Chapter 22

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(Dipper pov)

I weakly pull at the handcuff but it's no use. I was never very strong to begin with. There's no pissible way that I can just magically break out of these handcuffs.

He's been gone for hours.

Where is he? He shouldn't be one for this long. Should I go after him? Even if I could, I can't get out of these stupid handcuffs. I know that I shouldn't give a damn about him, especially after everything he's done to me. But all of me can't stop from caring about him. I want to keep him safe and know that he just wants to protect me as well.

Do I love him? That's crazy, isn't it? But more importantly, does he love me? Is it even possible for him to feel any emotions like love?

I'm pulled out of my thoughts as I hear the motel room door open and close. I hear footsteps come closer and a hand pushes open the bathroom door.

Bill stands there, dried blood completely covering both of his hands. He walks over to me, kneeling down and turning y head slightly to look at the cut on my head. "Nasty cut.....but at least it won't need any stitches."

He takes a key out of his pocket and frees me from the handcuff. He helps me to my feet before he has me sit on the bed. He gets a first-aid kit from the bathroom before sitting next to me.

I wince sharply as he cleans the cut. "Fucking hold still already."


".....Who did you call?"

"One of my great uncles."

"The ex police chief or DA?"

"DA. I didn't tell him anything if that's what you're trying to ask."

"I wasn't trying to ask anything."

"I just.....I just needed him to know that I was at least alive. That you hadn't killed me yet."

"You know wh I reacted the way I did when I saw you on the phone, don't you?"

"Yes, and it won't happen again I promise."

"I'll hold you to that."

"Where did you go?"

"Called the police and gave them a false tip on where we might be, just to throw them off of our trail for now."

"What about the blood on your hands?"

"The bitch in the room next door was saying we were being too loud and that she was going to call the police on us and file a noise complaint."

"Won't her murder just draw more attention to us?"

"I did it all in her motel room. No one should find her body for maybe a week or so. We'll have to be long gone by then. The fucking bitch was annoying anyway." He puts a band-aid on the cut. "That should do it."

"Bill, can I ask you something?"

"Fire away."

"Do.....Do you think that you could possibly love me at all?"

"You know that a psychopath like me can't feel things like emotions or empathy."

"I know....."

"But you are different. You make me feel a whole variety of different emotions."

"Like what?"

"A lot of the time anger. When you took those pills, I know that I was sad and scared. When you listen and don't fight all the time I feel happy. But you also make me feel something that I can't define. I can't say for certain if it's love, but this might be the closest thing to love that you will get from me."

He puts his hand on my cheek making me face him as his lips connect with mine. I surprise myself when I find myself kissing him back.

There's no turning back. I've truly fallen for him despite knowing what he's capable of. I'm trapped with him forever, and for the first time since I've met him, I don't mind being trapped. As long as it's with him then there is no where else that I would rather be.

I barely notice when he slips my shirt off of me before stripping his off. He puts his hands on my shoulders roughly pushing me back on the bed as he climbs on top of me, his hands quickly sliding off both of our jeans.

He bites down hard on my right shoulder, feeling it bleeding slightly and suprising myself when it makes me softly moan.

His tongue licks away the blood as he puls my boxers off me. He kisses up my neck as he forces himself into me with no warning. I bite down on my tongue hard, keeping my painful whimpers to myself, as he thrusts into me rough and hard.

He grabs a handful of my hair painfully yanking my head back before his mouth attacks mine.

My moans are muffled as I feel him thrusts into me harder. My arms find themselves wrapped loosely around his shoulders, pulling him closer as I kiss him back.

He abruptly breas away from the kiss as he lowers his head to my ear. My body shudders feeling his breath hit my skin.

"You are mine, Pinetree. You always have been and always fucking will be. Don't you ever fucking forget that."

"Yours....." I find myself muttering in agreement without really processing what I said before his mouth attacks mine once again.

His mouth moves down leaving small bites down my neck. I gasp feeling his hand grab my member, pumping it in time with his thrusts. Each time it feels like I'm about to reach my climax he slows down again and doesn't speed up again until the feeling has faded. He's torturing me like this. The worst part is that he knows exactly what he's doing too.

He bites down hard on my shoulder again and I moan loudly as he finally lets me fully reach my climax and cum onto the bed.

He plants one last kiss on my lips before he pulls out of me flops back onto the bed right besides me. His arms snake themselves loosely around my waist pulling me closer, the covers loosely covering us from the waist down.

"Fucking hell, Pinetree. You sure know how not to dissapoint." His fingers trail down my back. "If  it wasn't this late, I would have done a lot more things with you."

I can't even properly think of an answer. I just let sleep overtake me.

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