnected with her sisters, she wanted to thank Andy. So she decided to invite her to dinner. Just as she took the lasagne out of the oven, the doorbell went. So Y/N went to answer it. Smiling as she saw Andy standing there with some beer.

"I was thinking wine but I know we aren't wine people." Andy smirked as Y/N chuckled.

"You're damn right." Y/N let her in before leading her to the kitchen. "I uh I made lasagne."

"That's amazing." Andy smiled as the two sat down. Y/N had put the other bottles in the fridge as the two sat down to eat. Conversing about what happened at the station before Y/N had arrived.

"Thank you." Y/N blurted out. Andy looked at her confused. "Uh I wouldn't have reconnected with Lexi or Meredith if it wasn't for you. So thank you."

"So you are Meredith's sister." Andy confirmed. Y/N had told her about how the two were separated when they were kids. "I'm happy that you have reconnected with your family. Family is important." Andy said as the two ate.

"It is." Y/N nodded before looking at Andy. Well admiring her as she concentrated on her food. Mumbling something.

"Are you ok?" Andy asked her as Y/N just nodded.

"I uh, I need to tell you something." Y/N started as she placed her cutlery down. "I like you. Like really like you and I know this is probably a shot in the dark because well you're you and well." Y/N laughed at herself. Shaking her head. "Just forget everything I just said." Y/N stood up and took their plates. Andy was sat dumbfounded by Y/N's bold confession. She soon followed her to the kitchen. Standing behind her.

"Did you mean it?" Andy asked her. Her heart beating rapidly in her chest. "Everything you just said. Did you mean it."

"Every word." Y/N told her as she turned around to face the Latina woman. "I don't know when I started to have feelings for you but I do know that I want to be with you." Y/N told her. "I know you're probably worried about the team and working together but I know we can make this work. I want to make this work."

Andy listened to Y/N's every word. Taking in every syllable twice over before she launched herself forward. Kissing Y/N passionately. Y/N's hands rested on Andy's hips. Holding her close as Andy's were wrapped around Y/N's neck. Keeping her close. Their tongues danced together in unison. Neither fighting the other as they savoured the moment.

"I really like you too." Andy whispered breathlessly as they pulled away. "I really do."

"Well." Y/N smiled before caressed Andy's cheek. Gazing into her chocolate brown eyes. "Would you go on a date with me." Y/N asked her.

"Yes." Andy kissed her once more. Passionately once again before the two decided to move to watch a movie.


Here is part 2. I'm sorry it is shorter than usual but there will be a part three.

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