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It's a very hot day again in LA so I organised a pool party for us all at my house since my parents are going to sit my grandparents so Reese and Ryan are going with them. The boys stayed over last night so they're helping get the food and everything ready.

Corbyn: hey Zach, Y/n said she will be here a little before everyone else
Zach: yeah that's fine
Corbyn: can I ask you something?
Zach: sure go ahead
Corbyn: I've noticed you and Y/n getting close recently so I was wondering if you know if she's got a boyfriend or anything
Zach: a b-boyfriend?
Corbyn: yeah, her and Ash have this secret and they always say he then stop talking about it when I'm around
Zach: oh um no I don't know, she hasn't mentioned anything to me
Corbyn: will you tell me if she says anything?
Zach: of course
Corbyn: thanks bro I always knew I could trust you
Zach: of course bro
??: hey Zach, where do you want the drinks?
Zach: hey Jo, outside on the table
Jonah: alright bro

I arrive at Zach's house earlier than the girls just so I can make sure Zach doesn't say anything to Corbyn about the kiss, I only has a shirt and shorts on with my bikini underneath. I knock on the door and guess who answers...yep Zach.

Zach: hey Y/nY/n: hey ZachZach: Corbs mentioned you would come early but I didn't think it would be this early Y/n: sorry, I can go for a li-Zach: no no of course not, I just didn't want you to see me looking like thisY/n: looking like what?Zach: ...

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Zach: hey Y/n
Y/n: hey Zach
Zach: Corbs mentioned you would come early but I didn't think it would be this early
Y/n: sorry, I can go for a li-
Zach: no no of course not, I just didn't want you to see me looking like this
Y/n: looking like what?
Zach: well my hair is a mess, I'm in sho-
Y/n: Zach you look perfect don't worry
??: hey bro, who's at the door
Zach: it's Y/n
??: alright *Zach let's me in and I see Corbyn and Dani sorting drinks out whilst Jack and Jonah are outside*
Corbyn: hey mini bean
Daniel: hey cutie
Y/n: hey bean, hey Dani boy
Zach: cutie? That's a new one
Corbyn: hm yeah it is
Daniel: don't worry I don't like her, all the girls are like sisters to me
Y/n: see, a little sister

It's been a while and everyone else is now here, we're all a little drunk and everyone is just messing around. Me and Y/n keep flirting a little but nobody has really noticed since they're to busy.

Ashley: we should play truth or dare
Christina: sure
Tate: is that a good idea?
Gabbie: yeah since we're all drunk
Jonah: I mean we're all friends so why not
Corbyn: okay I'll start, Zach truth or dare?
Zach: mm truth
Corbyn: do you like someone? If you do tell us what you like about her
Zach: umm okay, yeah I do. There's this girl, she's smart, talented, gorgeous, the strongest girl I've met and honestly I want a future with her but her brother and friends are very protective and I don't want to hurt her
Ashley: aww Zach that's cute
Y/n: whoever it is, is a special girl
Zach: yeah she really is
Corbyn: damn bro, I have to meet her
Anna: anywayyyy, Y/n truth or dare?
Y/n: hmm dare
Ashley: I dare you to kiss Zach for a minute
Corbyn: wow okay
Lera: it's alright babe
Y/n: do I have to?
Ashley: either kiss Zach or down a bottle of vodka *Y/n moves closer to me and we start to kiss, everyone starts to count but it gets a little heated. My hands go on her waist and her hands go in my hair but then we lowly pull away*

 My hands go on her waist and her hands go in my hair but then we lowly pull away*

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@leraclark: my girls ❤️

👤: @official.y/n @ashleymaebesson

85024 likes 81053 comments

@corbynbesson: my beautiful girlfriend and my sisters in one picture 💖

@official.y/n: love you Lera 🥰

@ashleymaebesson: gorgeous 😍

@ashleymaebesson: gorgeous 😍

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@official.y/n: all the girls in one picture 💖

📸: @imzachherron

93713 likes 91053 comments

@imzachherron: I'm good at taking pictures 🔥

@leraclark: yayyy

@beautychickee: love ya babes 😍

@beautychickee: love ya babes 😍

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@imzachherron: besties

98024 likes 95472 comments

@official.y/n: bestieeeeee

@jonahmarais: forever bro

@kaycookk: can I see you?

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