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Today is the last day of summer break, school starts again tomorrow and I'm definitely not ready for it. Today we're all just chilling since our parents aren't home yet so the others are spending the day with us then going home later.

??: look who's hereeee
Y/n: Jordannnn
Jordan: hey mini bean
Anna: oh hey Jordan
Jordan: hey Anna
Corbyn: bro I thought you weren't coming today
??: who's hungry?
Zach: hey Ry
Y/n: I'm starving
Corbyn: we all are
Ryan: well luckily I brought breakfast
Y/n: what do you get?
Ryan: pancakes, coffee and apple juice
Y/n: you know us to well
Zach: he really does
Ryan: come on, let's see
Y/n: damn Zach, he's more of a man than you are
Zach: rude *We all sit at the table and we eat breakfast together but it's time for the girls to leave so Corbyn says bye to Christina whilst Jack says bye to Gabbie*
Jonah: what do you boys wanna do?
Ashley: don't forget me and Y/n
Y/n: actually I'm gonna go take a shower
Ashley: alright

Me and Ryan go home because I still have things to do for tomorrow and Ryan was tired, I just finished packing my bag and getting an outfit out when I hear my phone ringing. I pick it up and it was Y/n FaceTiming me.

Zach: hey, you alright

Y/n: yeah I'm alright, just checking you got home

Zach: yeah we're been home for about an hour now

Y/n: oh alright, are you busy?

Zach: no just finished getting my things ready for tomorrow, are you busy?

Y/n: no just about to do a facemask

Zach: ooo

Y/n: you can join me if you want to

Zach: I'd rather you did it on me

Y/n: well silly I don't have superpowers

Zach: meh true true

Y/n: wanna see my outfit for tomorrow?

Zach: of course

Me and Zach just spent all night on FaceTime talking about things, laughing and watching movies. I think we watched all of the scream movies and a romantic movie. I walk downstairs and sit next to Ashley who was talking to Corbs and Jordan.

Corbyn: you alright mini bean?
Y/n: me? Yeah I'm good
Ashley: what you been doing?
Y/n: just on facetime with someone
Jordan: who's this mysterious boy then?
Y/n: what mysterious boy?
Jordan: oh come on, me and Corbyn have heard you and Ash talk about him all the time so you can't say "what boy"
Y/n: it's just a boy that I like but I'm not dating him so you guys don't need to worry
Jordan: does this boy have a name?
Y/n: obviously but I'm not telling you
Corbyn: oh come on, we're your brothers
Y/n: overprotective brothers and you boys will probably scare him away
Ashley: true true
Jordan: okay fine, who's hungry?
Y/n: me
Corbyn: let's order pizza
Ashley: yessss *We order pizza and watch a movie but it was getting late so I go to my room and quickly text Zach goodnight and fall asleep*

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