Welcome brother

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It's the next morning and it's time for us to welcome ayino. We are getting ready i our traditional clothing to welcome him. I was doing my hair and putting pearls in my braids. I feel a pair of hands wrap around my waist. "You look beautiful" neteyam whispers in my ear and kisses my neck. I blush a little bit and finish beading the pearls into my hair. "Thank you" Antiri says and turns around. He gently pulls her in and kisses her. She smiles into the kiss then kisses him back. They pull away because they can hear someone walking their way. "Are you almost done mother is getting impatient" tsireya says with a help me face. "Yeah I just finished we can go" Antiri says and grabs onto neteyams hand. We all walk out to where we introduce our infants to the clan. They clan was already signing and dancing our traditional Navi songs and dances. We walk down the pathway but me my siblings and neteyam all stop and let my parents go to the middle with ayino.

Ayino is now apart of the metkayani clan. We all celebrate the rest of the day the new member of our clan. I've been taking care of ayino whenever my mother was busy. She hasn't had a drink in a while and she's had a couple today. Me and neteyam are sitting against a rock with ayino. Neteyam has his arm around me and is watching me play with ayino. "I can't wait to have our own" neteyam finally speaks up. Antiri smiles and looks at neteyam then back at ayino. Neteyam kisses antiris head and puts his other hand on my lap. Ayino holds onto one of his fingers and smiles. This caused me to smile and feel warm. Anyone can tell that neteyam is the sweetest and cares a lot for his loved ones. Soon my mom came back and took ayino with her so she can feed him. "Let go for a swim" neteyam says and stands up. "Okay" Antiri says and neteyam helps her up. They start walking but they are stopped by jake. "Where are you two going" Jake questions and has Tuk in his arms. "We're gonna go for a swim" neteyam says. I look around and I see spider and roxto talking to some girls that clearly have no interest in them. I grin and turn back to their conversation. "Ok be careful and make sure your back before eclipse" jake says making sure to emphasize the before. "Ok we will" neteyam says and we go off to the sand. "I'll race you" Antiri says and starts to run off. "Hey that's cheating" neteyam says and starts sprinting to catch up to her. He ends up passing her and dives into the water. Soon after antiri dives in. "No fair" Antiri says when they come to the surface. "Yeah it is fair you started before me" neteyam plays around and splashes her with water. "Oh you did not" Antiri says and looks at him in shock "oh yes I did" neteyam says and gets cut off with water being splashed back at him. They start to splashe eachother with water and laughs erupt from each of them. Neteyam swims towards her and picks her up which causes her to shriek. They start to play fight in the water before it ended up in Antiri throwing in the towel. They decided to actually go for a swim and maybe go beyond the reef. Neteyam calls for and ilu and gets on. Once he's on he helps Antiri get on behind him. She rests her head on his back and he starts to go. They go deeper down and watch the animals in peace. It's such a different experience than the surface. Neteyam and Antiri both feel at home. He wishes Antiri could see his home and experience how their life used to be. There were a family of ilu. There was the two parents and three baby ilu with them. Antiri points to them and neteyam smiles. They go to the surface so neteyam can get some air. He's gotten way better and is almost to antiris capability of staying under water for a hours. They see on reach the reef but neteyam seems hesitant. Antiri looks around and doesn't see any of the hunters around. She lets neteyam know this is their chance to go. Their first time out of the reef wasn't their best but Antiri has heard it's a different experience than inside the reef. Neteyam goes and has the ilu go over the reef. Once they go back under they see many different species they didn't see before. They are both in awe. Before they go any further they see something that looks like a tulkun but isn't a tulkun. It's chasing after a sea of fish. This caused neteyam to stop and slowly go back. The ilus tail accidentally hits some coral and it got the monsters attention. He quickly turned the ilu to go back around. The tightly grabs onto my thigh. We jump back over the reef and the animal just stays next to the reef. Me and neteyam both look at eachother in shock and both have adrenaline. "Okay maybe it's not a good idea to cross the reef without the hunters" Antiri says and starts laughing. It also causes neteyam to laugh and shake his head. "Ok let's go back before my dad kicks my ass" neteyam says and we head back to shore.

