Chapter 30- Home once again

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Hi guys I am so happy that there are this many people reading my story and it is so surprising that this many people have, sooooo thank you to almost 1.9K people reading my story. Only a few more day's left of school where I live, so that means I will be able to post more often over the summer. So I hope that you enjoy this chapter and I hope you have a great Friday and weekend, btw I stayed up late to write this. Which I should not have done.-Mysterious (Pic above is Orion, Damian's kitten) (1045 words)

-2 days later. Tuesday June 3rd 10:30am-

Damian woke up happily and humming to himself as he took a shower and got dressed. Damian went up to Draco who was still sleeping and kissed him.

"Wake up, Draco."

"Hmm let me sleep."

"We get to go home today."

Draco's eyes fluttered open. "Why are you so happy?"

"Because we have had non-stop sex and we get to go home today finally."

Draco smiled and kissed Damian. "I'm up now."

"Come on, get packed, I wanna go home."

"Dam, I just got up."


"Let me get a shower and how about you pack for me while I am in there."

"Okay!" Draco headed to the bathroom, while Damian opened Draco's trunk and started to pack all of his clothes. He opened up the sock drawer and saw a small velvet box, curiously Damian opened it and saw the most beautiful ring ever. It had a silver band and on top was a bright blue sapphire with diamonds around it. Damian closed the box and put it in Draco's trunk. He couldn't stop thinking of when Draco would pop the question, but he decided it probably wouldn't be until the baby was born. Draco walked out of the shower and saw Damian sitting on the bed reading a book.

"All done?" asked Draco, taking the clothes that Damian set out for him.


Draco smiled and kissed Damian on the lips. "I have a plan."

"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"

"A good plan. I want to take you out on a date."


"Yes. My parents know this really good Italian restaurant in London that I would go to as a kid."

"When would we go? The baby is going to be due in about 3 ish months."

"I know, we could go for your birthday?"

"Okay! But you have to promise me that we will get ice cream afterwards."

"I promise that you will get ice cream."

"Yes, thank you."

"You are very welcome. Now let's get going, I don't want to be here any longer."

"Yeah me neither." Damian got up and shrunk his and Draco's trunk. The two of them walked to Severus' chambers and saw that he looked tired. "Mum?"

"Damian." Severus got up and hugged his son. "How are you feeling?"

"Great, but How are you?"


"Is everything okay?"

"No. Ronald Weasley is being charged with Sexual Assault and Rape of an underage girl and that goes for Ginerva Weasley and Hermione Granger. So you two will have to be witnesses in court."

"What?!" Shouted Damian and Draco at the same time

"Yes, because I am assuming that you heard that Mr. Weasley drugged Pansy and then raped her."

"Yeah, Draco and I walked into the common room and saw that Pansy and Blaise were fighting about that because Blaise thought that Pansy had cheated on him with Weasley." said Damian, leaning onto Draco

"The court date is July 14th."


"Let's get going."


"Yes, Damian."

"Are you going to be teaching next year?"

"I don't think so, why?"

"Because I think that I will want to take my classes from home, so I can take care of my child."

"I will look into that. I want to get home and sleep in my own bed."

"With Dad." smirked Damian


Damian and Draco stepped into the fireplace and grabbed a handful of green powder. "The Riddle Manor!" Shouted Damian and Draco

The two of them got there with Severus following behind them. They saw Tom sitting on the couch with a glass of red wine in his hands and a book. Tom got up and kissed Severus on the lips.

"Are you okay?" whispered Tom

"No. I haven't been feeling the greatest lately."

"Boys why don't you go to Damian's room and unpack." said Tom

"Okay!" Damian rushed up to his room and saw Orion sitting on his bed. "Orion! My baby! Oh I have missed you so much." Damian grabbed the kitten that had grown the last time that he had seen him and started to kiss his poor head.

"Should I be jealous?" asked Draco.

"Why? Because I am giving kisses to someone other than you?"


Damian shook his head and laid on the bed and moaned. "Oh it is good to be home!" Damian put Orion on his stomach and he immediately started to purr and needed his stomach. "That's a baby growing inside of me, Orion."

"Do you want me to unpack?" asked Draco

"Yes please."

-With Severus and Tom in the living room-

"Do you think that you are pregnant again? I mean we haven't had sex since we made Damian." said Tom, holding Severus

"I don't know, but I have been throwing up everything and I haven't been able to sleep lately."


"Probably. Merlin knows that these few months have been hell, with my son getting pregnant at 16, Dumbledore being murdered, and The trail."

"Why don't you go to our room and take a nice warm bath and go to bed?"

"That sounds wonderful, but I don't want to get up."

Tom chuckled. "Then take a nap here."


And before Tom knew it, Severus was sleeping on his lap and Tom went back to reading his book and drinking his wine.

-Back with Damian and Draco-

Draco sighed and laid down right next to Damian. "So are you happy that you are home now?"

"Very much."

"Are you hungry?"

"No, I had a big lunch, while you were in the shower."

"Well what do you want to do?"

"Cuddle and take a nap."

"Fine by me." Draco wrapped his arms around Damian and Orion cuddled on Damian's side and all 3 of them quickly fell into the realm of dreams.

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