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It's been 2 months and well things aren't going good between me and Christina, we've been arguing a lot recently about stupid things so I guess it's time just to call it quits.

Christina: Corbyn stop it! I'm not doing it
Corbyn: I didn't say you had to
Christina: yeah well that's what you face says
Corbyn: I'm just saying that you don't have to move back to New York just for work
Christina: Corbyn it will be for two months then I'll be back here with you
Corbyn: maybe that's not what I want anymore!
Christina: what?
Corbyn: we've been arguing for weeks about this now!
Christina: then maybe we should just break up for good!
??: no!
Corbyn: Y/n
Y/n: why?! Why do you always have to do this?!
Corbyn: it's not just me
Y/n: yes it is! You always do this
??: babe
Y/n: no Zach it's always him who ruins everything
Zach: I know but this stress isn't good for the baby

After a few hours me and Zach are laying in bed, cuddling and watching a movie. I'm now 4 months pregnant and well I'm still upset about Christina and Corbyn breaking up and now Tina is moving back to New York.

Y/n: ouch
Zach: what? Are you okay? Is the baby okay?
Y/n: he or is is active and is kicking mommy
Zach: aww
Y/n: hey so um, you know how there's gonna be three of us soon
Zach: yeah?
Y/n: maybe we should think about getting a place of our own
Zach: me and Jack were talking about this
Y/n: and?
Zach: maybe we should just wait for a little, until the baby is a few months old
Y/n: yeah true
Zach: but obviously i would love to find a place of our own
Y/n: yeah me too
Zach: good
Y/n: oh my gosh he or she is very active
Zach: aww

Corbyn has just gotten back to the house and Christina is staying at Tate's house until she goes back to New York. Y/n is making cookies because Reese is coming over.

??: hey guys
Y/n: Reeseeeee
Reese: Y/n/n
Ryan: hey guys
Zach: hey bro
Ryan: how's the baby?
Y/n: baby is making mommy tired but he or she is good
Corbyn: you know we really need to find out the gender
Y/n: nobody asked you, come on Reese let's eat cookies
Reese: okayyy *Y/n and Reese go to the couch and watch frozen whilst I clean the kitchen up*
Ryan: Zach bro
Zach: yeah?
Ryan: what's going on with Y/n and Corbyn?
Zach: Corbyn and Christina broke up and Y/n isn't happy about it because Tina is moving back to New York
Ryan: oh wow
Zach: yeah I know

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