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It's been a week since Y/n's got back to LA and we have been spending a lot of time together. Corbyn is a little suspicious about us but we've told him that we're just friends.

Jack: hey bro
Zach: hey Jack
Daniel: what you doing?
Zach: just planning things
Jack: what things?
Zach: just for Y/n
Corbyn: what about Y/n?
Zach: actually Corbs, I need to talk to you
Corbyn: now?
Zach: yeah it's important
Corbyn: I'm about to meet Tina
Jack: I'm so confused
Zach: this is more important
Corbyn: okay okay, boys give us some space please
Jonah: okay, come on boys *The boys walk away and Corbyn sits next to me*
Corbyn: so, what's going on?
Zach: so me and Y/n have been talking and umm she wanted to know if she could move in with us
Corbyn: and why are you asking me about it? Why not her?
Zach: she's scared you might say no since we're all boys and she will be the only girl
Corbyn: well I mean true but she knows she can always move in with us
Zach: okay, I'll tell her
Corbyn: alright, is that everything?
Zach: yeah

The last few days I haven't been feeling well, I've been throwing up, sleeping more and or eating and the most important thing is...I haven't had my period yet. I went out to the store yesterday to get a few things and I also picked up a pregnancy test. I'm so nervous so I call Ashley.

Y/n: hey Ash

Ashley: hey girl, you alright?

Y/n: I need to tell you something

Ashley: what's wrong?

Y/n: I'm about to take a pregnancy test

Ashley: oh my goodness

Y/n: I'm scared so I called you

Ashley: who would be the dad?

Y/n: have a guess

Ashley: Zach?

Y/n: yeah

Ashley: okay you need to take it

Y/n: okay here we go

Me and the boys get back from the studio and Y/n calls me upstairs, she's sat on my bed with a hoodie and I sit next to her. She looks nervous but also excited.

Zach: what's wrong?
Y/n: please don't be mad or upset
Zach: okay?
Y/n: so um you know I haven't been feeling well lately
Zach: yeahhh
Y/n: well there's a good reason for that
Zach: and that is?
Y/n: just look at the hoodie
Zach: um okay *I pick up the hoodie and look at it*
Y/n: read it very carefully
Zach: always read the fine print I'm pregnant
Y/n: surprise...
Zach: wait what?
Y/n: I'm pregnant...
Zach: oh wow
Y/n: I'm pregnant with your baby
Zach: oh my gosh! We're having a baby
Y/n: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you or make you angry
Zach: I'm not upset or angry I'm happy
Y/n: really?
Zach: yes! I kinda had a feeling that you were anyway
Y/n: well now it's true

Zach: oh wow Y/n: I'm pregnant with your baby Zach: oh my gosh! We're having a babyY/n: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you or make you angry Zach: I'm not upset or angry I'm happy Y/n: really?Zach: yes! I kinda had a feeling that you were anywa...

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