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It's now Friday and I'm babysitting Reese tonight after school, I get changed and do my hair and makeup then since it's a nice day I decided to skate to school. Finally school is finished and I was about to skate off but Zach stops me.

 Finally school is finished and I was about to skate off but Zach stops me

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Zach: hey waitY/n: what's up?Zach: my mom told me you were babysitting Reese tonight so I thought I would take you to mineY/n: I told your mom that I would be over about 5 and it's only 3:45Zach: it's okay, I can take you home so you can get your ...

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Zach: hey wait
Y/n: what's up?
Zach: my mom told me you were babysitting Reese tonight so I thought I would take you to mine
Y/n: I told your mom that I would be over about 5 and it's only 3:45
Zach: it's okay, I can take you home so you can get your things and then I can take you to mine
Y/n: are you sure?
Zach: yeah, I wanna do it so please
Y/n: okay okay fine but only if you take me to Starbucks
Zach: yes I'll take you to Starbucks
Y/n: okay good, now let's go before I change my mind
Zach: okay I just need to go to my locker really quick
Y/n: okay
Zach: here take my keys I'll meet you in the car okay?
Y/n: okay

I give Y/n my keys and then go back into school and head to my locker, I open my locker and get the things I need so I can do homework that I need to. After getting everything I go back to the car and get in.

Y/n: so Starbucks?
Zach: yes yes, put your seatbelt on
Y/n: you put your seatbelt on
Zach: hey don't tell me what to do in older than you
Y/n: you might be older than me but I've seen the way you drive so put your belt on
Zach: I will
Y/n: good *We both put our seatbelts on and then I start to drive, Y/n puts some music on and we both start singing along and we get to Starbucks. I order for both of us and then I drive to Y/n's*
Zach: now your house
Y/n: yeah okay
Zach: you alright?
Y/n: yeah just tired
Zach: if you're tired I can look after Reese tonight if you want
Y/n: no, I need the money plus I've told Reese I'll be looking after her and we're making cookies
Zach: okay but only if I can help too
Y/n: maybe

After I got my things for the night we go to Zach's house and it was alright 4:55pm. Reese runs to me and hugs me then Myta tells me everything I need to know and then her and Josh leave. A few hours go by and it's 7:30pm, Reese has to be in bed by 9pm so we decided to make cookies.

Reese: Y/n?
Y/n: yeah Reese
Reese: do you like my brother?
Y/n: meh he's alright, can be bossy but yeah he's fine
Reese: no I mean as in like like, do you like like him?
Y/n: we're just friends
??: for now
Reese: RyRy!
Ryan: hey Reese bunny
Y/n: oh hey Ryan
Ryan: hey, where is everyone?
Reese: Zachy is out with the boys and mom and dad went out for a meeting
Y/n: so I'm looking after this little monkey until your parents get home
Ryan: oh alright, I'm gonna head to my room. Have fun making cookies *Ryan went upstairs and we finished making cookies*

It's now 10:30pm and I just got home, my parents aren't home yet so Y/n is still here but Reese is asleep and Ryan is playing fortnight, i go into the house and Y/n was in the kitchen cleaning up.

Zach: hey
Y/n: oh hey Zach
Zach: everything alright?
Y/n: yeah, Reese is asleep and Ry-
Zach: I know you told me on the phone
Y/n: oh yeah i forgot
Zach: it's alright *I walk into the kitchen and get a bottle of water from the fridge and go beside Y/n*
Y/n: your parents should be home soon
Zach: I know
Y/n: hey um Reese was saying something before and it got me thinking
Zach: oh yeah, what was it?
Y/n: she asked me if I liked you
Zach: of course you do we're friends
Y/n: no Zach as in if I like like you
Zach: oh. As in fancy?
Y/n: yes Herron
Zach: do you?
Y/n: no like you said we're friends *We both look at each other and we start to lean in, our faces were inches away*
??: hey guys, sorry we're late
Zach: oh hey mom, dad
Myta: hey, thankyou so much Y/n for looking after Reese
Y/n: it's my pleasure, we enjoyed it
Myta: Zach can you take Y/n home?
Zach: um I'm actually about to go to bed
Myta: okay I can take you home
Y/n: thanks, I'll just go get my things

 As in fancy?Y/n: yes Herron Zach: do you?Y/n: no like you said we're friends *We both look at each other and we start to lean in, our faces were inches away*??: hey guys, sorry we're lateZach: oh hey mom, dadMyta: hey, thankyou so much Y/n for lo...

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@official.y/n: had a lot of fun with Reese tonight

94823 likes 84025 comments

@ashleymaebesson: they look amazing

@leraclark: girl we need to talk now

@imzachherron: they taste nice

@corbynbesson: cute

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