Once we got there I noticed my thigh had a red handprint ."teyam" antiri says and smacks his arm a bit. "Oh I'm sorry baby" he says and brings me into a hug. "I'm fine with your handprint being there but your dad is going to kill us" Antiri says panicking a bit. "He won't well just say the ilu sped up and I didn't want you to end up falling off of it" neteyam says reassuring Antiri. They continue to walk back to where everyone was celebrating. We suddenly hear a shriek "TIRI" we hear Tuk say and run to Antiri so she can pick her up. "Hi Tuk are you enjoying the celebration" Antiri questions and has a huge smile on her face. "Yeah you guys should come dance it's so much fun. Lo'ak is dancing tsireya and spider ditched kiri so I danced with her it's so fun" Tuk says in awe. When she mentioned spider ditching kiri it broke mine and neteyams heart. We know how much kiri was grieving and just to get shut out is horrible for her. "Why don't you go continue dancing with kiri and me and neteyam will join you guys in a bit" Antiri says. "But" neteyam tries to get out of dancing but Antiri shoots him a glare. "Yeah we will be there in a bit" neteyam gives in. Tuk squeals and rushes over to kiri. I can tell Tuk distracts kiri from her pain. I look back to roxto and spider and they both get pushed away and the group of girls leave. I laugh to myself and neteyam looks at me weird. "What are you laughing at love" neteyam asks "they just got hard core rejected" Antiri responds with a chuckle. Soon the clan is quited down and tonowari starts to speak "we will like to welcome all of the mates to the dance floor to dance our traditional Navi mate dance". Everyone cheers and neytiri waves over me and neteyam. "Come on babe I'll help you learn" Antiri says and pulls neteyam with her to be next to neytiri and jake. "I'm not sure about this" neteyam says and his mother rolls her eyes. "You'll catch on quick trust me" jake says and the music starts. Neteyam looks at what his dads doing and tries to copy him. He did catch on quickly like what his dad said. He then turns to Antiri and they both have a giant smile on their faces.

( if you guys wanna see how the dance is. It's from the first avatar and it's a deleted scene. Just look up  avatar deleted scene hunt festival)

Everyone cheers and and claps when they finish. Neteyam brings Antiri into a tight hug. Antiri opens her eyes and sees roxto hurt and jealous. She looks next to him and sees spider with a smirk on his face. Antiri ignores it and looks up to neteyam. Neteyam kisses her and she kisses him back. "We will now have our celebratory dinner everyone enjoy!" Ronal says and everyone cheers. I didn't even notice but it's already eclipse. Me and neteyam sit next to eachother and spider sits on the other side of me. This causes neteyam to pull me closer to him and keeps his arm around my waist. We start to eat and Tuk is complaining trying to move spider. "Spider just move and let her sit next to Antiri" kiri says with anger in her voice and doesn't even look at spider when she's talking to them. "Why is it such a big deal" he questions and Antiri just whispers to neteyam that Tuk can just sit in her lap. Neteyam nods his head not wanting this small scene actually start to catch people attention. "Tuk you can just sit on my lap" Antiri says and waves over Tuk. Tuk smiles and grabs her plate. She gets up and goes and sits on antiris lap. She happily eats her food and leans against Antiri. Spider rolls his eyes and shoots Antiri a glare. Neteyam sees this and sends a death glare towards spider. They're both staring at eachother soon spider looks away and continues eating. He soon just gets up and goes to sit next to roxto. Jake mouths to neteyam what happened. Neteyam mouths back "he's being dramatic". Jake rolls his eyes and nods.

It's the next day and we have to go back to the excruciating training for spider. When me and neteyam arrive he's able to ride an ilu. He isn't able to go as fast as us but he's able to ride an ilu. "Thank the great mother" Antiri whispers to neteyam and earns a chuckle. "Let's see how long you can hold your breath for" Antiri says and everyone looks back. "Let's go get off the ilu" she says and dives into the water. Neteyam is still in awe how is mate can dive into the water so angelic like. He goes in shortly after and everyone follows.  Spider gets off the ilu and takes a deep breathe. He's not bad of a swimmer but he's still far behind everyone. I can tell roxto is trying to swim faster than me and I roll my eyes. There's not time to be messing by around. Spider went up for air  almost how much the sullys went up for air. "Ok spider let's get back to shore and it's time to work on your breathing exercises so you can hold your breath longer under water." Antir says and calls an ilu. She doesn't feel like swimming back. She. Connects and neteyam gets on behind her. She rides off and everyone also calls their ilu. It's spider that lags back since he doesn't ride his ilu as fast as he should. Once they get there they are in the same spot they taught the sullys their breathing exercises. Tuk was getting bored so kiri took her to find some seashells and pearls. Antiri let's tsireya take over the breathing exercises. She does the same she did to lo'ak but you can tell spider was actually slowing down his heart beat unlike lo'ak who's heart wouldn't slow down cause tsireya was touching him. Neteyam is able to tell that lo'ak is watching spider to make sure he doesn't touch her. Me and neteyam had this suspicion that they aren't only friends anymore.

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