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It's been a few days since we went to the party and since me and Y/n slept together, again we have school today so I decided to facetime Y/n whilst I get ready.

Y/n: morning Herron

Zach: morning cutie

Y/n: cutie? I've only just woken up

Zach: well you need to hurry up and get ready because we have 40 minutes until school starts

Y/n: ugh I woke up late again

Zach: well if I didn't call you then you would have been late

Y/n: I know, I don't even know what to wear

Zach: do you still have my shirt I gave you?

Y/n: yeah I do

Zach: maybe that with blue jeans and a leather jacket?

Y/n: sounds good

Zach: good, well I need to take a shower quickly so I'll see you at my locker?

Y/n: definitely

Zach: see ya soon cutie

Y/n: see ya soon Herron

I get changed into a black shirt that Zach gave me with some blue jeans and a leather jacket, I put my hair in a bun and just do mascara then go downstairs.

Corbyn: leather Jack?
Y/n: I haven't worn it in so long
Corbyn: it looks good
Ashley: Y/n, mom called before her and dad will be back in a few days
Y/n: finally, the house is a mess
Corbyn: we will clean it when we get home
Jordan: yes please do, I'm going back to work today so I can't help but maybe you can invite everyone else around to help
Y/n: nooo I'm gonna miss you
Jordan: I'll miss you too mini bean but I have to
Y/n: ugh okay
Corbyn: right come on, we have 20 minutes
Ashley: coming
Y/n: shotgun!
Ashley: alright you can this time

I get to school with Ryan and I go to my locker, out of the corner of my eye I see Y/n walk over whilst Corbyn goes to Christina and Ashley goes to Anna.

Zach: good morning cutie
Y/n: good morning Herron
Zach: you actually look very hot
Y/n: well thankyou
Zach: what's your first class?
Y/n: music
Zach: ugh I got drama
Y/n: I've got Kay in my class
??: what's going on here then?
Zach: hey Jack, hey Gabs
Gabbie: hey guys
Jack: soooo?
Zach: we're just talking
Y/n: Gabs you have music right?
Gabbie: yeah
Zach: make sure Kay doesn't go near her
Gabbie: don't worry she's safe with me
Jack: come on Zach we gotta go to drama
Zach: alright, I'll see you at lunch?
Y/n: definitely
Jack: see you later babe
Gabbie: bye handsome *I kissed Y/n's cheek and walked to class with Jack whilst Y/n and Gabbie go to music*

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