New comers

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My brother aonung and roxto were messing around while me and my sister tsireya were sitting at the edge of the reef with our feet in the water. We were talking about how we can't wait to see the tulkun in a few months. Me and my spirit sister have a lot to catch up on. As I was about to get up I feel a pair of hands grab onto my waist and pull me into the water. My boyfriend roxto had pulled me in I get to the surface and he's laughing with aonung. "Roxto I'm gonna kill you I was about to call my ilu" antiri told him as she splashed some water at him. "Oh it's on" roxto told his girlfriend. Antiri quickly swims away as roxto chases after her. She is a very fast and powerful swimmer but so it roxto they both are considered the fastest swimmers out of the metkayani clan. What throws them off is a sudden horn going off. They both look at each other with confusion and see ikran flying above them. Roxto pulls Antiri close to him"let's go with aonung and tsireya"

Antiri stays with tsireya while roxto and aonung go check it out first. "Come on Antiri let's go see who it is" tsireya told Antiri while starting to swim away."n- oh my gosh we're gonna die" Antiri said while catching up to tsireya.

When they got to the sand everyone was forming a crowd at roxto and aonung were making fun of how they are built. They are omatikaya people we've heard about them but they look as they were described. Me and tsireya got out of the water already making eye contact with the new people. I make my way to roxto and I stand behind him. "Is that supposed to be a tail" aonung said and tsireya quickly reacted and slapped aonung. Roxto was about to laugh but I was quick to let go of his hand and hit him. He gives me a what look and I just roll my eyes and I start to play with his bracelet he's always kept on since I made it for him when we first started talking. One of the otmatikaya children say hi to tsireya which causes her to giggle. I grab roxtos hand and my parents make their way through the crowd to the new comers. The omatikaya people gesture the I see you to my father and mother. As they are chatting I feel a pair of eyes staring at me I look up from playing with roxtos bracelet I made him and I see the oldest son staring at me. He quickly looks down and his cheeks go red. I laugh and shake my head soon I hear both mothers going at it both hissing at eachother." I apologize for my wife-" jake said to my mom. "Don't apologize for me" neytiri said to jake but was quickly cut off."we've had a long flight and she's exhausted" jake said "ma jake" neytiri scoffs and looks away pissed off.

After some conversation they my father made his decision."Toruk makto and his family will stay treat them as your brothers and sisters, help guide them they will be like babies taking their first breath" my father says to our people. All of toruk maktos family says thank you. "My son aonung and two daughters Antiri and tsireya will help train your children and will show you to your new home" my father says. "But father" aonung tries to argue"it's been decided" my father says back. "Me and my sister will show you to your hut" tsireya tells them. "I'll see you later ma roxto" Antiri tells roxto. "See you later I love you" roxto tell her and kisses her forehead."I love you too" Antiri tells him as she's getting dragged away by her sister. Roxto leaves with aonung and his friend group.

