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It's a Saturday today and we're all going to a house party so me and the girls got ready in my room whilst the boys got ready in Corbyn's.

Y/NIt's a Saturday today and we're all going to a house party so me and the girls got ready in my room whilst the boys got ready in Corbyn's

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Ashley: damn sis you look amazing Gabbie: wow, everyone is gonna be looking at you tonight Christina: yeah especially ZachY/n: why Zach?Ashley: oh come on, tell themLera: tell us what?Y/n: Ash I can't, Corbyn will find out Lera: I won't tell himAn...

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Ashley: damn sis you look amazing
Gabbie: wow, everyone is gonna be looking at you tonight
Christina: yeah especially Zach
Y/n: why Zach?
Ashley: oh come on, tell them
Lera: tell us what?
Y/n: Ash I can't, Corbyn will find out
Lera: I won't tell him
Anna: come on tell us
Y/n: okay okay fine, me and Zach have been getting close and well we kissed a few times
Gabbie: since when?
Y/n: when i last was babysitting Reese
Christina: who else knows?
Y/n: I feel like Jack and Dani know
Anna: Dani hasn't said anything about it
Gabbie: yeah neither has Jack
Y/n: away what's going on with you guys?
Gabbie: umm well..we're gonna give things another go
Tate: that's amazing

We arrive at the party and we go over and get a drink, i give Y/n a glass of apple juice because I don't want her to drink but I know she will. The others went to dance and Y/n went to the bathroom so I'm now stuck in the kitchen on my own until someone comes over to me.

??: Zachy?
Zach: Kay don't
Kay: I didn't think you were coming
Zach: I came with my friends
Kay: oh yeah? Where are they?
Zach: they're dancing and Y/n will be back any minute
Kay: oh she's here?
Zach: yes she is, do you have a problem with that?
Kay: yes I do, she's spending time with MY boyfriend
Zach: Kay I'm not your boyfriend anymore so just leave me alone!
Kay: but Zachy
??: you heard him bitch
Kay: oh look who it is, the slut
Zach: don't you fucking dare call her a slut
Kay: but she is, aren't you Y/n
Y/n: I might be a lot of things but I am definitely not a slut! You're the biggest slut I've ever met in my life
??: oi back away from them
Zach: don't worry Corbs, it's okay the slut was just leaving
Kay: yeah bye bye Y/n
Zach: I was talking about you *I could tell Y/n was getting angry and she's had a little to drink, next thing I know she slaps Kay and Kay slaps her back then it turns into a huge fight. Everyone is now surrounding us and watching but before Y/n gets hurt I push Kay off of her and hold her then the boys kick Kay out*
Y/n: fucking bitch

The boys wanted to take us home but I refused, I was gonna let Kay ruin our night just because she can't understand that her and Zach are finished.

Christina: Y/n, come dance with us
Y/n: I'm sitting with Zach
Zach: it's alright go on, I'll join you in a minute
Y/n: are you sure?
Zach: of course babygirl *I look at Zach and he smirks at me, I shake my head and go over to the girls and we start dancing*
Anna: he winked at you
Y/n: I know he did
Lera: ooo someone's got a crush
Y/n: I don't have a crush on him
??: don't have a crush on who?
Lera: babyyyy
Corbyn: what you girls talking about?
Ashley: nothing Corbs
??: hey I got you another drink
Y/n: thanks Zach
Zach: you're welcome, what's going on?
Corbyn: I'm trying to find out who my sister has a crush on
Zach: well if she doesn't want to tell you then she doesn't have to
??: he's right Corbs
Corbyn: okay fine I'll leave it

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