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Me and the girls are downstairs sorting out the drinks whilst the boys are upstairs helping Zach get ready. All the drinks are ready and the boys finally come downstairs just in time because people are starting to arrive.

 All the drinks are ready and the boys finally come downstairs just in time because people are starting to arrive

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Jonah: here is a very special happy birthday to our one and only Zachary Dean HerronEveryone: happy birthday Zach: thankyou guys??: Zach?Zach: Kay, what are you doing here?Kay: I just came to say happy birthday Jack: Kay just leave, nobody wants y...

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Jonah: here is a very special happy birthday to our one and only Zachary Dean Herron
Everyone: happy birthday
Zach: thankyou guys
??: Zach?
Zach: Kay, what are you doing here?
Kay: I just came to say happy birthday
Jack: Kay just leave, nobody wants you here
Y/n: I told you today so just leave
Lera: today? Is that who was at the door?
Y/n: yep
Zach: Jack, Jo get rid of her. She isn't spoiling my night
Jonah: come on Kay, time to leave
Kay: fine whatever *Jack and Jo take Kay outside and makes sure she leaves, Ryan comes over to me and pulled me to the side*
Ryan; so, you and my brother huh?
Y/n: what about us?
Ryan: oh come on Y/n, I've seen the way you both look at each other
Y/n: so?
Ryan: so, just ask him on a date
Y/n: that's not a good idea

I look over and see Ryan and Y/n talking in the corner, it seems like a weird one but I keep watching and all I can tell is "I love him" come out of Y/n's mouth. They both come over to me and Y/n gets a drink and Ryan looks at me then walks off.

Zach: what was all that about?
Y/n: nothing
Zach: it was something
Y/n: no, just talking about something
Zach: hmm okay *After a while everyone is dancing and having a good time but out of the corner of my eye I see Corbyn and Lera arguing about something*
Y/n: what's going on with them?
Zach: no idea
Jack: it's not good
Ashley: not good at all
Jonah: does anyone know what happened?
Christina: when I walked past I heard Corbyn saying "just because you're drunk doesn't mean you can kiss someone else and cheat on me"
Y/n: Lera cheated on him?!
??: yeah she did
Jack: oh bean
Corbyn: I'm okay, Lera left so let's have a good time
Christina: you sure you're alright?
Tate: we're here if you need us
Corbyn: thanks guys but tonight is about Zach

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