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Sometimes I have a hard time eating
Feeling like I'm gonna stop breathing

My anxiety kicks in telling me I'm choking
I wish I was joking

It's either that or feeling like I can't swallow
My tummy gets pretty hollow

Doubting myself if it's even real
Maybe it's all in my head no big deal

Sometimes I just wanna stop eating all along
But that I won't survive for long

Once I finish I feel guilty and sad
I want to enjoy the food I had

Feeling weird, sad, anxious it gets too much
I wanna be normal or such

I'm scared to tell people about my eating fear
Afraid they won't hear

Don't wanna be judged or misunderstood
Though I know it's not good

My feelings get hard to  handle
In my mind I'm the vandal

Not knowing what to do
My anxiety is all that gets through

Still feeling like I can't swallow
Why? I don't follow

I know it's just my anxiety talking
Why does it keep stalking

One last question at my border
Is this normal or an actual disorder

Poetic Poems by MeWhere stories live. Discover now