Talk of the clan

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I was feeding the ilu when I hear a group of guys laughing behind me. I turn around and see that they are looking at me. I roll my eyes when one of them calls me. I look back and he's smirking at me. "Wanna meet me in the forest trust me you won't regret it" he winks and smiles. "No thank I'm okay" I say and go back to feeding the ilu. I hear his buddies and laugh and he comes up to me. "Come one baby you won't regret it." He says and puts his hand on my ass. It causes me to drop the food into the ocean and all the ilu start to eat it. "I SAID NO" Antiri pushes the guy back. "You let forest boy tap that but won't even let your own people in. Come one let me just show you now" he says and starts to grab me. I push him off of me and he counties touching me. "HEY LEAVE HER ALONE" I look and I see Jake with Tuk. "Can you leave us alone well like some privacy" he says and puts his arm around my waist which cause me to throw it off of me. "I said leave her alone your pervert. She has a boyfriend and I will not let you treat my son's girlfriend like this" jake says and pulls me behind him. "Just wait till tonowari and ronal hear about this I bet they won't take it easy. "Ok and" he laughs and starts to walk away. "THE OFFER IS STILL ON THE TABLE ANTIRI MEET ME IN THE WOODS AFTER ECLIPSE IT WONT BE A NIGHT TO FORGET." He says and his friends all laugh and joke. "I'm sorry Tuk you had to hear that" jake apologizes and picks up Tuk. "It's okay are you ok tiri" Tuk says since she can't pronounce my name correctly. "Yeah I'm ok" I lie and give her a smile. I look back and the ilu are gone. "I'm gonna head home jake can you let neteyam know I'm home" Antiri says since neteyam has been busy with warrior training. Jake nods his head. "If they bother you again let me know Antiri I don't know how kids can act like this" jake says. "I will thank you so much jake" Antiri says and walks off.

She's crying while walking back to her hut. As she gets closer to her hut she wipes her tears away and tries not to make it seem like she's been crying. "Hey Antiri we picked some fruit today it's your favorite if you want any"ronal tells her daughter as she's cutting some for herself. "Ok thank you mom I'll get some later I'm a little bit tired" Antiri makes up an excuse. "Do you feel sick" tonowari questions. "No I'm just tired I didn't get much sleep last night" Antiri lies once again. "Okay well wake you up before eclipse for dinner" ronal tells her daughter and continues cutting the fruit.
Antiri wasn't able to enter her slumber on how fast neteyam had come over to her hut. "Is she asleep?"neteyam questions her parent. They nod in agreement and he  lays next to Antiri. She turns over and rests her head on neteyams chest and wraps her arms around him. A tear slips out of her eyes and he looks down at her. She moves her head down because she didn't want to talk about it infront of her parents.

Antiris parents had to leave because they had a meeting and neteyam ended up falling asleep too. Angie wakes up and sees neteyam next to her. She remembers what happened and started crying. It cause neteyam to jolt awake and sit up bringing Antiri into a hug. "Baby what's wrong" neteyam asks with concern on his face. "The people are starting to treat me like an object. They tried to get in my pants but you dad stopped them and poor Tuk saw and heard everything." Antiri said in between sobs. "What did they say" neteyam questions. "He kept touching me and I kept pushing him away and he wouldn't leave me alone. He kept saying for me to meet him in the forest. It would be an unforgettable eclipse" Antiri let's put and she puts her head closer to neteyams chest and continues sobbing. Neteyam can feel her pain while Antiri can feel his anger. "Who said this to you" neteyam questions with a comforting voice still. "I don't know I've never seen him before" Antiri admits. Neteyam nods and continues to comfort his mate. "I'm always here for you baby I can stop going to training so we can get through this together" neteyam whispers to her. She shakes her head no before saying something. "No no keep going it's ok you don't have to stop doing something just for me. I'll just stay with tsireya or kiri and maybe even lo'ak when your busy" Antiri says and looking up at her lover. "Babe warrior training means noting to me your my top priority. I hate seeing you hurt like this. I'll stop going for a little bit I'm sure aonung and the trainer will understand" neteyam tells her and kisses her forehead. "Thank you for everything neteyam I'm so grateful your my one and only. I love you so much" Antiri says and cups his cheeks. "I love you more ma Antiri" neteyam says and kisses her. She kisses him back then soon pulls away. She leaves her head resting on neteyams chest.

