Chapter 23- Winter Ball part 2

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Okay... So in this chapter it wasn't really planned out really well, but in the end I did like how it ended up. So I hope that you enjoy this chapter!- Have a great week I will try to update as much as possible, but finals are coming up so wish me luck and thank you to all of those who have been reading my story. - Mysterious (1807 words)

-With The Weasley's-

"Why are we here again?" asked Ron

"I don't know, but who cares, free food." said Hermione, eating the food in front of her.

"I wish Harry would talk to us."

"Why? All we did was use him."

"I know, but I miss just being popular."

"Yeah. I agree."

Remus looked around the ballroom waiting for the scent of his godson to come back to him. Then he saw Draco Malfoy and another guy walk in together, then it hit him. That was Harry. Remus walked over, but stopped when they walked up to Severus and Voldemort.

"Remus! My boy, is everything okay?" asked Dumbledore

"Why did you lie to Harry?"

"About what?"

"His heritage."

"Because he didn't need to know. It was not important."

"Then who is that talking to Voldemort and Severus because it looks a lot like their son."

Dumbledore's glaze snapped over to Voldemort and instantly got angry. "Bastards." Dumbledore walked over there with Remus, Molly, Ron, and Hermione on his tail. "Tom! My boy! How have you been?"

Voldemort turned around and his eyes instantly became red. "What do you want?" Sneered Tom, moving in front of his son to protect him.

"I just wanted to say thank you for inviting me to this wonderful ball of yours."

"I did not invite you."

"Oh. Well whatever. Hello Severus. I didn't realize that you like these things?"

"I do, Albus." said Severus, standing right next to his husband

"And who is that behind you?"

Tom and Severus wanted to kill Dumbledore right then and there. "That is no one of your concern, Dumbledore." Sneered Tom, almost slipping into parseltongue.

"Oh okay. Well we'll be around if you want to talk." Everyone walked away besides Remus.

"What do you want, Wolf?" asked Severus

"I want to see him." said Remus

"Fine." Tom and Severus stepped away and Remus saw his cub standing there with Draco Malfoy right next to him.

"Hey cub." smiled Remus

"Remus!" Damian launched into his arms and hugged him. "I'm so sorry."

Remus held onto Damian like he was going to fall out of his arms. "You have nothing to be sorry about. It was Sirius's own idiotic fault."

Damian chuckled and held onto Remus tighter. "I missed you. I'm sorry about the summer."

"It's okay. I missed you too, cub. Now I am here and I intend to stay."


"Yes!" Remus put Damian down to get a good look at him. "You look great."

"Thank you."

"How have you been?"

"Great. Um, I have a mate."


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