Chapter 11

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(Dipper pov)

Hearing the basement door open I open my eyes, light streaming into the room as Bill leans on the doorframe. "Morning, darling." He makes his way to me and kneels down, his fingers running through my hair and down the back of my neck. "Did you have a good night's sleep?"

"Of course I didn't."

"Why not?"

"The ground is cold and uncomfortable."

"Well that's what you get for leaving after I specifically said to stay put. And that cabin got taken over by those fucking pigs."

"Then where are we?"

"Somwhere that is none of your damn business. Now, if you would like some breakfast all you have to do is ask nicely."

"....C-Can I please have some breakfeast? I am just so hungry that it hurts."

"Fine. But I'll be keeping an especially close eye on you."

He unlocks the chains from the floor and stands up pulling on the chain hard. I wince, the cold metal cutting into my wrists, as I shakily rise to my feet.

He wraps the end of the chain around his hand as he leads me upstairs to the kitchen. He forces me to sit in the chair at a table as he puts the end of the chain on a hook he has sticking out of the wall. He sets a bag of chips in front of me. I look at him suspiciously, noticing that the bag was already open.

"Why is the bag open?"

"Because I was eating them earlier."

"You didn't drug them?"

"Of course not. Only a psycho would try to posion potato chips."

"But you are a psycho."

"Just eat the fucking chips before I change my mind and just throw them away instead."

I slowly reach into the bag pulling out a chip. I give it a quick sniff, not smelling anything unusual, before I pop the chip into my mouth. I sigh in relief that it actually does taste like a normal chip.

"I'm going to be doing some repairs outside. You just sit tight and enjoy your snack. I'll fix you a proper meal in about an hour or so." He stands behind me gripping my shoulders tightly as I feel him kiss the back of my head. His grip on my shoulders gets painfully tight as he leans down to my ear. "I'm serious about you staying put. You do not want to keep testing me or things will only get so much worse for you."

He lets go and walks out the kitchen door to outside. I hear what I think is a woodchipper.

I finish the rest of the chips before looking down at the shackles around my wrists. I can't stop trying to get away but I can't go back to my family. That will only put them in more danger again.

Maybe after I get far away from him, I can call in a favor with Jones and have them put into the witness protection program. They won't like it but it's their best chance of being safe from Bill's insanity.

I reach into my pocket hoping it's still there and sigh in relief when my fingers grab onto the paper clip that I always kept handy just in case.

I unfold the paper clip and insert it into the lock of the shackles, fiddling it around until I hear the satisfying sound of the shackles being unlocked.

The shackles fall to the ground as I stand up and peek out of the kitchen window. Just like back at the cabin, forests seem to stretch out for miles all around for as far as I can see. I watch as he throws some branches into the woodchipper before I duck down making sure that he can't see me.

I go to the living room trying to open the front door but it's locked from the inside. I look out the window seeing a car sitting in the driveway. That's my ticket out of here.

I try to open the window but find it's nailed closed. There is one thing I could do but it will be loud so I'll have to move fast and hope to fucking God that he doesn't hear it.

I slam my elbow against the window, glass shattering and cutting my elbow. I climb out the window as I hear the back door slam open. I run to the car getting in as I search around for a key but can't find one. Fuck! I don't have time to try and hotwire this piece of shit!

I scream as he grabs my arm pulling me out of the car, his nails digging into my arm as he throws me onto the ground.

He kicks me onto my back as he sits himself on top of my waist. His hands clamp around my throat tightly cutting off all my air supply. I claw at his wrists, my legs kicking uselessly underneath him as I struggle desparetly for air.

"You useless cunt! I gave you fair warning not to keep pissing me off. All you had to do was stay seated until I came back and everything would have been fine. But you had to go and make things more complicated."

I grab a handful of dirt throwing it into his eyes.

He clutches his eyes yelling in pain. Taking advantage of this I shove him off of me and take off running into the forests, hearing him yelling angrily behind me.

"Pinetree! You fucking stupid bitch! I'll make you pay for this!"

I feel tree branches scrape against my clothes and skin, almost feeling like they're reaching out towards me and trying to grab me.

Focus, Dipper, fucking focus! You have to get the hell out of here. Getting out alive is all that matters right now.

I stumble out onto a dirt road, panting and trying to catch my breath. I look down the road as I get blinded by headlights and before I can even think, the car hits me and pain erupts everywhere.

The pain intensifies in my right leg as I try to move it and I feel a numbness down at my toes.

My eyes widen in horror as Bill steps out of the car and makes his way towards me. I weakly try to crawl away but it's useless as eh grabs me and pulls me back against his chest. I struggle against him, feeling him petting my hair.

"Oh so sad, my little Pinetree. All that effort for nothing."

"Let me go you fuck!"

"So vulgar. No no no, that just won't do."

He holds a cloth tightly over my mouth and nose. I struggle realizing too late what it is.

My body feels weak and darkness overtakes everything, my last hope of escape gone in a blink of an eye.

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