Chapter 3- The Date

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"Yeah." Harry got up and followed Matteo over to weights

"How much can you lift?" asked Matteo

"I don't know." said Harry quietly

"Well then start off low and see how easy it is."

"Okay." Harry grabbed a 5 pound weight and lifted it easily "Too easy." Harry lifted a 10 pound weight and was able to lift it.

"When you lift it does it feel heavy to you?"

"A little."

"Alright then why don't we start off with 10 lbs. Curl your arm." Matteo grabbed a 30 pound weight and showed Harry how to curl. Harry started to do the same thing that Matteo was doing and they did that for about 10 minutes. "Alright now we work on the triceps." Matteo just lifted his arms and did that over and over. Harry quickly did the same thing. Then later as the day went on Matteo showed Harry how to do countless exercises and by the time they walked out of the Gym and sighed out. It was already 5 o'clock.

"So, where do you want to go and get dinner?" asked Harry

"Fish and chips sound good?"


"Great. I know a really good place."

Harry followed Matteo to a gray suburban. "Is this your car?"

"Yup. Mum gave it to me for my 16th birthday."

"That's nice." Harry got into the passenger side of the car and Matteo got in on the driver's side and started the car. 

"I never asked. Why do you live with your Aunt and your Uncle?"

"My parents died."

"Oh. Sorry." Matteo said quickly and started to drive through downtown.

"It's okay. I never met them anyways."

"How did it happen?"

"Car crash."

"Is that why you got the scar?"

"Yeah." Harry looked in the mirror and saw the same old scar that he had for his life.

"Well my mum and dad don't get along. So there's that?"


"Because my mum thought my dad was cheating on her?"

"Damn. That sucks."

"Yeah. It is just one of my mum's dramatic fantasies,but sadly she was right." Matteo parked the car in front of a pub. "We are here." Harry and Matteo got out of the car and walked in. "Table for 2 please." said Matteo to the waiter

"Alright, please follow me." She grabbed 2 menus and walked to a booth. "Here you are. I will be with you in a moment."

"Okay thank you." said Matteo sliding in the booth and Harry sat in front of him. Harry fidgeted with the napkins that were on the table and Matteo smiled. "Have you ever gone on a date?"

"Uh. No. I mean I got a really shitty kiss from a girl that I used to like. So that ruined my 1st kiss."

"Ugh, that sucks. Maybe I can make it up to you at some point." The waiter came back with water.

"Did you know what you guys wanted to eat?" asked the waiter, putting the water down on the table and taking out a notepad and pen.

"We'll both do the fish and chips," said Matteo, handing her the menus.

"Alright, that will be out shortly." said the waiter, writing it down and taking the menus and walking away.

"Thank you." said Harry

Matteo smiled at Harry. "I wish you didn't have to go to Scotland for school."

"Why, so we can go hide in a supply closet during the passing period?"


"Matteo!" A light pink blush ran across Harry's cheek's

"What?! You said it."

"Doesn't mean you have agreed."

"I didn't." Harry giggled and Matteo smiled. "Why do you go to school in Scotland?"

"Because it was the one that my parents went to and I was accepted to go there too."

"That's cool. Is it old fashioned?"


Matteo listened as Harry talked about his school. Then the waitress came to them with their food and set it on the table.


"Thanks." said Matteo

Harry started to eat and took a bite. "This is really good."

"Yeah.I used to always come here with my dad before my parents divorced."

"I am sorry that happened."

"It's okay. It's been 10ish years now."

Harry didn't know what to say, but just ate his food and watched Matteo eat too.

Harry quickly finished eating and Matteo was shocked "You ate pretty quickly."

"Yeah. I was starving."

Matteo quickly finished eating and waved the waiter over. "Check please." The waiter handed him the check and Matteo opened his wallet and took out a 20 and set it under the glass of water. "Come on. I should drive you home."

"Oh Okay." Harry got up and followed Matteo out to his car. Matteo unlocked the car and Harry got into the passenger side and Matteo got in on the driver's side turning the car on. "Thank you for dinner."

"You're welcome."Matteo smiled as he drove to Surrey and stopped right in front of Harry's house. "Is anyone home?"

"No. They're in the states."

"They didn't invite you?"


"Oh That sucks. Here let me walk you to your door." Matteo took the keys out of the ignition and got out of the car and went around and opened the door for Harry. Harry grabbed his bag and got out.

"Thanks." Matteo smiled and followed Harry up to the front door. Harry took out a spare of keys and unlocked the door. "I will see you tomorrow?"

"You work tomorrow?" asked Matteo

"Yeah. I checked the schedule before we left and I was put on for tomorrow."




"Then I will see you tomorrow."

Harry was about to go inside until Matteo pulled him back and leaned in and gave Harry a light kiss on the lips. Harry was shocked and as Matteo was about to walk away. Harry put down his bag and rushed up to Matteo and gave him a light kiss on the lips.

"Thank you." Said Harry walking away grinning from ear to ear. Harry went inside the house and closed the door and jumped up and down, giggling. "Merlin, I feel like a girl." Harry brought his bag upstairs and took all of his clothes off and headed to the shower. After Harry got out of the shower. He got on loose pants and kept his shirt off. Harry sat down at his desk and saw that Hedwig had another letter.

"Who is it from girl?" asked Harry, taking the letter from Hedwig to see that it was from Gringotts.


I hope all is good, but I was wondering if you would like to meet up and talk for a little while.

Your father,

Tom Riddle

Harry yawned and got under the covers of his bed and laid his glasses on his desk.

"Night, Girl."

Harry turned off his lamp and closed his eyes.

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