Chapter 28- Foods...

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Alright people, this story is being a pain in my ass because I know that Damian is pregnant, but I think that the next thing I will do is Damian like 3-4 months in the future,so that I can get a move on with this story, but I don't know. Please let me know what you think.- Mysterious(869 words)

-1 month later. March 30th-

Damian sighed as he rubbed his stomach that had been growing each day. Draco wrapped his arms around Damian and smiled.

"Have you thought of any names yet?" asked Draco

"If it's a boy I want it to be Hades Severus Riddle and if it is a girl I want it to be Layla Luna Riddle. Is that okay?"

"It's perfect, now let's go. We don't want to be late."

Damian and Draco walked to Severus' chambers where he saw His father, mother, and Healer Luke talking.

"Dad? What are you doing here?" asked Damian, hugging his father.

"Well I wanted to come and check on you." Said Tom, hugging Damian back.

"You didn't have to. We are going on break in 2 days."

"I know, but you are my child and I want to make sure that you are doing okay?"

"I am awesome. I have no more morning sickness and I can finally eat eggs again."

"Do you want to tell them about what you like to eat your eggs with?" asked Draco

"It's not that weird!"defended Damian

"It's eggs and maple syrup."

Tom, Severus, and Luke had the face of disgust. Luke smiled. "Why don't you sit down?"

Damian sat down and rolled up his shirt. "How has work been, Dad?"

"Hard and Annoying." said Tom. "People will not do anything I tell them to do."

"Alright the baby is doing wonderful, I would say at the 6 month mark you'll be able to see the gender of the baby." said Luke. "And you are 15 weeks pregnant."

"Okay!" Damian said while pulling down his shirt. "How long are you going to be staying here?"

"About another hour or two." said Tom

"Can we stay here and talk?"

"Of course." Draco sat down next to Damian and wrapped his arm around Damian's waist. There was mild conversation between everyone before Luke had to leave for another appointment.

"I have to grade papers." said Severus getting up and heading to his classroom and Tom followed.

"Okay, then. Do you want to go back to the bedroom?" asked Draco

"Yes, please." The two of them walked to the bedroom until Ron Weasley stood in front of them with his wand pointed.

"Which one of you fucked my sister and got her pregnant?!" shouted Weasley

Draco and Damian looked at each other confused until Damian spoke. "No one, not Draco, and not me. So your slut of a sister must have gotten pregnant from someone else."

Ron then throws a curse at Damian, but Damian shields himself and Draco. "Fuck off you lying pieces of shit!" shouted Ron as he kept throwing curses at them left and right.

"MR. WEASLEY!" Shouted Severus. "Fighting is prohibited in the hallways."

"They started it!" said Weasley

"Um no we didn't." said Damian, looking at Severus

"One month of detention for your mouth of yours and fighting in the hallways."


"No buts, Mr. Weasley."

Weasley sighed. "Yes, sir." As he walked away glaring at Damian and Draco. Tom rushed up behind them and pulled Damian into a hug.

"Are you okay?" asked Tom

"I am fine. I just put up a shield." said Damian, getting heavily eyed.

"Good. Now go to bed or get something to eat."

"I will."

"I love you, Damian. I will see in 3 days."

"I love you too, dad."


Damian and Draco walked to their room and Damian crashed in the bed and fell asleep. Draco sighed and sat next to him opening a book. As a few hours went by Damian woke up with a raging hunger in his stomach.



"I'm hungry."

"Okay. Do you want me to get you food?"

"Yes please."

"What do you want?" asked Draco, rubbing Damian's head.

"A turkey and cheese sandwich with mayo. Then for dessert I want ice cream and soy sauce."

Draco's eyes widened. "Soy sauce?"


"Alright. I'll be back."

Draco got up and left while Damian curled up under the covers and was about to fall back asleep until the door opened again and Draco was standing there with food.

"That was quick." said Damian, sitting up.

"I had the food already made, I just asked for a side of soy sauce."

Damian grinned "Thank you." Draco handed him the plate with the sandwich and put the ice cream on the nightstand.

"Did you do your homework?" asked Draco


"Good. I don't want you to fall behind."

"Please. I won't." Damian inhaled his sandwich and moved onto his ice cream with soy sauce. Damian happily munched on the ice cream while Draco was trying not to throw up.

"How was the food?" asked Draco


"Good. Now do you want me to give you a bath?"

"No. I'll take one tomorrow. I'm gonna go to bed."

"Alright. Wake me up if you want any food."

"Okay. I love you Draco."

"I love you more, Damian."

Damian closed his eyes again and fell asleep as Draco was reading his book.

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