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Me and Zach walk downstairs and I'm so nervous to tell Corbyn, I don't know how he's going to react. I just hope he's gonna be happy and not hate us.

Zach: Corbs
Corbyn: yeah?
Y/n: can we talk?
Corbyn: of course
Zach: please don't be mad
Corbyn: I won't
Y/n: okay I have a present for you, close your eyes *Corbyn closes his eyes and i place the hoodie in his hands*
Corbyn: can i open?
Y/n: yeah... *He opens his eyes and looks at the hoodie*
Corbyn: I'm pregnant?
Jack: who's pregnant?!
Y/n: I'm pregnant...
Corbyn: I already knew it
Y/n: how?
Corbyn: oh come on, we all knew
Zach: but how?
Y/n: yeah how?
Corbyn: the way you two are always acting together oh and remember when you said you were going to the studio, you forgot we had cameras
Zach: oh shit yeah
Y/n: oops

Tomorrow I'm taking Y/n on our first official date, I'm excited and nervous at the same time only because I want to ask her to be my girlfriend but I don't know if she wants to date me.

Ashley: I can't believe my sister is pregnant
Corbyn: I'm still getting used to it
Y/n: I'm still trying to get my head around the fact I'm gonna be a mom
Zach: and I'm gonna be a dad
Corbyn: we're gonna be family
Zach: yeah we are
Christina: i'm finally gonna be an aunt
Tate: me too
Daniel: he or she is gonna love apple juice like uncle Dani
Jonah: and coffee
Y/n: I already want you guys at the birth
Jonah: really?
Zach: of course
Jack: yesssss favourite uncle right here
Corbyn: hey no i'm favourite uncle
Zach: you're all gonna be favourite
Ashley: we're all gonna be favourites aunts
Tate: definitely
Gabbie: my bestie is having a baby

We invited the others around to tell them the news and they are so happy for us, me and Zach are actually going on a date tomorrow and I'm so excited.

Corbyn: so, what are we doing?
Y/n: I want food
Jack: but you only ate an hour ago
Y/n: well I'm eating for two now and baby wants food
Zach: well what do you want to eat?
Y/n: hmmm I don't know
Gabbie: I'm craving pizza
Y/n: ew no
Corbyn: but you love pizza
Y/n: not anymore
Zach: the baby doesn't like it?
Y/n: correct
Tate: babies aren't gonna like very much
Jonah: true, when my mom was pregnant she couldn't really eat things she liked
Y/n: ugh my stomach hurts
Zach: do you want a hot water bottle?
Y/n: can you cuddle me?
Zach: of course I can *Zach lays down and I lay down beside him, he cuddles me carefully and rubs my stomach a little*
Jack: you two are cute together
Zach: we know
Y/n: shhh I'm trying to keep the baby calm
Corbyn: you're gonna be an amazing mom
Christina: come on, let's go get food
Y/n: I'm staying here
Zach: I'll stay too

Corbyn: so, what are we doing?Y/n: I want food Jack: but you only ate an hour agoY/n: well I'm eating for two now and baby wants foodZach: well what do you want to eat?Y/n: hmmm I don't know Gabbie: I'm craving pizzaY/n: ew no Corbyn: but you love...

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@official.y/n: so, me and Zach have been keeping a secret from you all. The last few weeks I haven't been feeling well and this is why. Today I found out that I'm pregnant and it's Zach's baby. I'm so happy to have so many people look out for us and care about us, we hope you guys will be supportive and we will continue this journey with you all 💖💙

  👤: @imzachherron

     93724 likes 82754 comments

@emmaxx: so happy for you guys!

@corbynbesson: still can't believe my sister is having a baby 🥺

@imzachherron: so happy 😍

@jacob.kl: glad you're happy now

@imzachherron: so, me and Y/n have been keeping a secret from you all

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@imzachherron: so, me and Y/n have been keeping a secret from you all. The last few weeks Y/n hasn't been feeling well and this is why. Today we found out that she's pregnant and it's my baby. We're both so happy to have so many people look out for us and care about us, we hope you guys will be supportive and we will continue this journey with you all 💖💙

👤: @official.y/n

      97495 likes 95824 comments

@danielseavey: he or she is gonna love apple juice just like uncle Dani 🧃

@official.y/n: i love this picture 🥰

@mama.herron: my son is now an adult

@corbynbesson: don't break her heart

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