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It's now lunch time so I walk into the cafeteria with Corbyn, Daniel and Ashley since we all had the same class. We sit at our usual table and then the rest come in and Y/n sits opposite me and takes my food.

Jack: you wanna tell them or should I?
Corbyn: tell us what?
Ashley: what's happening?
Lera: ohhhh this
Zach: if you guys are dating the-
Y/n: no we're not dating Herron
Zach: good
Jonah: awkward
Jack: anyway back to what I was saying
Y/n: ugh fine I'll tell them
Lera: tell us what?
Y/n: I got a detention
Corbyn: why?
Christina: she was late to class and someone said she was probably giving Zach head in the janitor's closet again so Y/n flipped them off and she got a detention
Y/n: it wasn't even my fault that I was late it was...nevermind
Lera: wait can we just clear something up
Jonah: what do you mean "giving Zach head in the janitor's closet again"?
Y/n: Kay made up a rumour a few months ago that I slept with Zach and she caught me giving him head in the janitor's closet
Ashley: that little bitch

We all sit down at the table and start to eat lunch, yet again I forgot to make my lunch this morning because I was in a rush so I stole some of Zach's food because he always lets me. I hear my phone going off so I answer it.

Y/n: hello?
??: hey Y/n, it's Myta
Y/n: oh hey, is everything okay?
Myta: yeah everything's fine, I was wondering if you could babysit Reese for me? Your mom said you were looking for a job and because Reese knows you I thought you would be the right person for the job
Y/n: of course, I would love to
Myta: thankyou, is it okay if you start Friday?
Y/n: Friday?
Myta: if you can't do Friday I can ask Zach to look after her
Y/n: no Friday is perfect, I'll come over around about 5pm
Myta: okay perfect and thankyou for doing this
Y/n: of course, see you then
Myta: see you then

It's now the end of the day and I take my things to my locker, I see Y/n go to detention so I decided to wait until detention was over so I could take her home since Corbyn had to go with Lera to the doctors since she wasn't feeling well.

??: Zachy?
Zach: what do you want Kay?
Kay: to talk
Zach: well I'm about to leave so not now
Kay: why are you still here? Were you waiting for me?
Zach: no I was waiting for Y/n
??: what about me?
Kay: ugh I told you to stay away from him
Y/n: I don't know why he's here
Zach: Corbyn told me to stay and take you home after detention since he had to take Lera to the doctors because she's not feeling good
Y/n: right well I have to go to my locker
Zach: okay I'll come with you
Kay: but Zachy
Zach: no Kay I don't want to talk to you
Y/n: if you guys need to talk th-
Zach: I said no! *I see Y/n jump a little and walk off to her locker*
Kay: now we can talk
Zach: leave me alone Kay!
Kay: Zach *I walk off and go to Y/n*
Y/n: thanks for the offer but I'm actually gonna walk home
Zach: I'm not letting you walk, it's cold and you will probably get sick
Y/n: ugh fine

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