"It's almost eclipse we have to go Antiri" neteyam says while standing up. "Why can't we just stay like this forever" Antiri argues and they both laugh. "Come on let's go eat"neteyam says while standing up. "Ugh ok" Antiri complains and reachers her hands out for neteyam to help her up.

We get there and everyone goes quiet. "No need to stare at them yes my daughter and toruk maktos daughter are now mates. Let's treat them how we treat eachother when we become mates. So we celebrate for their new begging" tonowari says interrupting the quite. Everyone claps and their moods change. We go over and sit with both of our families. "I'm sorry Antiri and neteyam it will take awhile for them to get used to you two being mates." Ronal tells both of them. "It's ok mom thank you" Antiri says and goes back to eating. She looks up and sees the same group of guys looking at her. The guy that asked her to meet him in the forest winked at her. Antiri shook her head and tried to ignore it. She moves closer to neteyam and puts her head on his shoulder. "What's wrong Antiri" neteyam questions with a concerned face. "Nothing I'm just tired" she lied but neteyam can tell. He looks up and sees the group of guys looking at her. He rolls his eyes and turns his attention to his mate. "It's gonna take time baby. You don't have to worry about anything I'm gonna be here with you till the clan adjusts to us being mates" neteyam says and kisses her head. All Antiri could do is nod and look at the guys. The one that was touching her liked his lips and moved his head for her to come over with him. It started to get so bad he started to make a peace sign and lick between his fingers. His friends seemed fine with his actions hyping him up and laughing with him. We don't know how most of the guys in the clan can do this. How disrespectful and disgusting they can be. I feel someone else staring at me and I see roxto. He looks at me with sorrow and I look away just staring at my unfinished plate. "Can we leave baby" Antiri says and picks her head up from his shoulder. "Yeah we can leave" neteyam says and stands up. "We're gonna go to the hut" neteyam says to both families. Neytiri understands how it feels to be mated with someone outside of your clan. Both parents nod and we pick up our plates and toss them in the trash. Neteyam puts his arm around my shoulders and we leave to the hut. I can still hear the guys making jokes. I turn around and they are following us. "Baby" I whisper to neteyam. "What's wrong" he says back. "They're following us" Antiri says with tears in her eyes. Scared they may do stuff to her and hurt neteyam. "Let's lose them then we can go home" neteyam says. We start to run towards the water and we dive in. Antiri calls and ilu and immediately connects her queue. Neteyam gets on and they leave to a spot only Antiri knows exists. They hear the diving and clicking from the other guys calling their ilus. Antiri tells her ilus to speed up. She goes through the seaweed and quickly dive into an opening. They entered a cave with beautiful plants and crystals. "Woah" was all neteyam could say. "I found this place when I was kid. Whenever me and my parents or siblings would get into an argument I would come here to let go of my emotions. We get off our ilu and sit on the ledge of the rock. I feel a wave of relief when they don't enter the cave. "We can just stay here tonight if you want to baby we can let them know what happened they'll understand" neteyam suggests. "Yeah we can stay" Antiri says and hugs neteyam. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me in close. Antiri tippy toes a little bit and kisses neteyam. "Can we go to bed I'm kinda sleepy" Antiri says when she pulls away. It causes neteyam to chuckle and Antiri to laugh. "Yeah we can go to sleep"neteyam says and holds her hand. They walk to an area that was comfortable to lay in. They both feel at peace once again and like time stopped.

We had fallen asleep peacefully. It's weird know your sleep in a cave underwater but it's also peaceful at the same time. We were in a deep slumber and didn't hear some Navi getting out of the water and making their way to us. I was awaken by someone taking me and neteyam apart from eachother.

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