As we're walking to their hut the smallest is having a blast on our walk way jumping up and down. Soon we get to their hut "this will be your new home" tsireya tells them. "This can work thank you" jake tells us but neytiri just drops the rug on the floor with a thud sound. We leave to give them some space to get situated. "Wait I forgot to tell them that dinner is at eclipse" Antiri tells tsireya. I quickly walk back and I see them having a talk I decide to clear my throat. "Sorry for interrupting but I forgot to tell you guys that dinner is at eclipse. Also me and my siblings have decided to start training tomorrow so you have time to rest." Antiri tells the family." Thank you" I nod and I look up seeing the same child staring at me with a smile. I smile back and walk away."who has you smiling like that" tsireya asks me. "It's not like that sister I'm with roxto and we both love each other" Antiri tells tsireya. She rolls her eyes and we walk back to the beach. I see roxto sitting on a rock by himself. I frown and walk over to him "roxto what's wrong" he turns to me and he seems sad. " nothing just thinking" roxto tells me. "There's something wrong I'm not stupid" Antiri tells roxto. "I'm scared of loosing you, I-I see the way that sully kid looks at you-" before her could go any further Antiri interrupts him. "That's not going to happen I love you ma roxto so much nothing is going to change between us" Antiri says reassuring her lover. She's now sitting on top of his legs facing him. She kisses him on the forehead than on the lips and he kisses back. She pulls away and pulls him in into her chest his head laying there and a few tears escaping from his eyes. She holds him for a little while with a few kisses here and there. They get interrupted with aonung splashing them both with water. Antiri immediately stands up"aonung!"Antiri I yells. Roxto gets up and starts chasing him. They start to play around again just how they were in the water earlier. "Aonung Antiri it's almost time for dinner!" I look up and see it's almost eclipse "shit" I say to myself . "Aonung let's go mother wants us to look nice for dinner tonight" I tell aonung. Roxto splashes him one last time before making his way to me he picks me up and puts me over his shoulder. I laugh and shriek as he picks me up. He sets me down a couple feet before we get to my hut. "I'll see you at dinner my antiri" roxto says before kissing his lover bye.
"Come so I can do your hair" ronal tells her daughters. "Mother I can do my own" Antiri tells her mother. "Fine but don't take long it's almost time for dinner we will also be celebrating our new member to our clan so you and your sister will be singing at tonight's dinner"ronal tells them. I get dressed in my more fancier attire that that purple pearls and shellls. I add purple pearls into my head and I put on my necklace roxto made me for our 1yr anniversary. Once we're all ready we walk to the dinner. We walk infront while our parents are behind us. Once we get there they all turn their attention to us. I look up and I see the sully kid staring at me. He smiles again and looks away. A small smirk starts to form but I quickly stop myself. Tsireya nudges me and smiles I roll my eyes and shake my head no. "For a warm welcome both of my daughters will be singing a traditional Navi song" ronal tells the clan. Me and tsireya both walk to the platform and start singing our traditional song. Everyone claps at the end while some of the mates have finished dancing. They all go back to their places to enjoy dinner. I sit next to roxto and I lay my head on his shoulder. "What's wrong antiri" roxto asks me "i don't know I have a weird feeling" I tell him. "What do you mean" he asks her "I have no clue if I'm being honest I just fee a different vibe" I say back. He nods his head and kisses my head. I sit back up and roxto puts his hand on my thigh. We start to eat and talk about what we are going to be doing for training tomorrow. Soon dinner was done and it was time for us to go to bed. "Mom do you think me and roxto could go for a late night swim his parents already said yes" I ask my parents. "Yes but please don't-" tonowari gets cut off "I know dad we haven't done it in the past year what makes you think we're gonna mate now" Antiri tells her father."go have fun and stay safe" tonal tells her daughter. They both start walking to their spot where they always meet at or when something goes wrong. Once we get there he picks me up and we spin around for a little then he sets me down. "Did I mention how beautiful you look today" roxto tells me I blush a little. "Aw thank you I saw you with your mouth open when we walked it" I tease him a bit" what I can't admire my beautiful girlfriend" roxto asks. I roll my eyes "I'm not beautiful I felt like shit today" I say "well your wrong you looked amazing today and you look beautiful everyday" roxto tells me as he wraps his arms around my waist. "Oh really" I teasingly ask him. He nods and starts to kiss me he starts to get really touchy our kiss starts to get heated he picks me up and I wrap my legs around him before it could go anywhere we hear someone clearing their throat. We both break apart and we see aonung standing there. I bury my face in roxtos chest as he sets me down gently.  "Tsireya wanted me to come tell you that we are starting early tomorrow so don't try to stay up late and make sure your able to swim and walk tomorrow" aonung says covering his eyes. "AONUNG" I say in embarrassment "what I'm just saying cause what I just walked in-" roxto cuts off aonung "it wasn't going to go that far we're not doing any of that till we're officially mated" I smile at him and nod. "Whatever you say just don't get" I quickly move to the water and splash him." Ahhhh Ok ok I'm leaving" he starts running then says "don't get pregnant"  he laughs then enters our hut. I told my eyes and roxto pulls me back in and kisses me. "We should go for our swim then head to our spot to sleep since we gotta get up early" roxto tells me when he pulls away. I frown and nod he grabs my hand and we went for our swim. We didn't pay attention to how fast time passes by underwater. We eventually got out and went to our "hut" we made and we lay down. "Goodnight ma Antiri I love you" roxto tells me "I love you to ma roxto" he kisses me and we start to cuddle and end up falling asleep.

Hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Yes we're with roxto FOR NOW we're eventually going to be with our neteyam. But I plan on neteyam and Antiri to get together before the tulkun arrive. I'm planning out how our relationship with roxto will end but for now he is our because I believe roxto needs more recognition. Leave any comments or suggestions if you have any and if I should continue writing my stories this way.

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